
distressed! High school seniors die suddenly between classes! Be careful when these signals appear...

author:Bright Net

Sudden death, a word often heard.

Many people feel that it will not happen to themselves, and they wantonly consume health.

But sudden death is far closer to us than you think.

distressed! High school seniors die suddenly between classes! Be careful when these signals appear...

According to information released by the Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Control Research Center of the Ministry of Health of China in November 2009, the number of people who lose their lives due to sudden death in China is as high as 545,000 every year. There is a case of sudden death almost every minute.

According to the Definition of the World Health Organization, sudden death due to natural diseases in a normally healthy or seemingly healthy patient is sudden death.

distressed! High school seniors die suddenly between classes! Be careful when these signals appear...

Even young people who look very healthy and physically strong may suddenly have cardiac arrest.

Why does sudden death target young people? What are the signals we should be wary of?

Why does sudden death target young people?

Sudden death can be clinically divided into sudden cardiac death and non-sudden cardiac death.

In recent years, sudden cardiac death has gradually become younger.

According to the Epidemiological Survey of 622 Cases of Sudden Death in Guangdong, published in the Chinese Journal of Forensic Medicine in 2015, men aged 31-50 had the highest number of cases of sudden cardiac death, with 32 cases and 59 cases in the "less than 20 years old" and "21-30 years old" age groups, respectively.

distressed! High school seniors die suddenly between classes! Be careful when these signals appear...

"Analysis of the Epidemic Characteristics of 5516 Cases of Sudden Autopsy Death in China" shows that the main factors affecting sudden death are emotional agitation (25.66%) and fatigue (24.53%).

Young people who often stay up late, are easily agitated, overwork for a long time, and have a family history of sudden death are at extremely high risk of sudden death. Therefore, "death by overwork" also has a certain truth.

Winter, especially in December, is the outbreak period of myocardial infarction and angina, and it is also very easy to die suddenly. The time period from 2:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. is also a high incidence of sudden death, and 30% of patients with myocardial infarction are onset around 4:00 a.m.

If young people have repeated unexplained syncope or family precedents for sudden death, the risk of sudden death needs to be vigilant.

What are the symptoms of the body before sudden death?

1. Poor breathing, chest tightness and shortness of breath

If you encounter such a condition, you must be vigilant against the risk of sudden death, which is a warning from the heart.

distressed! High school seniors die suddenly between classes! Be careful when these signals appear...

2. Dizziness and dizziness, numbness in the limbs

Dizziness means that the brain is not supplying enough blood. Syncope is particularly prone to cerebral hypoxia, which can cause irreversible damage to the brain for a long time. Therefore, dizziness and dizziness are also the most vigilant symptoms of sudden death.

3. Excessive fatigue

If you often encounter inexplicable fatigue in your life and feel that the whole person is listless, it is also a major symptom before sudden death.

distressed! High school seniors die suddenly between classes! Be careful when these signals appear...

If you work for a long time, labor intensity, psychological pressure, and feel that you are in a sub-healthy state of exhaustion, it is easy to cause sudden death.

If you continue to fatigue for more than 6 months, rest can not be relieved, while feeling memory loss, headache, sore throat, sleep disorders and other symptoms, your body is telling you: you need to rest.

How to give first aid before sudden death?

☞ To prevent sudden death, it is mainly to change daily bad habits:

1. Eat a balanced diet, have a good schedule, and don't stay up late. Staying up late is very easy to cause sudden cardiac death, especially for people with family history.

distressed! High school seniors die suddenly between classes! Be careful when these signals appear...

2. Avoid overwork and strenuous exercise. When the physical load is excessive, it may induce arrhythmias.

3. Maintain a pleasant mood and avoid overexcitement. When people are emotionally excited, their heartbeat accelerates, their blood pressure rises, and their myocardial oxygen consumption increases, which is very easy to die suddenly.

distressed! High school seniors die suddenly between classes! Be careful when these signals appear...

4. Avoid long-term smoking and alcohol abuse. These bad habits increase the risk of myocardial necrosis, induce the risk of cardiovascular disease, and cause sudden death.

5. Regular medical examinations. In addition to routine physical examinations, coronary CT and coronary angiography can identify the hidden dangers of abnormal coronary artery origin.

☞ If you notice that your body begins to show symptoms, there are four first aid measures:

1. Quiet. Don't panic, be calm, quiet and stay calm.

2. Lie down. If the body is suddenly uncomfortable, you should rest in place, do not move around, relax your whole body, and take a comfortable position.

3. Take the medicine. If you have a chronic disease, you should take medication immediately for remission.

distressed! High school seniors die suddenly between classes! Be careful when these signals appear...

4. Call the emergency number. Be sure to wait where you are, don't go to the hospital yourself, there is a good chance of ventricular fibrillation on the way.

The body is the capital of the revolution


Be sure to remember

Health first

Source: Anti-cult in China

Source: Jiangsu Police

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