
Can't drink milk and eat persimmons on an empty stomach? Many people have misunderstood... These are the things that really need to be eaten with caution

author:Shangguan News

Nowadays, everyone pays special attention to health issues, so eating is also very exquisite

Can't drink milk and eat persimmons on an empty stomach? Many people have misunderstood... These are the things that really need to be eaten with caution

And Xiaobian will often see fans in the background asking questions about the taboos of fasting, such as whether you can eat fruit on an empty stomach, whether you can drink milk, whether you can drink tea...

What can be eaten on an empty stomach and what cannot? Coco today will take you to understand the truth~

01 What exactly is the state of fasting?

To discuss whether food can be eaten on an empty stomach, we must first understand what is called an empty stomach.

From a medical point of view: an empty stomach usually refers to not eating again for 8 hours or more after the first bite of food at the last meal.

For example, during the physical examination, it is required to take an "fasting blood sample", which is the meaning.

Can't drink milk and eat persimmons on an empty stomach? Many people have misunderstood... These are the things that really need to be eaten with caution

However, in daily life, "fasting" often refers to a feeling of hunger after eating the last meal for 4 to 6 hours, and it is considered to be "empty stomach" by the public.

In other words, everyone thinks that you can't eat something on an empty stomach, and it is often said that it is not suitable for eating when you are hungry.

Is it really impossible to eat these foods on an empty stomach?

1, can not drink milk, soy milk on an empty stomach?

It is said that eating these foods with high protein content on an empty stomach will cause nutritional waste.

Theoretically, eating some starchy staple foods first, and then eating protein-rich foods, is indeed conducive to improving protein bioavailability.

Can't drink milk and eat persimmons on an empty stomach? Many people have misunderstood... These are the things that really need to be eaten with caution

Because carbohydrates are used as an energy source, protein can be better used for purposes such as maintaining muscles and repairing body tissues and organs.

But milk not only has protein, but also lactose, fat and other substances, can be prioritized for the body to supply energy, so protein is not so fast to be consumed, there is no so-called nutritional waste.

However, people with lactose intolerance are best not to drink milk on an empty stomach.

Because they cannot break down the lactose in milk into glucose and galactose, drinking on an empty stomach is more likely to lead to the accumulation of a large number of short-chain fatty acids and gases in the intestine, resulting in diarrhea, bloating and other discomforts.

2. Can't drink yogurt on an empty stomach? Eat hawthorns, oranges?

There are rumors that sour foods can be eaten on an empty stomach to aggravate stomach acidity.

Can't drink milk and eat persimmons on an empty stomach? Many people have misunderstood... These are the things that really need to be eaten with caution

Although the fruit contains organic acids, fruit acids and other acidic components, the PH value of human stomach acid is lower than these organic acids, so for the average person, eating properly on an empty stomach will not cause discomfort.

However, for people with stomach diseases (such as gastritis and gastric ulcers), the original gastric acid secretion is too much, and the fasting stomach is indeed not suitable for eating over-acidic fruits such as hawthorn and oranges, so as not to aggravate the disease.

3. Can't eat bananas on an empty stomach?

This theory says that bananas have more potassium and magnesium, and eating them on an empty stomach is not conducive to heart health.

First of all, bananas don't contain as many of these minerals as you might think!

Taking magnesium as an example, the magnesium content of 100g bananas is 43mg, while the recommended daily amount of magnesium is 350mg/day; in addition, these minerals are slowly absorbed by the body without entering the bloodstream instantaneously.

Can't drink milk and eat persimmons on an empty stomach? Many people have misunderstood... These are the things that really need to be eaten with caution

Therefore, unless you eat several pounds of bananas at a time, it is possible to destroy the balance of magnesium and potassium content in the body, but at this time, shouldn't you worry about the stomach?

However, if the patient has impaired kidney function, do not eat more or eat bananas on an empty stomach.

4. Eating persimmons and tomatoes on an empty stomach may lead to stomach stones?

There is some legitimacy to this statement.

Because persimmons and tomatoes contain a certain amount of tannic acid, under the action of stomach acid, they will stick together with protein, dietary fiber and other substances to form "persimmon stones", which may also cause acute stomach pain, abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms.

Can't drink milk and eat persimmons on an empty stomach? Many people have misunderstood... These are the things that really need to be eaten with caution

However, most of the tannic acid in persimmons and tomatoes is concentrated on the skin, while the tannic acid content in mature persimmons and tomatoes is relatively low.

Therefore, for people with healthy stomachs, eating a small amount of, ripe, skinless persimmons on an empty stomach is no problem at all; but for people with bad stomach and excessive gastric acid secretion, it is still best not to eat on an empty stomach.

Can't drink milk and eat persimmons on an empty stomach? Many people have misunderstood... These are the things that really need to be eaten with caution

In general, for normal healthy people, what to eat on an empty stomach is not so much of a box, control the amount, chew carefully and swallow slowly.

In addition, everyone's ability to accept food is different, if you are uncomfortable after eating, it is not suitable for eating on an empty stomach.

Foods that need to be eaten with caution on an empty stomach

The stomach relies on its ability to secrete gastric juice to digest food, and the gastric acid in the gastric juice is a strong acid, and excessive secretion will have an erosive effect on the gastric and duodenal mucosa, damage the mucous membrane, induce or aggravate ulcerative diseases; and too little gastric acid secretion may cause indigestion such as bloating and diarrhea.

In life, there will indeed be some foods that will make gastric juice react and stomach discomfort, especially for some specific groups, such as: people with weak digestive function, digestive tract diseases, diabetes, some things are not suitable for eating on an empty stomach.

1. Spicy, over-ice or overheated food

Eating too spicy food on an empty stomach will stimulate a large amount of gastric acid secretion, easily damage the gastric mucosa, and cause stomach pain, cramps, diarrhea and other symptoms.

Can't drink milk and eat persimmons on an empty stomach? Many people have misunderstood... These are the things that really need to be eaten with caution

And overiced, overheated food may also cause physical damage to the gastric mucosa and weaken the barrier effect of the gastric mucosa.

2, coffee, strong tea, wine

The caffeine contained in coffee and tea will stimulate gastric acid secretion, especially the high content of caffeine in strong tea, and regular fasting will stimulate the gastrointestinal digestive system.

Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach, first, alcohol is easy to irritate the gastric mucosa, causing gastritis and gastric ulcers; second, alcohol is more easily absorbed, causing drunkenness.

Can't drink milk and eat persimmons on an empty stomach? Many people have misunderstood... These are the things that really need to be eaten with caution

However, this kind of thing is not only not to drink on an empty stomach, but also to drink less when you can usually drink less.

Edited by / Huang Qianwen

Information/High Quality Of Life Home

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