
A virus more terrible than the new crown, the Black Death in the Middle Ages, took 25 million lives in 6 years

author:Tease history meeting

Although the new crown virus has only been around for more than two years since its inception, it has brought great disasters to people all over the world in these two years. According to the statistics of relevant departments, a total of 231,408,015 people have been infected worldwide in the past two years, the cumulative number of deaths has reached 5,140,910, and hundreds of thousands of cases are increasing every day, and the international situation cannot be delayed.

In fact, there have been many outbreaks of virus crises in the history of the world, and although there are not many of them on such a large scale, it is not nothing. For example, the Outbreak of the Black Death in the Middle Ages in Europe was more than enough, and in just 6 years, it swept through Europe, eventually claiming 25 million lives, accounting for nearly 1/3 of the total population of Europe at that time.

A virus more terrible than the new crown, the Black Death in the Middle Ages, took 25 million lives in 6 years

The Black Death was more terrible than the new crown

The Black Death, also known as the plague or plague, is a potent infectious disease that is mainly transmitted by rat fleas. In ancient times, science and technology were not developed, so it was not particularly well understood and less treated for this disease. Due to the very poor environment in Europe in the Middle Ages, the phenomenon of open defecation was very serious, even in bustling palaces. More seriously, both nobles and commoners thought that bathing was a terrible thing, and only those who were deeply sinful needed water to purify their bodies and souls, resulting in most of them only bathing two or three times in their lives, which showed how many bacteria were hidden in their bodies.

A virus more terrible than the new crown, the Black Death in the Middle Ages, took 25 million lives in 6 years

It is said that Europeans invented perfume to hide their smell. In fact, there have been many plagues in history, but there has never been such a terrible time as the European Middle Ages, mainly because this living environment provides very favorable conditions for the development and expansion of the virus.

The spread of the Black Death in Europe

The virus is said to have first appeared in the southern Italian port city of Messina, which did not attract much attention at the time. Those who carried the virus quickly spread to other countries in Europe by land and water. Due to the strong spread of the Black Death, the fatality rate is also quite high. He died a few days after the disease, so the widespread death of people directly shocked the whole of Europe.

A virus more terrible than the new crown, the Black Death in the Middle Ages, took 25 million lives in 6 years

Although Venice sensed something was wrong and took corresponding quarantine measures, they ignored one thing: the rats carrying the virus on the ship. Rats carrying Y. pestis on board sneaked directly into Venice while the ships were isolated, causing the Black Death to spread directly in Venice. It then entered the central cities of Pisa and Italy and spread around, and soon the virus swept directly across France, Britain, and then began to expand to northern and eastern Europe, and finally ended in Russia.

A virus more terrible than the new crown, the Black Death in the Middle Ages, took 25 million lives in 6 years

The impact of this large-scale outbreak of the Black Death on Europe was very large, many villages after its passage, not more than half of the original survivors, and many villages protected the city to the point of ten rooms and nine empty, which was very frightening and shocking. In addition to the relatively strong virus, the outbreak of plague has a lot to do with the living environment in Europe at that time, after all, this dirty and chaotic environment is the most likely to trigger the virus crisis.

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