
The | of boutique anime resources | 21.11.18| Violet Eternal Garden| chinese and Japanese subtitles| BDrip 100.3G

author:Japanese language learning resource sharing
The | of boutique anime resources | 21.11.18| Violet Eternal Garden| chinese and Japanese subtitles| BDrip 100.3G

Violet Eternal Garden

Director: Taiichi Ishida / Haruka Fujita /

Masuharu Kinoue / Yasuhiro Takemoto /

Taiichi Ogawa / etc...

Writers: Reiko Yoshida / Tatsuhiko Urata /

Takaaki Suzuki / Kana Koji

Starring: Yui Ishikawa / Taketo Koyasu /

Daisuke Nanagawa / Aya Endo /

Aung Hui Uchiyama / etc...

Genre: Drama / Animation

The prototype of the later typewriter was invented by Dr. Orlando for the blind and unable to write the novelist's wife, who called it an "automatic handwriting doll", and later became the name of the entire ghostwriting community. Women who work as writers are called "automatic handwriting dolls".

The | of boutique anime resources | 21.11.18| Violet Eternal Garden| chinese and Japanese subtitles| BDrip 100.3G

The girl who lost both hands due to the war and was later fitted with a prosthetic leg, Violet Evegarden, is a member of the C. H Postal Company's "Automatic Handwriting Puppet".

The | of boutique anime resources | 21.11.18| Violet Eternal Garden| chinese and Japanese subtitles| BDrip 100.3G

In order to be able to understand the words conveyed by those who are important on the battlefield, she goes to different places, embarks on a journey to find out what "love" is, ghostwrites for different clients, and turns each other's thoughts and thoughts into letters to pass on important words.

The | of boutique anime resources | 21.11.18| Violet Eternal Garden| chinese and Japanese subtitles| BDrip 100.3G


~ Chunichi Subtitles ~

Painting so well

The resources also reached 4K image quality

Go see this with a normal heart

Don't care about the comic reviews

Will get their truest thoughts

The | of boutique anime resources | 21.11.18| Violet Eternal Garden| chinese and Japanese subtitles| BDrip 100.3G

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