
Dangerous Relationships (Miniature Novel)

author:Nanxi Clear Spring
Dangerous Relationships (Miniature Novel)

Fan Zong, who has been in the battlefield for a long time, has been a little annoyed recently, a kind of unsolvable annoyance.

In his forties, his hair is getting less and less, his brain is getting brighter and brighter, his mood is getting worse and worse, and he often gets home from the indiscriminate bombardment of his daughter-in-law's cannon fire, and he can't stand it, and his hair swells; Don't go home, the lover Xiao Liang is forced to be annoyed. Xiao Liang did not want a name, and the wife over there had to have a statement; This side is not willing, that side can't, like sitting on a powder keg.

Fan Zong's secret relationship with his mistress Xiao Liang has been five years. When I think about it, it was a very warm, it was an early spring evening, Fan Zong entertained customers in the hotel, and the lonely Xiao Liang who had just divorced was also eating at this restaurant. When paying the bill, the two met unexpectedly, a successful person, a lonely young woman, a gold worshipper, a generous man, a woman who divorced after two years of marriage, less than thirty, a man who had just achieved quite an achievement in his career for forty, and added WeChat to each other after greeting each other.

Whether it was fate or robbery, no one can say clearly, and no one has thought deeply about it. With the first date, there is a second exchange, with the first ambiguity, there is N times of happiness. Xiao Liang became Fan Zong's underground lover, which is a fact.

How does the daughter-in-law Wang Xiaomei know their relationship, Fan Zong does not know? He and Wang Xiaomei are young plum bamboo horses, his son has gone to college, no matter how mentally derailed or even physically, he does not want to destroy the family he runs, which is his first bottom line. But now Wang Xiaomei still knows that in front of him is an awkward situation and a difficult choice.

Fan Zong was born in the countryside, in order to go to college, it is not easy for his parents to shrink their clothes and food, after graduation, his wife did pay a lot, he only wanted to run the company well, did not want to pay any "peach blossom luck". Maybe it is the traditional wife and concubine residue in the bones, the fluke of sleeping women for free, the twisted sense of achievement, or the stimulation of marriage fatigue, the fantasy of placing a lonely soul, or the animalistic impulse on his own body, unconsciously embarking on the road of moving his heart when he meets, falling when he hugs, forgetting when he is addicted, can't forget it when he wants to break up, and he can't be blackened and worried. At the beginning of the exchange, Fan Zong drew three bottom lines for Xiao Liang: First, the principle of economic compensation. He knew that money was the basis for maintaining a lover's relationship. The second is the principle of limitation. That is, we must not ask each other too much, do not have non-divided thoughts, non-divided greed, so that there should be more spiritual communication and less economic exchanges; the days will still be lived, and the children will still be raised. The third is the principle of non-interference. It is not to interfere with each other's life, not to interfere in each other's choices, not to affect family harmony; treat each other with sincerity, respect each other, tolerate each other, care for each other, and if one day they can't get along, get together and disperse, don't hurt each other, only seek happiness, not marriage.

Fan always knows that there is now an indecent fashion, that is, some people take "lovers" as a sign of showing off their wealth, so there are "green lovers" (online lovers) who have not been owned, "red lovers" (red lovers) who have coexisted with regrets, "blue lovers (spiritual flesh lovers)" who become painful after getting them, and "purple lovers" (spiritual lovers) who have been and are happy. He and Xiao Liang are also purple lovers, but this happiness cannot withstand the wind and waves, and once the explosion is lighted, it will wither away immediately. Five years have passed, Xiao Liang has had two miscarriages for herself, and now how pale and ruthless are these agreements to mention?

He touched his bald head and asked himself with hatred: Can you get a divorce, that will be a rebellion, the wife will be separated, and the wife's shares will be dissolved as soon as the wife's shares are withdrawn. Xiao Liang, can you be willing? A dangerous relationship, a difficult choice.

In any case, it is also necessary to make sense of Xiaoliang, only to give her a financial compensation, to restrain the horse from the precipice, to brake unconditionally, and to comfort her daughter-in-law.

After thinking about it, he walked out of the office and walked to the cottage he had bought a few years ago, the once familiar and warm love nest, which would be his future sad place...

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