
"She's Coming Please Prepare": Rejecting "Menstrual Shame", a must-read menstrual guide for girls aged 9-15

author:Rambling Parenting said

The last time I came to the "great aunt", it happened that the office did not have sanitary napkins in stock, so I asked a female colleague to borrow one.

The beautiful woman is sympathetic, and also deliberately folded the A4 paper in half and put the sanitary napkin inside. Unless it is opened deliberately, no one knows what it is.

I was joking that it was all right, I didn't care about that.

However, this intimate little move does remind me that when girls go to the small supermarket to buy sanitary napkins, most of them will experience a "kind service". Female saleswomen would use black plastic bags to pack sanitary napkins, which became the default industry rule.

If you walk around the campus, carrying a small black plastic bag, and encounter a classmate passing by, the happy look seems to see through what is in the bag.

I remembered reading the history of world religions before, and found that many religions have various rules to avoid menstruating women:

Medieval Roman Catholic doctrine even stipulated that women who menstruated were not allowed to enter the church. The Orthodox Church stipulates that women who menstruate are not allowed to kiss the Passion of Christ and are not allowed to enter church for weddings. Zoroastrianism firmly believes that menstrual blood is the medium of dirt, death, and decay, and that once humans are contaminated with menstrual blood, they lose the power to confront evil.

I just didn't expect that in the twenty-first century, "menstrual shame" is still prevalent.

"She's Coming Please Prepare": Rejecting "Menstrual Shame", a must-read menstrual guide for girls aged 9-15

When it comes to sanitary napkins, there used to be a widely circulated joke.

Little Boy: I want to buy that sanitary napkin.
Waiter: Did your mother ask you to buy it?
Little Boy: No. Waiter: That's your sister?
Little Boy: No, I want to buy it.
Waiter: What do you buy sanitary napkins for?
Little Boy: I watched TV and said: With it, you can swim, skate, and play tennis!

Jokes are jokes, although the sanitary napkin advertisement is small fresh + small beautiful, but the memories brought by sanitary napkins to girls are mostly unbearable.

From the beginning of the 4th grade, as the body developed, "Is your one coming?" "It became a little secret of excitement and trepidation.

Its advent means that the girl has grown up. But the sanitary napkin was hidden there, which became the biggest heart disease of every girl. After 10 minutes of class, how to quietly take out a sanitary napkin and arrive at WC safely without being noticed is no less than a "cat and mouse game".

There are always naughty boys who will find your "sneaky" with sharp eyes, grab it, and make you famous in front of the whole class.

In contrast, in addition to the psychological trembling, the physical discomfort when facing it also makes you, who are usually happy, fall into the state of emo.

If the menstrual period is not accurate, then whether you can successfully receive the emergency of the "little angel" (our nickname for sanitary napkins) can also be tested from the side.

I still remember a girl who was isolated in her high school class, and when she got up to answer questions in class, she was full of red behind her...

"She's Coming Please Prepare": Rejecting "Menstrual Shame", a must-read menstrual guide for girls aged 9-15

Menstrual shame is not the patent of Eastern countries, and the crooked nuts on the other side of the ocean are no exception.

The New York Post published a study commissioned by THINK to 1,500 women and 500 men across the United States and found that 58 percent of women were embarrassed simply because they were menstruating.

42% of women experienced "pretending they didn't have a period," and one in five women felt ashamed of their periods due to comments from male friends.

In the UK, 14% of girls face their first menstrual period without knowing what it is.

26% of girls don't know how to deal with menstruation, 48% feel embarrassed because of menstruation, and 49% have to miss a day of school because of dysmenorrhea. 44% of women feel embarrassed when buying tampons or pads in stores. 15% of these women only buy sanitary napkins online to avoid being too embarrassed when buying offline.

Fortunately, with the evolution of civilization, more and more girls have rushed to the public and bravely spoken out.

At the 2016 Rio Olympics, swimmer Fu Yuanhui explained her poor state with the phrase "I came to menstruation", and as soon as the words came out, she made headlines on the BBC, CNN, Time, The New York Times and the British Guardian, and gained a sensational effect worldwide.
"She's Coming Please Prepare": Rejecting "Menstrual Shame", a must-read menstrual guide for girls aged 9-15

As a woman, and as a mother, I sincerely hope that my daughter can get rid of the "shame of menstruation" and treat it as a normal existence like eating and drinking water.

Although the road is still very long, the appearance of a small book still makes me see a glimmer of light, which is "She is coming, please prepare".

"She's Coming Please Prepare": Rejecting "Menstrual Shame", a must-read menstrual guide for girls aged 9-15

I have a 4-year-old chick at home, so I read a lot of books about sex education. But it was the first time I saw a menstrual book for children.

Although the official is "a menstrual encyclopedia that is more complete than the mother", in addition to the parents of their daughters and girls who enter puberty, in fact, boys should also look at it. At least in the future, for the girlfriend's menstrual period, you will not only say the cliché of "drink more hot water".

"She's Coming Please Prepare": Rejecting "Menstrual Shame", a must-read menstrual guide for girls aged 9-15

The authors are 2 women, working together across different fields of anchors, writers, and adolescent mental health doctors, making this book both interesting and practical, especially suitable for young girls aged 9-15.

"She's Coming Please Prepare": Rejecting "Menstrual Shame", a must-read menstrual guide for girls aged 9-15
"She's Coming Please Prepare": Rejecting "Menstrual Shame", a must-read menstrual guide for girls aged 9-15

Comprehensive knowledge points, small to large, to provide girls with a full range of "menstrual guides"

The book covers a wide range of knowledge, including the basics of menstruation, advice on dealing with menstrual blood, advice on how to solve menstrual poverty, how to talk about menstruation with family and friends, and even how to celebrate the first menstruation. At the end of the book, many resources for gaining menstrual knowledge and support for women are also provided.

"She's Coming Please Prepare": Rejecting "Menstrual Shame", a must-read menstrual guide for girls aged 9-15

Uncomfortable with menstruation? Don't be afraid, this is just PMS, just learn how to alleviate it.

"She's Coming Please Prepare": Rejecting "Menstrual Shame", a must-read menstrual guide for girls aged 9-15

Menstruation is coming, sanitary napkins are not the only choice Oh, menstrual cups, tampons can be used according to personal circumstances.

Compared with dry words, or other people's "can only understand the ineffable" fragments, illustrated and textual explanations are what we need most!

"She's Coming Please Prepare": Rejecting "Menstrual Shame", a must-read menstrual guide for girls aged 9-15

The illustration style is playful and cute, and the expression is flexible and diverse, so that the girls can grasp the full range of menstrual knowledge

For adolescent girls, dense text descriptions are certainly more intimate than cartoon illustrations.

I like this little girl with different sizes too much, refuse to be ashamed, and start now

"She's Coming Please Prepare": Rejecting "Menstrual Shame", a must-read menstrual guide for girls aged 9-15

Girls of different skin colors, different countries, and different ages in the book, with their inner monologues, make people feel relaxed and interesting.

"She's Coming Please Prepare": Rejecting "Menstrual Shame", a must-read menstrual guide for girls aged 9-15

After the topic, there is also a doctor's Q&A column, which uses the O&A method to answer the confusion in the girl's heart.

"She's Coming Please Prepare": Rejecting "Menstrual Shame", a must-read menstrual guide for girls aged 9-15

Write at the end:

In the 2019 Oscar Best Documentary "Moon Revolution", Arunachadam once said:

"The strongest creatures in the world created by God are not lions, elephants and tigers, but women." For every girl, menstruation is a must-go growth, a sign of maturity, and a symbol of female fertility.
"She's Coming Please Prepare": Rejecting "Menstrual Shame", a must-read menstrual guide for girls aged 9-15

Ignorance arises from fear.

I hope that this unknown fear will end at this moment.

May every girl in the world live as she wants!

"She Came Please Prepare" is a book for all girls to grow up, and it is also the best gift that visionary parents can give their children. Now the official store places an order to pave the way for them to grow

Reject Shame Girls aged 9-15 must read ¥29.5 purchase

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