
Appreciation of Yang Wanli's "Little Lotus" poem

author:Runaway History Exchange Cabinet


Appreciation of Yang Wanli's "Little Lotus" poem

(Portrait of Yang Wanli)

The full text of the poem is:

"Little Lotus"

The spring is silent and the water is sunny and soft.

The little lotus only showed its sharp horns, and there were dragonflies standing on its head.

这首 诗歌从‬泉‬眼‬开始‬说‬~他说‬泉水‬的‬源头‬没有声音‬慢慢的‬流淌‬,映在水里的树阴喜欢这晴天里柔和的风光。

作者写的很‬流畅‬,用‬拟人‬的写法‬,写出了‬泉水‬低‬流‬,以及‬树荫‬照‬射‬下‬柔和‬的‬流着‬的‬状态‬。 写的‬十分‬通畅‬。


Appreciation of Yang Wanli's "Little Lotus" poem
Appreciation of Yang Wanli's "Little Lotus" poem

那么‬,我们要‬看‬下面‬的‬文句‬,小‬荷‬才‬露‬尖尖‬角‬,早有‬蜻蜓‬立‬上头‬。 这‬两句‬是‬千古‬名句‬,为什么‬呢‬? 因为‬作者‬十分的‬细致的‬观察‬荷花‬,它‬写到‬小‬荷‬才露‬尖尖角‬,早有‬蜻蜓‬立‬上头‬。

然后‬,作者‬笔锋‬一转‬,从‬荷花‬转移‬到了‬荷花‬上面的‬蜻蜓‬,早有蜻蜓‬立上头。 这‬也是‬用‬拟人的‬手法‬,立‬上头‬里‬的‬立‬,用词‬精妙‬,堪称‬一‬绝‬。

XiaoHe and dragonfly, one "only exposed", one "early", look at everything around them with a novel vision, and capture the fleeting scenery. The wording is particularly clever.

This small pond is the place where the author rests ~ a chance encounter in life, a small lotus, a small dragonfly, all give the author endless beauty.

Thank you for appreciating this today.

(The picture comes from the Internet, invading and deleting [shy] [shy] [shy])

Finally, I would like to attach the introduction of the author Yang Wanli~

Yang Wanli (29 October 1127 – 15 June 1206), courtesy name Tingxiu, was a native of Jishui, Jishui, Jizhou (present-day Huangqiao Township, Jishui County, Jiangxi Province).

Southern Song Dynasty writers and officials, together with Lu You, You Yuan, and Fan Chengda, were known as the "Four Great Poets of Zhongxing" in the Southern Song Dynasty.

In his early years, Yang Wanli repeatedly worshipped others as teachers.

In the twenty-fourth year of Shaoxing (1154), he raised a soldier and gave Ganzhou Sihu to join the army.

He successively served as a doctor of Guozijian, Zhangzhou Zhizhou, and the secretary of the official Wailang.

In the imperial court, Yang Wanli was a figure of the main war faction.

In the first year of Shao Xi (1190), he borrowed Huan Zhangge as a scholar and accompanied the envoy of Jin Guohe Zhengdan.

Later, he became the deputy envoy of Jiangdong Transit, opposed the use of iron money in the counties of Jiangnan, changed his knowledge to Ganzhou, did not go, begged for resignation and returned, and has since lived idly in the countryside. He died at home in the second year of the Kai Jubilee (1206). Verses.

Appreciation of Yang Wanli's "Little Lotus" poem

(Statue of Yang Wanli)

Among the officials of the Southern Song Dynasty, Yang Wanli was a figure with a wind and bone. He sent envoys to the Jin Dynasty and sent them to the Jin Dynasty, not humble or profane, and had the demeanor of a great envoy of a great power.

Celebrity evaluation of Yang Wanli:

Yu Yunwen: There is such a character in the southeast! A certain initial division, two people are recommended together, and this person should be the leader. ~虞允文‬都说‬杨万里‬人才‬非凡‬,可见‬真是‬国家栋梁‬!

Zhao Yun: The courage of the benevolent.

Jiang Teli: Who is the Lord in the poetry world today, and the law of sincere poetry is being implemented. ~诚‬斋‬就是‬杨万里‬。

Zhou Bida: Chengzhai is a large short chapter, composed in seven steps, without changing a word. Sweep a thousand armies, overthrow the Three Gorges, wear the heart of heaven, and speak out of the moon. As for the posture of the object, the writing of human feelings, it is laid out and detailed, and the song is as wonderful as possible. The end of the pen has a mouth, and there is an eye in the sentence.

Lu You: 1, Chengzhai Lao Tzu's main poetry league, pieces of words allow the world to serve.

Xie Jin: The article is enough to cover one lifetime, and the Qing Festival is enough to inspire all the worlds.

Jiang Yikui: Qian and Chunjian, poets call Chengzhai, Fan Shihu and Lu Fangweng giants.

Successive generations of families have praised Yang Wanli, who is really a giant in the poetry world, and he was a haojie at that time

The figure comes from the network, invaded and deleted. [Shy] [Shy]

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