
2021 Academician Unveiled! Professors Li Keqiang and Zhang Yaqin of Tsinghua University were elected, and female scientists such as Qiao Hong were on the list

author:New Zhiyuan

Edited by: Peach David

Just now, the results of the 2021 academician co-election of the two academies were officially announced!

On November 18, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering simultaneously announced the list of academicians in the 2021 co-optation.

2021 Academician Unveiled! Professors Li Keqiang and Zhang Yaqin of Tsinghua University were elected, and female scientists such as Qiao Hong were on the list

A total of 65 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and 84 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering were elected, and a total of 149 people were elected.

In addition, the co-election also produced 25 foreign academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and 20 foreign academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

Among the 84 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 6 are female scientists; among the 65 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, there are 5 female scientists.

Li Keqiang and Zhang Yaqin of Tsinghua University were both elected academicians

Li Keqiang is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

2021 Academician Unveiled! Professors Li Keqiang and Zhang Yaqin of Tsinghua University were elected, and female scientists such as Qiao Hong were on the list

Li Keqiang is a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Vehicle and Vehicle Transportation, Tsinghua University. Jiang Scholar Distinguished Professor, Ministry of Education. Director of the State Key Laboratory of Automotive Safety and Energy Conservation, Director of the Research Center for Intelligent and Connected Vehicles and Transportation of Tsinghua University.

His research interests include vehicle electronic control and intelligent vehicles. His research interests include intelligent vehicles and intelligent transportation systems, electric vehicle (EV) vehicle dynamics and control, and vehicle noise and vibration analysis and control.

He has published more than 260 papers at home and abroad, including more than 220 SCI/EI searches.

In November 2021, he was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

Zhang Yaqin is a foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

2021 Academician Unveiled! Professors Li Keqiang and Zhang Yaqin of Tsinghua University were elected, and female scientists such as Qiao Hong were on the list

Zhang Yaqin, dean of the Intelligent Industry Research Institute of Tsinghua University, was elected as a foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

Dr. Zhang Yaqin is chair professor of intelligent science at Tsinghua University and dean of the Institute of Intelligent Industry of Tsinghua University. He graduated from the Junior Class of the University of Science and Technology of China and is a world-class scientist and entrepreneur in the field of digital video and artificial intelligence, holding more than 60 U.S. patents, publishing more than 500 academic papers, and publishing 11 monographs.

Many of the image and video compression and transmission technologies he invented have been adopted by international standards and are widely used in the fields of high-definition television, Internet video, multimedia retrieval, mobile video, and image database.

Dr. Zhang has received many professional awards and honors internationally, including being elected a Fellow of the Chinese Society for Engineering Intelligence in 2020; a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2019; a Fellow of the Australian National Academy of Engineering (ATSE) in 2017, the only foreign Fellow awarded that year; an IEEE Fellow in 1997 and an IEEE Technology Pioneer Award in 2004.

Qiao Hong is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

2021 Academician Unveiled! Professors Li Keqiang and Zhang Yaqin of Tsinghua University were elected, and female scientists such as Qiao Hong were on the list

Researcher of the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, has long been engaged in the research and application of robot "hand-eye-brain" integrated intelligence, including industrial robot operation and control (hand), robot and artificial intelligence (eye), biological heuristics and brain-like intelligent robots (brain), etc.

As the first person to complete the National Science Foundation for Outstanding Young People, he won the second prize of the 2014 National Natural Science Award, the first prize of the 2012 Beijing Science and Technology Award, the 2015 Beijing Science and Technology Award, and the first prize of the 2018 Chinese Society of Automation Technology Invention. At present, he is the deputy director of the State Key Laboratory of Complex System Management and Control, the director of the Beijing Key Laboratory of Hand-Eye-Brain Fusion Intelligence Research and Application of Robots, and the deputy director of the Central Science and Technology Commission of Jiusan Society.

She is an IEEE Fellow, a member of the Global IEEE Award Board. He was elected and re-elected as a member of the Global IEEE RAS Management Committee, the first time that a mainland scholar has been elected and re-elected. He was invited to serve as the editor-in-chief of Assembly Automation, an internationally renowned SCI journal in the field of assembly, and served as an editorial board member of well-known international SCI journals including a variety of IEEE Trans.

Qian Depei is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

2021 Academician Unveiled! Professors Li Keqiang and Zhang Yaqin of Tsinghua University were elected, and female scientists such as Qiao Hong were on the list

Qian Depei is a professor in the Department of Computer Science of Beihang University, a doctoral supervisor, and the director of the Sino-German Joint Software Research Institute. Since 1996, he has been a member and deputy leader of the 306 theme expert group of the National 863 Program, the leader of the overall group of the major special project of the National Tenth Five-Year Plan 863 "High-performance Computer and Its Core Software", and a director of the Chinese Computer Society.

His main research interests include computer architecture and implementation technology, computer network technology, etc. He has presided over or participated in more than 20 scientific research projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National 863 and 973 Programs and the commissioned development of enterprises and institutions. He presided over the construction of the campus network of Xi'an Jiaotong University. During the work of the 863 expert group, as a responsible expert, he organized the research work of the national high-performance computing environment, the China high-speed information demonstration network, the Shuguang high-performance computer, and the China national grid. He has won three second prizes for scientific and technological progress of the State Education Commission and one third prize for scientific and technological progress of the Ministry of Electric Power. Obtained one utility model patent and one invention patent. He has published more than 100 academic papers.

Chen Songqi is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

2021 Academician Unveiled! Professors Li Keqiang and Zhang Yaqin of Tsinghua University were elected, and female scientists such as Qiao Hong were on the list

Professor Chen Songqi of the School of Mathematical Sciences of Peking University was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Songqi Chen received his PhD in Statistics from the Australian National University in 1993. He has worked in Australia, Singapore, the United States and other universities. He has been a professor at Peking University since 2008. He is currently a Chair Professor of the School of Mathematical Sciences, the Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Statistical Science Center, and the Executive Director of the Chinese Statistical Society.

Professor Chen Songqi's main research directions are ultra-high-dimensional big data statistical analysis, environmental statistics, non-parametric statistical methods, etc., and has achieved fruitful results in ultra-high-dimensional hypothesis testing methods and non-parametric empirical likelihood methods, which has promoted the key development of statistics.

Bao Zhenan is a foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

2021 Academician Unveiled! Professors Li Keqiang and Zhang Yaqin of Tsinghua University were elected, and female scientists such as Qiao Hong were on the list

Bao Zhenan is stanford's first Chinese female dean, Stanford Chemical Engineering K. Professor K. LEE is a Chinese-American chemist and a fellow of the National Academy of Engineering. She is best known for developing technologies such as airport-effect transistors and organic semiconductors. In 2017, she received the World's Outstanding Women Scientist Award from UNESCO.

Luo Yi is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

2021 Academician Unveiled! Professors Li Keqiang and Zhang Yaqin of Tsinghua University were elected, and female scientists such as Qiao Hong were on the list

Luo Yi, a professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering at Tsinghua University, was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

Professor Luo Yi is also the director of the National Key Joint Laboratory of Integrated Optoelectronics and the director of the Experimental Area of Tsinghua University. He was a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Quantum Electronics sponsored by the International Society of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Professor Luo Yi is mainly engaged in the research of semiconductor optoelectronic devices, including device physics and design, epitaxial growth technology of compound semiconductor materials, production technology of holographic grating, device production process technology, and evaluation technology of material and device characteristics.

There are 18 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 5 people from Tsinghua University and 4 people from Peking University

A total of 18 people from the Chinese Academy of Sciences were elected, of which 17 were academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and 1 was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

A total of 4 people from Peking University were selected. Among them, Professor Chen Songqi of the School of Mathematical Sciences, Professor Park Shilong of the School of Urban and Environmental Sciences, and Professor Zhu Tong, Dean of the School of Environmental Science and Engineering, were newly elected as academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Professor Jiang Baoguo, President of Peking University People's Hospital, was newly elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

A total of 5 people from Tsinghua University were selected. Among them, Li Keqiang, a professor at the College of Vehicles and Vehicles, was elected an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Zhang Yaqin, dean of the Intelligent Industry Research Institute of Tsinghua University, was elected a foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

A total of 4 people were selected. Among them, Jia Jinfeng, deputy dean of the School of Physics and Astronomy of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and head of the topological superconducting quantum computing experimental platform of Li Zhengdao Research Institute, was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

For a detailed list, see:

2021 Academician Unveiled! Professors Li Keqiang and Zhang Yaqin of Tsinghua University were elected, and female scientists such as Qiao Hong were on the list

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