
Predicting the epidemic 5 years in advance, Bill Gates predicted again: a disaster worse than the new crown is quietly coming

author:Game Tech Say

Hello everyone, I'm Tech Commentator Tenggo. Bill Gates is no stranger to everyone, he is the founder of Microsoft, once the world's richest man, well-deserved world business tycoon, some time ago Bill Gates is also relatively busy, not appeared in the business sector of the major news media, but more occupied the headlines of entertainment lace news, that is, his divorce case with the original wife. Although the things that Teng ge wants to talk to you about today are slightly inferior to the divorce case, they are also highly concerned, that is, Bill Gates's prediction.

Predicting the epidemic 5 years in advance, Bill Gates predicted again: a disaster worse than the new crown is quietly coming


Bill Gates, a man who has long achieved financial freedom, has always been more forward-looking, so people around him also jokingly call Bill Gates a prophet in the business world. Some people have counted Bill Gates' various predictions, and people have found that her prediction hit rate is extremely high, more than 70% of them have become a reality, and the rest are also moving in the direction of hits. So what did Bill Gates say? The cause of the incident also goes back to 2015, which is a more active year for Bill Gates, and he can be seen on many important occasions, just in a speech, Bill Gates said such a paragraph.

Predicting the epidemic 5 years in advance, Bill Gates predicted again: a disaster worse than the new crown is quietly coming

He said: "In the next few years, there will be a large number of human deaths, and at that time the population will suddenly decrease sharply, and the reason for this phenomenon should not be a large-scale war or a super weapon in the conventional sense, etc., the only reason is that there is only one reason, that is, the disease, and this disease is very contagious, the speed of transmission is amazing, although it can be cured, but the price to be paid for human beings is very high." As soon as this passage came out, it also caused quite a stir at the time, and many people felt that Bill Gates was alarmist, and the current medical epidemic prevention work, although it did not reach the peak, but for the general infectious diseases, it was also very effective, and large-scale infectious diseases may not appear so quickly.

Predicting the epidemic 5 years in advance, Bill Gates predicted again: a disaster worse than the new crown is quietly coming

Many people have also deliberately left video data to verify whether the great prophet Bill Gates is correct or not. But just a few years later, this part of the people have been slapped hard by reality, in 2020 the new coronavirus pneumonia outbreak, some medical experts pointed out that this pneumonia, first of all, is an infectious disease, secondly very contagious, spread again very fast, and finally can be cured but the economic cost is very high. You can use the words of medical experts to compare and confirm the predictions of our great prophet Bill Gates. In the end, how accurate the prophecy is, Presumably, there is no need for Teng ge to bother with his tongue.

Predicting the epidemic 5 years in advance, Bill Gates predicted again: a disaster worse than the new crown is quietly coming

One of Bill Gates' more famous prophecies is the prediction of unmannedness, bill Gates said, the development of the world is bound to be unmanned and intelligent, especially in terms of labor. In labor-intensive areas, a large number of unmanned equipment will soon appear, which can accurately share manpower. And what we humans have to do is to design and control these unmanned devices. In fact, the development of this state of affairs has long become a major trend, and now many shopping malls, factories and other labor-intensive work environments have a large number of robots replacing labor. So Bill Gates' prediction is entirely credible. In addition to predicting unmanned equipment, Bill Gates also made some predictions about energy and food issues.

Predicting the epidemic 5 years in advance, Bill Gates predicted again: a disaster worse than the new crown is quietly coming

In terms of energy, Bill Gates predicted that new energy sources will appear and be widely used, and this energy will replace fossil energy and become the main form of energy for human production and life, which will bring earth-shaking changes to human beings. This status quo will not be too long ago, it should be around 2030. There are relevant analysts, the analysis said that Bill Gates's prediction has several points to pay attention to, the first is the new energy to replace fossil energy, which is actually an objective requirement for human energy development, but also the objective law of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, so new energy is bound to appear, but what is this energy, Bill Gates did not say, and why is 2030, we have no way to know.

Predicting the epidemic 5 years in advance, Bill Gates predicted again: a disaster worse than the new crown is quietly coming

On the issue of food security, Bill Gates said that within 20 years, the vast majority of the world's food-poor areas will achieve self-sufficiency in food and clothing. In this prophecy, Bill Gates used most of these adjectives, and many people feel that this term has a specific meaning, and from the perspective of current food security alone, Bill Gates is likely to refer to the African region. So in order to verify Bill Gates' statement, some relevant people have done research on food security in the African region, and the results of the study show that what Bill Gates said is likely to be the truth. With the completion of the Nile Hydropower Station in Africa, the area irrigated by the Nile River continues to increase, the increase in food has increased year by year, and the self-sufficiency rate at this stage has basically reached nearly 40%, and scientists around the world and africa are still studying new varieties and new technologies. It is believed that in the near future to achieve self-sufficiency to solve the problem of food and clothing, it should not be a big problem.

Predicting the epidemic 5 years in advance, Bill Gates predicted again: a disaster worse than the new crown is quietly coming

Huge damage

Not long ago, the great prophet Bill Gates published another article in the relevant online media, which was very long, as well as a large amount of data analysis and case analysis. After Teng ge read it, it was summed up probably like this, Bill Gates believes that the current stage of infectious diseases looks very terrible, but compared to the environment is insignificant, in the future, the harm brought by the environment to everyone is far more than infectious diseases, if the current stage of human beings do not control their behavior, protect the natural environment, it should not be half a century, human beings will be punished as they deserve, this punishment will be very serious, The immediate consequences could be more than five times higher than the current coronavirus pneumonia injuries.

Predicting the epidemic 5 years in advance, Bill Gates predicted again: a disaster worse than the new crown is quietly coming

Bill Gates mentioned two accurate numbers exactly in the article, and in order to demonstrate the accuracy of these two numbers, Bill Gates also did a lot of case studies and data analysis. After reading it, Teng Ge also felt that it was indeed very reliable. From the perspective of the past few years around the 2020s, without Bill Gates' case analysis, everyone is also aware, such as the snow cover of the Sahara Desert, the snow in June in Central Asia, the extreme high temperature in Siberia, the century-old water in the eastern part of Asia in the northern hemisphere, etc., which are the direct effects after environmental damage, these extreme catastrophic weather, bringing a very large impact on human beings, not only property is threatened, even life safety can not be guaranteed, before such environmental problems, Human beings only have the share of escape, and there is no way to deal with it.

Predicting the epidemic 5 years in advance, Bill Gates predicted again: a disaster worse than the new crown is quietly coming

Many experts have also done systematic data analysis of the losses caused to us by these extreme environmental problems, and they have found that in fact, Bill Gates said five times more, just a more conservative statement, the real damage is much greater than this data. Many scientists even directly pointed out for us that Bill Gates's statement is completely reasonable, human beings are the products of the earth's environment, and the survival of human beings and the survival and reproduction of the times are inseparable from the constraints and protection of the environment. Only the harmonious coexistence of man and nature can allow human beings to live on the earth for a longer time, but from the current point of view, human development has obviously affected the earth's environment.

Predicting the epidemic 5 years in advance, Bill Gates predicted again: a disaster worse than the new crown is quietly coming

Since the Industrial Revolution, the average temperature of the earth has risen by nearly 1 degree, a wide range of glaciers and permanent snow have begun to melt, the ozone hole in the atmosphere has become larger and larger, the earth's greenhouse effect has been increasing, sea levels have risen year by year, many of the lowlands in coastal areas have been submerged, and the global extreme weather has begun to increase year by year, which are the direct consequences of human damage to the environment. It is no exaggeration to say that in the long run, humanity may face a catastrophe. Tengge feels that if human beings want to survive on the earth for a long time, they must live in harmony with the environment, change the current production technology, and reduce the harm to the global environment through new technologies and new energy.

Predicting the epidemic 5 years in advance, Bill Gates predicted again: a disaster worse than the new crown is quietly coming

Well, if humanity had not changed now, would there have been a great punishment of the environment in half a century, as Bill Gates said? Welcome to leave a message for Tengge, and finally like Tengge's article, remember to like and pay attention.

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