
"Wisdom Health" medicine steamed dry chicken cordyceps duck

author:Traditional Chinese Medicine Liu Shifeng

Original Ma Youdu Mapai Heritage

Medicinal steamed dry chicken cordyceps duck

Ms. Guo Xiuying:

If you want to know how to cook a nourishing medicinal diet, I will introduce you to two today.

Let's start with the medicine steamed dry chicken.

Generations have passed down the body, the body is weak, eat chicken supplements, postpartum maintenance, is not the chicken. Why have people loved chickens so much from ancient times to the present?

Chicken, nourishing the five internal organs, is a nourishing food and can also be used as a tonic medicine. The dietary therapy monograph "Diet Recipes for Living with Rest" attaches great importance to the effect of chicken to replenish deficiency. It is believed that chickens can warm the spleen and stomach, and it is also suitable for people with kidney deficiency who have increased the number of urination, and can also be used for menorrhagia and excessive vaginal discharge caused by women's weakness, and it is also the main tonic for women after childbirth.

Whether it is nourishment and nourishment, or medicine to treat diseases, it has always been considered that black-boned chicken is the best. The famous gynecological medicine black chicken white phoenix pill uses the meat and bone of the black bone chicken as the main raw material. Li Shizhen said in the "Compendium of Materia Medica": Black bone chickens have white hair black bone chickens, black hair black bone chickens, spotted hair black bone chickens, some bone and flesh, some meat white bone black. Among them, the flesh and bones are more nourishing, and it is best to treat the disease with medicine. The way to identify is to observe whether the chicken's tongue is black, and if the chicken tongue is black, it must be a black bone chicken with both flesh and bones.

Li Shizhen also introduced a dietary therapy method for treating kidney deficiency and tinnitus with black bone chicken. Choose a rooster, wash it, add an appropriate amount of wine, cook it, eat it while it is hot, and eat three or five to see the effect.

Chicken is not only delicious, but also rich in nutrients, containing protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins B1, B2 and other nutrients. In particular, the protein content is very high, containing 23.3 grams per 100 grams of chicken, far more than duck, fish, pigs and sheep. Usually speaking of meat food, that is, chicken, duck and fish meat, chicken ranks first, well-deserved.

It is best to use chicken to stew and steam. Use a little to remove the inner white fruit stew chicken, focusing on supplementing the lungs, treating lung deficiency cough and asthma; stew chicken with gastrodia, focusing on liver nourishment, treatment of liver deficiency and dizziness; with chestnut stewed chicken, then focus on nourishing the spleen and kidneys, treatment of spleen weakness and kidney caused by waist acid, frequent urination and other symptoms.

Medicinal steamed dry chicken is a well-known tonic. Take a chicken and remove the internal organs. In the abdominal cavity, put 10 red dates, 10 pieces of cinnamon balls, 30 grams of rock sugar; another 15 grams of soaked ginseng, astragalus, angelica wrapped in gauze and included in the abdomen; then add half a bowl of water, close the abdomen, steam in the basin for about two hours, take out the cloth bag of medicine, and take chicken, red dates and cinnamon balls in parts.

Folk are mainly used to treat malnourished people with thin yellow muscles, dizziness, and sweating. Anemia, tuberculosis, chronic lung disease, also suitable for consumption. Women due to insufficient qi and blood caused by menstrual disorders, excessive vaginal discharge, postpartum sweating, less milk, eating medicine steamed dry chicken, especially good effect.

After talking about the medicinal steamed dry chicken, let's talk about the cordyceps stewed duck.

Both chicken and duck are good meats. Chickens live on land, ducks inhabit the water, Li Shizhen said: "Ducks, waterfowl also." ”

The nature of chicken is warm, and the nature of duck meat is cool. People who are partial to yang deficiency and fear of cold are more suitable for eating chicken; those who are partial to yin deficiency and afraid of heat are more suitable for eating duck.

"Daily Materia Medica" believes that in addition to reducing swelling, duck meat is especially good at nourishing yin fluid, nourishing the stomach and rejuvenating, and clearing away the hypothermia. People with dry throat, thirst and drinking, poor stools, five upset heat, and night sweats are the most suitable for eating duck meat. After the fever, nourishment, duck meat is also the preferred meat.

There are many ways to eat duck meat in the folk, such as duck stew with sour radish, which is not greasy, very refreshing, both nourishing and appetizing, and is a very popular food and health product.

The most famous way to eat it is: cordyceps stewed duck. Why choose cordyceps to eat with duck?

Cordyceps sinensis, a precious medicinal herb, is said to be able to cure "all kinds of false losses". Zhao Xuemin, a famous doctor in the Qing Dynasty, also emphasized that cordyceps "works with ginseng". From ancient times to the present, Cordyceps sinensis has been a well-known tonic. Cordyceps can not only warm the kidney qi, but also nourish the lungs and yin. The duck meat is also longer than tonifying the kidney essence, nourishing the lung yin, coughing and coughing on the lungs and kidneys, and blood in the sputum, which has a good effect of nourishing and curing the disease. "Materia Medica" makes it clear that Cordyceps can "protect the lungs and benefit the kidneys, stop bleeding and dissolve phlegm, and have been tired." "Cordyceps and duck meat are combined to enhance the efficacy of nourishing the lungs and kidneys, and have a certain auxiliary therapeutic effect on yin deficiency tuberculosis, kidney deficiency and wheezing cough and cancer patients."

How to cook Cordyceps Duck? Select an old duck, remove the internal organs, put 3 to 5 cordyceps in the abdominal cavity, and then add a little sour radish to the pot together, add an appropriate amount of water. Bring to a boil over high heat, then simmer over low heat. After stewing, eating meat and drinking soup can nourish and have a unique flavor.


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"Wisdom Health" medicine steamed dry chicken cordyceps duck
"Wisdom Health" medicine steamed dry chicken cordyceps duck