
"Kasa-ong Column" follows the thoughts of the shadows

author:First Agricultural Machinery Review

The weather was nice and the sun was light. In the Summer Palace, I took some pictures of the water surface scenery. Looking at the symmetrical reflections, some associations about shadows are born.

Shadows are illusory. Shadows are not things that exist independently, but images of real things formed under the action of light.

The reason why light can form shadows stems from the most basic characteristic of light, that is, light can only travel in a straight line in the same medium. Unlike sound, obstacles can be bypassed.

Roughly speaking, shadows can be generated in two situations. First, the light is blocked by the object during transmission, and a shadow with the same shape as the object is formed on the back of the object. For example, the moon travels between the sun and the earth, and the moon partially blocks the sunlight, forming a solar eclipse. Standing in different positions on the Earth, a partial solar eclipse can be observed, a total eclipse or even an annular eclipse. Second, after the light hits the surface of the object, it reflects onto a smooth plane or surface, forming a symmetrical or deformed shadow with the object. Such as mirrors (including haha mirrors) and windless water surfaces. "Smooth" here is a necessary condition, if not "smooth", then, although the reflection still exists, this "diffuse reflection" can not form a shadow. For example, even if the light is good, the windy water surface cannot form a reflection.

"Kasa-ong Column" follows the thoughts of the shadows

Therefore, the shadow is closely related to the original object, "like a shadow with the shape", which is this phenomenon.

We want to look for something, or some kind of natural law or social law, and sometimes it may be very difficult to explore directly, in this case, we may as well look for its shadow first.

For example, because of the straight-line propagation of light, in general, if you can see a target directly, then the person in that target position must also be able to see you directly. A clever sniper can see the shadow of the target through a certain mirror without letting the target see you, so as to deduce the precise position of the target and complete the sniper.

"Kasa-ong Column" follows the thoughts of the shadows

Searching for shadows can also be broadly said to find traces of things, and then follow the vine to find the source. "Detective Di Renjie" provides many stories of solving cases because of clues. Human understanding of nature is also mostly on this path. For example, the discovery of Uranus is a typical case.

Usually before something happens, most of the signs can be followed. The reason why the annual exhibition in the industry can attract so many experts and entrepreneurs to participate, of course, is not only to visit the new products on display and learn the successful technologies of others, but also to a large extent, it is hoped to get some "clues" and "traces" through various formal and informal channels. The most common thing people talk about when they meet is "How is this year?" "It's okay, right?" "What do you think next year will be like?" "Who knows!" Through the collection and collation, and then through the team communication, to determine their next paragraph of the strategy and strategy.

"Kasa-ong Column" follows the thoughts of the shadows

But the image can also deceive people, and "looking at the wind and catching shadows" may mislead the conclusion. The speed at which light travels in different media is different. For example, when we stand by the pool, we will feel that the water in the pool is very shallow, and jump in to know that the actual depth is much deeper than what we see on the shore. If we take a straight chopstick and put it in a glass filled with water, we will find that the chopsticks have become bent. These are the little tricks that light and shadow play with us. However, experienced people will not be fooled by this.

Even in the same atmosphere, different temperatures can produce "phantoms", which is what mirages say. In the 1990s, I met once in the Badain Jaran Desert near Minqin, Gansu Province, and the car was traveling in the desert, but we saw a village in front of us in the steam, but after walking dozens of kilometers, the village disappeared, which was a joke played by the atmosphere.

"Kasa-ong Column" follows the thoughts of the shadows

In nature, there are many such paradoxical illusions, and it is only by correctly removing the false and the true from the surface and the inside to obtain the true appearance of things.

Before 2004, no one expected that the agricultural machinery industry would have a golden period of development for ten years. Similarly, around 2015, no one seems to have predicted a difficult adjustment to follow. The world is full of things, the clues of truth and false are mixed together, and the real and the phantom are intertwined, and it is not easy to draw the right conclusion. How to keep a clear head, accurately judge the direction, take precautions, make a good plan, and deal with various possibilities in the complicated situation, you may be one step ahead, better than others, and invincible.

"Kasa-ong Column" follows the thoughts of the shadows

Su Kasa-wong (pen name): A veteran comrade of the agricultural front, he has served in the Department of Science and Education, the Department of Agricultural Mechanization, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the China Agricultural Mechanization Association and other institutions. After retirement, he has traveled through reading and traveling, and in recent years, he has published many essays in the WeChat circle of friends, which has attracted the attention of colleagues in the industry. With the consent of the author, this public account specially set up a "Su Kasa-won column" to select some short articles that have been sent or will be sent by his circle of friends for the benefit of readers.

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