
Doctors remind: Colon cancer or colon polyps with a family history should be checked and treated early to prevent cancer

author:Wuhan Traffic Radio

Reporter: He Jianfeng Correspondent: Cui Yi

"Fortunately, the doctor reminded me to do a colonoscopy and found precancerous lesions in the intestine." On the morning of November 15, at the colorectal cancer screening point in the outpatient hall of Wuhan Wuchang Hospital, a designated medical institution for colorectal cancer screening, Ms. Liu, who had just completed a colonoscopy, told us.

Ms. Liu, who lives in Xudong, 50 years old this year, has a family history of colon cancer, and after learning the news of free screening for colorectal cancer in Wuhan, she registered online for the first time and went to the Yangyuan Street Community Health Service Center near her home to receive a sampling package. Within a week, I received a phone call and text message informing me that the results of the rectal cancer screening were high risk and that further colonoscopy was required at the designated hospital.

Ms. Liu came to Wuhan Wuchang Hospital, a designated screening institution, with a feeling of anxiety. The results of colonoscopy showed that Ms. Liu's polyps in the colon, the largest of which was 2 cm * 3 cm, had a broken surface. Pathological findings suggest villous tubular adenomas, which are high-risk adenomas. "Since Ms. Liu has a family history of colon cancer and her mother died of colon cancer, it is recommended that Ms. Liu have surgery as soon as possible!" Wang Xun, director of the Department of Gastroenterology, said.

Just a few days ago, Mr. Wu, who was screened for high-risk adenoma in colorectal cancer screening, underwent surgery at the Endoscopy Center of The Department of Gastroenterology of Wuhan Wuchang Hospital and is currently in good condition. Director Wang Xun removed a 1 cm *1.5 cm polyp from Mr. Wu's colon, and the pathological result was a villous tubular adenoma, which was a high risk factor for precancerous lesions. "Director Wang's technique is good, I didn't feel any pain during the operation, just sleep up, just like nothing." Mr. Wu gave a thumbs up as he spoke.

Wang Xun, director of the Department of Gastroenterology, pointed out that colonic polyps, especially adenomatous polyps, are precancerous lesions, and must be removed as soon as possible after discovery, which can greatly reduce the incidence of cancer. Colon polyps are generally considered to be related to inflammatory stimuli, genetic factors, genetic mutations and other factors, for long-term high-fat, high-animal protein, low-fiber diet; there are long-term smoking, drinking and other bad living habits and long-term work and life tension, irregular work and rest, will increase the incidence of colon polyps. Most patients do not have obvious discomfort, and some patients may have abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, blood in the stool, intestinal obstruction and other symptoms. She reminded that to prevent colorectal cancer, it is necessary to achieve a balanced and reasonable diet, eat less fat, fried and smoked and too spicy irritating foods, eat more coarse grains, fresh vegetables and fruits rich in dietary fiber, keep the stool unobstructed, at the same time, live regularly, avoid overwork, quit smoking and limit alcohol, participate in aerobic exercise, enhance physical fitness, and improve anti-cancer ability.

It is reported that The City Wuchang Hospital as a designated colorectal cancer screening medical institution, in order to facilitate patients who come to do colonoscopy, specially set up a colorectal cancer screening point in the first floor hall of the West District Outpatient Clinic, providing one-stop service, blood testing before the examination, electrocardiogram examination and other items are free, this activity will continue until the end of November 30, I hope that 45-60 years old Wuhan citizens seize the opportunity to go to the screening.

Doctors remind: Colon cancer or colon polyps with a family history should be checked and treated early to prevent cancer

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