
Can Jiang Wei, who fought Zhao Yun, defeat Zhang Guo? Why didn't Zhuge Liang send Jiang Wei, who was wise and courageous, to guard the street pavilion?

author:Fuyuan Production

In the era of heroes of the Three Kingdoms, countless heroes have created the classic Three Kingdoms story. However, with the beginning of maicheng, guan yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, these former heroes have fallen one after another in a few years, leaving more regrets and expectations. Jiang Wei, a young warrior who came out of Tianshui Pass, learned his art from a famous teacher since childhood, and as soon as he appeared on the scene, he fought Zhao Yun and shot Xu Zhi and Deng Ai, which has continued the classics of the Three Kingdoms. And the martial arts controversy surrounding Jiang Wei is also continuous, does Jiang Wei really have the strength of the Five Tigers? Where is the gap between him and Zhao Yun? Who is stronger between Jiang Wei and Zhang Gao?

Can Jiang Wei, who fought Zhao Yun, defeat Zhang Guo? Why didn't Zhuge Liang send Jiang Wei, who was wise and courageous, to guard the street pavilion?

【Zhuge Liang's Caution】

When Liu Bei first met Zhao Yun, he had a feeling of reluctance, and when he saved Xuzhou, he borrowed Zhao Yun to charge the battlefield, and after the meeting in the ancient city, he entrusted Zhao Yun with a heavy responsibility. After Cao Cao surrendered Dianwei, he immediately ordered him to be the commander of the tent and fight Against Lü Bu in Puyang, and Dianwei, who had a short life, performed many miraculous feats. After Wei Yan returned to Liu Bei, he repeatedly made military achievements in the Battle of Xichuan and Defending Hanzhong, and it should be said that Liu Bei was particularly important to him, but he could not get Zhuge Liang's trust, and although he also made a lot of merit in the Northern Expedition, he could not always be trusted, and Zhuge Liang only used it reluctantly for his ability, to put it another way, to put it another way, if Zhang Fei and Ma Chao were all there, Zhuge Liang would rarely use Wei Yan. As for Wei Yan's Meridian Valley conspiracy, this is just a strange plan, not that it will definitely succeed, there is still a certain degree of failure, and it is also possible that Wei Yan will become a lone army and be killed after taking Chang'an. But this was indeed a good plan, and Zhuge Liang, as the supreme commander, could still summon everyone to discuss it, but he was too cautious and resolutely rejected this strange plan.

Can Jiang Wei, who fought Zhao Yun, defeat Zhang Guo? Why didn't Zhuge Liang send Jiang Wei, who was wise and courageous, to guard the street pavilion?

In the era of lack of talent in the late Shu Kingdom, Jiang Wei, as a rising star, should be called a Confucian general with excellent martial arts in the early days, and the strength of Zhao Yun in the great war shows that he is stronger than the father and son of the Han family who are not suitable for the Ten Thousand Husbands. Zhao Yun also praised Jiang Wei greatly, since returning to the Shu army, Jiang Wei, who had the potential of the Five Tigers, had completely become a student of Zhuge Liang, charging into the battle against Xing Zhang Bao, and there were Wang Ping Zhang Yi and Zhang Ling before the battle, and when he met Zhang Gao, he either used Wei Yan, or lamented Zhang Guo's bravery, completely ignoring Jiang Wei in the TianshuiGuan Battle of Zhao Yun. Maybe his strength and experience could not defeat Zhang Gao, but it should still be possible to fight for thirty or fifty rounds, after all, Wang Ping also fought with Zhang Gao in the street pavilion for dozens of rounds. However, the cautious Zhuge Liang did not give him the opportunity to fight Zhang Guo, and even Wang Shuang did not let Jiang Wei fight, and in the end, it was Jiang Wei who volunteered to surrender Cao Zhen and won a victory that belonged to Jiang Wei.

Can Jiang Wei, who fought Zhao Yun, defeat Zhang Guo? Why didn't Zhuge Liang send Jiang Wei, who was wise and courageous, to guard the street pavilion?

【Battle of the Street Pavilion and Jiang Wei】

Zhuge Liang was bent on cultivating Jiang Wei into a general of the unified army, but when he faced the absence of generals at the Battle of Jieting, he finally chose Ma Mo, who had never had an independent unified army to fight, nor did he choose Jiang Wei, who had courage and strategy. The first is that although Ma Mo did not bring soldiers, he was a figure whose knowledge and insight were not under Zhuge Liang, and Zhuge Liang repeatedly asked him for advice on strategies during the Southern Expedition. At the time of the Northern Expedition, Ma Mo and Zhuge Liang's strategic thinking were completely consistent, and it should be said that Ma Mo was Zhuge Liang's confidant in theory, and the reason for really dispelling Zhuge Liang's concerns was here, of course, the paper talk was also the result that Zhuge Liang did not expect.

Can Jiang Wei, who fought Zhao Yun, defeat Zhang Guo? Why didn't Zhuge Liang send Jiang Wei, who was wise and courageous, to guard the street pavilion?

Or because Zhuge Liang was too cautious, Jiang Wei had a short time from surrender to the street pavilion, whether he would continue to betray the Shu kingdom and surrender to Wei, which would test Zhuge Liang's courage and wisdom. Xu You came to vote and offer a strange plan at the most difficult time for Cao Cao, if Xu You was a fraudulent surrender, Cao Jun might suffer another major disaster, but Cao Cao did not have any worries and doubts, and immediately sent troops to attack the success of the first battle, perhaps replaced by a cautious Zhuge Liang will have to think twice. Although Jiang Wei was accepted as a subordinate by Zhuge Liang, he did not trust Jiang Wei very much, and without military qualifications and newly demoted status, coupled with Zhuge Liang's caution, he successively sent Wang Ping, Gao Xiang, and Wei Yan to guard the street pavilion, and Jiang Wei did not even become the deputy general who guarded the street pavilion.

Can Jiang Wei, who fought Zhao Yun, defeat Zhang Guo? Why didn't Zhuge Liang send Jiang Wei, who was wise and courageous, to guard the street pavilion?

The final reason is that Zhuge Liang wanted to protect this beloved disciple, after all, this rare young talent in the late Three Kingdoms period, he was also worried that he would bear heavy responsibility for defeat on the battlefield, after all, the opponents were Sima Yi and Zhang Guo, at this time, the young Jiang Wei still made Zhuge Liang somewhat relieved. Moreover, as a demoted general, Jiang Wei also did not have any qualifications and connections with the foundation of the DPRK and China, and once the army was defeated, he would destroy this rookie talent.

Can Jiang Wei, who fought Zhao Yun, defeat Zhang Guo? Why didn't Zhuge Liang send Jiang Wei, who was wise and courageous, to guard the street pavilion?

【Inspirational Young Jiang Wei】

As a demoted general Jiang Wei, his father Jiang 囧 was originally a general in TianshuiGuan, and Jiang Wei, who lost his father at the age of five, met a famous teacher, who was a good friend of Jiang Yuan, who was originally a descendant of Huo Guang, because of the turmoil in the world, the imperial court was incompetent, and he did not want to go to Cao Cao's hands as an official, so he has been living in seclusion near Tianshuiguan, so Jiang Wei read during the day, and he was also very proficient in various military book arrays and three Tao Five Strategies. Every night he learned martial arts with his master, and he was proficient in archery on a bow horse and eighteen weapons. And the outstanding is the marksmanship handed down by the Huo family, this set of marksmanship was passed down to Huo Guang by Huo Guang, and Jiang Wei's marksmanship under ten years of diligent practice was also trained. His arrow technique has become a must in Tianshui Pass.

Can Jiang Wei, who fought Zhao Yun, defeat Zhang Guo? Why didn't Zhuge Liang send Jiang Wei, who was wise and courageous, to guard the street pavilion?

After Jiang Wei returned to Chengdu, he often visited Zhao Yun, and Zhao Yun gave Jiang Wei great correction and guidance in the last six months of his life, which made Jiang Wei's marksmanship a great improvement. Zhao Yun also passed on the plum blossom gun method to Jiang Wei, with decades of practical combat experience, in his later years, he learned the Huo family gun method and the essence of the plum blossom gun taught by Zhao Yun, plus years of enlightenment and practice, into a more practical set of marksmanship, which is the jiang family gun method that was later famous in the world.

Can Jiang Wei, who fought Zhao Yun, defeat Zhang Guo? Why didn't Zhuge Liang send Jiang Wei, who was wise and courageous, to guard the street pavilion?

Jiang Wei made a name for himself at TianshuiGuan with this set of Huo family marksmanship methods to fight Zhao Yun, and after returning to the Shu army, Jiang Wei accompanied Zhuge Liang on his eastern expedition to the west and also made many military achievements. After Zhuge Liang's death, Jiang Wei again led the Shu army to the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains, Sima Shi Wang Jing and other Wei were killed by Jiang Wei, who was both wise and courageous, and the two new generals deng Ai and Zhong Hui who appeared in the Wei army also became Jiang Wei's biggest opponents, and they won and lost each other, from martial arts to fighting wisdom between Bo Zhong, and Jiang Wei's most distinctive battle was to kill the general Guo Huai.

Can Jiang Wei, who fought Zhao Yun, defeat Zhang Guo? Why didn't Zhuge Liang send Jiang Wei, who was wise and courageous, to guard the street pavilion?

Jiang Wei led his army in a conquest, Jiang Wei was suddenly ambushed by the Shu army and defeated, and Jiang Wei temporarily rode a war horse to escape, because he was in a hurry, he did not even carry a spear, and all the arrows fell to the ground, leaving only a bow in his hand. Guo Huai led his army to pursue and kill Jiang Wei, Guo Huai shot an arrow at Jiang Wei, and Jiang Wei caught an arrow and shot back at the Wei general Guo Huai under his horse, grabbed the spear and fled.

Can Jiang Wei, who fought Zhao Yun, defeat Zhang Guo? Why didn't Zhuge Liang send Jiang Wei, who was wise and courageous, to guard the street pavilion?

【Jiang Wei's strength】

Jiang Wei, a legendary figure, his martial arts have always been controversial, as soon as he appeared on the scene, he was praised by the Five Tiger General Zhao Yun, it seems that his martial arts have reached the level of the Five Tiger Generals, can Jiang Wei really defeat Zhao Yun? When he met Zhang Gao, the first general of the late Wei army, Zhuge Liang immediately thought of Wei Yan. When the fierce general Wang Shuang raised his power in the Shu army, Zhuge Liang did not fight again, nor did he use Jiang Wei or send Wei Yan to sneak attack. When the heavy troops surrounded the Wei army, Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, Zhang Yi, Wang Ping, Gao Xiang, and Liao Hua all went up. Watching Zhang Gao fight out of the siege twice and rescue Dai Ling, Zhuge Liang was only greatly amazed and regretful, but he never sent Jiang Wei to meet it. So who is stronger, Jiang Wei or Zhang Gao? How big is the gap between them?

Can Jiang Wei, who fought Zhao Yun, defeat Zhang Guo? Why didn't Zhuge Liang send Jiang Wei, who was wise and courageous, to guard the street pavilion?

First of all, let's talk about Zhao Jiang Wei Zhan Zhao Yun, the last five tiger generals who were nearly seventy years old at this time, and died of illness not long after returning to Cheng. Although Zhao Yun has improved a lot in the martial arts realm and actual combat experience, the Zhao family's marksmanship has also been summarized and re-created over the years, and it is much stronger than when the Iwakawa battle is ugly in the overall move routine, but his physical strength is obviously declining, and his sensitive reaction and marksmanship speed will be greatly degraded. And the so-called five fathers and sons of the Han family, although they were known for their bravery in the later period, their strength would not be stronger than Zhou Cang, and the Han family father and son may be fierce enemies in the face of Zhang Yi Liaohua, but they are weak in the face of Zhao Yun.

Can Jiang Wei, who fought Zhao Yun, defeat Zhang Guo? Why didn't Zhuge Liang send Jiang Wei, who was wise and courageous, to guard the street pavilion?

The alert and agile Zhao Yun has always grasped the fighter and the opportunity very well, and is also very decisive and clean, facing the encirclement of the Wei army, Zhao Yun's first reaction is not to love the battle to break through. And Jiang Wei was also at the level of the Han family's father and son in Zhao Yun's consciousness, he was also ready to shoot a few shots to kill out of the encirclement, what he did not expect was that Zhao Yun could not defeat him with a few shots, and Jiang Wei's marksmanship had the intention of exhausting strength, which was beyond Zhao Yun's expectations. Zhao Yun shot a few shots and went out of the siege. If in a contest under normal circumstances, the energetic Jiang Wei and the aging Zhao Yundou should still be able to fight dozens of rounds. Jiang Wei has a certain level in terms of marksmanship routines, but there is still a certain gap compared to Zhao Yun, at least in terms of strength and actual combat experience.

Can Jiang Wei, who fought Zhao Yun, defeat Zhang Guo? Why didn't Zhuge Liang send Jiang Wei, who was wise and courageous, to guard the street pavilion?

Jiang Wei, a figure who seems to be equal to the strength of the Five Tiger Generals, shows the lack of strength under a contest. That is, when robbing grain, he encountered zhang yi and Wang Ping's attack, and finally Jiang Weili was poor and defeated, these achievements at least show that Jiang Wei's actual combat and ability to charge the front were obviously insufficient. When Zhang Gao was surrounded by the Shu legions, when Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, Wang Ping, Zhang Yi, and other generals surrounded him, he twice attacked in and out of no man's land, indicating that his actual combat ability was much stronger than Jiang Wei's. Jiang Wei was able to leave the Jiang family gun method to achieve the later Sui and Tang heroes and luo family guns, and Zhang Guo did not leave anything, indicating that Jiang Wei has a first-class marksmanship in marksmanship, but he is a little more polite and less courageous, and it is very unopposed to meet Zhang Gao in front of the battle, it is more difficult to defeat Zhang Guo, and he is not suitable for fighting before the battle with the style of a martial arts master.

Can Jiang Wei, who fought Zhao Yun, defeat Zhang Guo? Why didn't Zhuge Liang send Jiang Wei, who was wise and courageous, to guard the street pavilion?

And Zhang Gao is a strong and weak character, he met ma Chaodou, who had a heavy sense of revenge, and was defeated after twenty rounds, but Jiang Wei who met The Confucian Was not soft, in the late Three Kingdoms, even Zhao Yun passed away, and the only opponent Wei Yan would not worry about his life, so he was more careless, and it was not difficult for Zhang Guo, who had exquisite and fierce marksmanship, to defeat Jiang Wei.

Can Jiang Wei, who fought Zhao Yun, defeat Zhang Guo? Why didn't Zhuge Liang send Jiang Wei, who was wise and courageous, to guard the street pavilion?

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