
Whenever a foreign tribe invaded Confucius, the descendants of Yan Sheng Gong were always the first to be called subjects? Conclusion of the General Situation of the Inheritance of the Holy Fathers

author:Shi Kefa

Due to the lofty position of the Most Holy Confucius in feudal society, his eldest grandson inherited the Holy Duke. Their style of conduct has also become the focus of the people under the heavens, and they are naturally vulnerable to criticism and criticism. It is somewhat ironic to say that they are always the first to claim subjection to foreign races.

Whenever a foreign tribe invaded Confucius, the descendants of Yan Sheng Gong were always the first to be called subjects? Conclusion of the General Situation of the Inheritance of the Holy Fathers


<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" > an overview of the inheritance of the Episcopal Church</h1>

The canonization of The Duke of Yansheng began in the second year of the Song Dynasty and ended in the twenty-fourth year of the Republic of China, around 880 years. As early as the time of Liu Bang, the ancestor of Han Gao, confucius's 8th grandson Kong Teng was named a consecrated prince, and the titles given to Confucius's descendants by successive emperors include praise, praise, zongsheng, fengsheng, reverence, gongsheng, and praise.

Among them, the title of Yan Sheng Gong has been used by future generations. During the Song and Jin Dynasties, Yan Sheng Gong became a political tool for them to win people's hearts.

They each enfeoffed a YanShenggong, one in Qufu, one in Kaifeng, and one in Quzhou.

From Kong Duanyou, there was a saying of the Southern and Northern Sects. After the Jin Dynasty destroyed the Northern Song Dynasty, Kong Duanyou moved south to Quzhou with Emperor Gaozong of song, which was the beginning of Emperor Nanzong.

Whenever a foreign tribe invaded Confucius, the descendants of Yan Sheng Gong were always the first to be called subjects? Conclusion of the General Situation of the Inheritance of the Holy Fathers

Nanzongjia Temple

During this period, Liu Yu established the Qi regime and made Kong Duanyou's brother Kong Duancao's son Kong Fan the Duke of Yan. Later, when Jin Xizong destroyed the Qi regime, he still made Kong Fan the Duke of Yansheng, which was the beginning of Emperor Beizong.

A more complicated situation emerged, with Meng Yuan moving south and Emperor Zhongzong's Father Kong Yuancuo moving with the Jin Dynasty to Kaifeng. It is estimated that Kong Yuancuo does not want to move south, and I am afraid that if he does not follow, he will have a life.

Kong Yuancuo's brother Kong Yuan was left behind to take charge of the sacrifice. After Meng Yuan occupied Qufu, he appointed him as the Duke of Yansheng.

In this way, the Song Jinyuan court each had a Yanshenggong. To be fair, from the perspective of the eldest descendants of the concubine, the Southern Sect is more authentic, and it should be that they inherit the Yan Sheng Gong. The Northern Sect divided into two veins.

After the Yuan Dynasty occupied Kaifeng, he also renamed Kong Yuancuo as the Duke of Yansheng, after all, he was the true emperor of the Northern Sect. In this way, the Northern Sect was merged into the line of Kong Yuancuo.

A dramatic scene is played out again. Kong Yuancuo was childless, and succeeded his younger brother Kong Yuanzhuo's grandson Kong Huan and made him a knight.

However, he was sued by Kong Yuanyong's grandson Kong Zhi, saying that he did not cultivate ancestral worship, was born in the side room, once remarried with his mother and followed his father's surname Li, I am afraid that he is not the authentic emperor of the Kong clan, so he was deposed from the title. For a long time, no one in the Northern Sect attacked the Shenggong.

After the fall of the Southern Song Dynasty, Kong Su, the true emperor of the Southern Sect, also submitted to the Shunyuan Dynasty, but he refused to be knighted, expressing his willingness to give it to Emperor Beizong.

Later, Emperor Beizong's Kong Zhi attacked and enfeoffed Yan Shenggong. The title was returned to the Northern Sect Of the Emperor Kong Yuan, ending the situation of more than a hundred years of juxtaposition between the Northern and Southern Sects.

Probably because of the problem of interests, the Kong clan people wrote to say that Kong Zhi was a Shu vein. Yuan Mingshan, a chancellor of the Yuan Dynasty, investigated and found that the problem was Kong Yuanyong, Kong Yuanyong was the second son, and his brother Kong Yuanxiao was the eldest son. In this way, Kong Yuanxiao's grandson Kong Si was chosen.

The later Yan Sheng Gong was all in kong yuanxiao's vein. After the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, it still recognized the sixty-four generations of Yansheng Gong Kong Yanzhi of the Ming Dynasty. Until Kong Decheng was renamed as the Official of the Most Holy Ancestors of Dacheng in the Republic of China.

Whenever a foreign tribe invaded Confucius, the descendants of Yan Sheng Gong were always the first to be called subjects? Conclusion of the General Situation of the Inheritance of the Holy Fathers

Kong Decheng

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="02" > conclusion</h1>

Whenever a foreign race invades, the claim that Yan Sheng Gong is always the first to be the subject may not stand. For example, before the Manchu Qing Dynasty entered the customs, Fan Wencheng and other literati surrendered early, while Yan Sheng Gong was still from the Ming Dynasty.

Moreover, kong's descendants are not all mercenary, clinging to the title. For example, Kong Su, the true emperor of the Southern Sect, gave up the title of Duke of Yansheng, which should have belonged to him.

His return to the Yuan Dynasty was also the trend of the times, and the Song Gong Emperor of the Song Dynasty had already lowered the Yuan, not to mention that he was just a duke?

The reason why The Yan Sheng Gong has flourished for a long time is due to their ancestor, the Most Holy Confucius. They could be used by rulers to win hearts and minds, and the relationship with the court was mutually beneficial. As for who is the concubine, in the final analysis, it is the ruler who decides.

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