
See you soon! Foreign players held hexagonal table tennis rackets to compete, and Wang Chuqin Liang Jingkun was dumbfounded

author:Meat Sports

I believe that friends who understand the sport of table tennis will have a certain understanding of table tennis rackets, in addition to the most basic horizontal and straight rackets, there are many types of rackets such as multi-faceted rackets, but these alternative rackets will hardly appear in international competitions. However, in the recent WTT European second match, there was a player holding an alternative racket, and the face of the racket in the player's hand turned out to be an incredible hexagon! It's really touching to see you for a long time.

See you soon! Foreign players held hexagonal table tennis rackets to compete, and Wang Chuqin Liang Jingkun was dumbfounded

According to the rules of the International Table Tennis Federation, in international table tennis competitions, generally speaking, certain requirements are put forward for the materials for the manufacture of rackets and rubber surfaces, and there is no restriction on the shape of the racket. But after so many years of development in table tennis, the shape and size of the racket have long been fixed. Today's table tennis racket design can not only make the player good strength, but also increase the player's receiving area, which is obtained through professional data analysis and design.

See you soon! Foreign players held hexagonal table tennis rackets to compete, and Wang Chuqin Liang Jingkun was dumbfounded

But the foreign player chose this hexagonal racket for some reason, which made the Chinese players Wang Chuqin and Liang Jingkun, who played against him, dumbfounded. However, shock to shock, our national table tennis team members still exerted their full strength on the field, swept and defeated the opponent with a score of 3-0, once again showing the dominance of Chinese table tennis in the world table tennis world.

See you soon! Foreign players held hexagonal table tennis rackets to compete, and Wang Chuqin Liang Jingkun was dumbfounded

After this game, the racket used by the foreign player was also hotly discussed by many netizens. Some netizens said: "No wonder Zhang Jike is practicing playing table tennis with his mobile phone, and perhaps in the future, mobile phones can also appear on the table tennis field!" Some netizens also complained: "The more strange the weapon, the faster it loses!" However, some professional netizens put forward their own insights: "According to foreign studies, the data of hexagonal rackets is not inferior to traditional round rackets, and perhaps more players holding hexagonal rackets will appear in the future." ”

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