
Yingtan Red Memory | Li Xianqing, a pioneer of the great revolution

author:Everyday Eagle Pond

Original: Yingtan City Radio and Television Station Tiantian Yingtan

Yingtan Red Memory | Li Xianqing, a pioneer of the great revolution

Revolutionary martyr Li Xianqing is a native of Yujiang, who, at the low tide of the revolution, persisted in the struggle and finally made a heroic sacrifice in the mountains of the three counties in northeast Jiangxi! Today's "Red Memory" invited Wu Haopeng, the first director of the Party History Office of the Yujiang County CPC Committee, who is nearly ninety years old, to tell this red story for everyone.

Yingtan Red Memory | Li Xianqing, a pioneer of the great revolution

Li Xianqing, born in October 1903, is a native of Yujiang, Jiangxi. In March 1929, the Honghezui Party Branch was established to organize a revolutionary uprising, and he was arrested on April 3, 1935, and heroically inaugurated on May 25, 1935.

After the failure of the fifth anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaign, the Kuomintang reactionaries adopted the "three lights" policy in the Soviet area, killing and setting fires to people, raping women, and robbing property in the Soviet area every day. In November 1934, in order to gather the revolutionary forces of Guixi, Yujiang, and Wannian counties, continue to persist in the struggle, and restore the lost Soviet area, the Lehe Special Committee of the CPC decided to establish the GuiyuWan Central County Committee and the Soviet Government, and appointed Comrade Li Xianqing as a member of the central county party committee and director of the Central County Su Protection Bureau. Comrade Li Xianqing led more than 30 guerrillas to carry out guerrilla warfare in the mountainous areas around Niumuling in the north of the Yujiang River. During the day, the guerrillas were reduced to pieces and scattered in the villages under the mountains to propagate to the masses the resolution of the central county party committee to "persist in the struggle and lead the revolution to victory," to develop the revolutionary forces and boost the fighting spirit of the masses; at night, they gathered together and carried out guerrilla activities in accordance with the enemy's situation observed during the day, and three people in a group of five people and a team of five people planted mines and bamboo piles around the mountain passes and pillboxes through which people must pass, and secretly attacked the enemy's bunkers, causing the reactionaries to panic and find it difficult to survive.

Soon, the Kuomintang reactionaries sent additional troops to carry out an even more brutal "liquidation and suppression" of the Soviet area. In order not to miss a single revolutionary, the reactionaries implemented the joint guarantee system in villages and villages, found out who was hiding the guerrillas, and even the joint guarantors asked for the guilt. In addition, the reactionaries also set up checkpoints on all roads, dispatched reactionary troops to search the mountains every day, and suffered heavy casualties among the guerrillas. Under these circumstances, the guerrillas could not hide in Niumuling, so Li Xianqing had no choice but to lead everyone to move to the mountains of Sanxianling, which is more than 30 miles away from the Yujiang River, and persist in the struggle.

Sanxianling is located in the junction area of Guixi, Wannian and Yiyang counties. Here the mountains are steep, about 30 miles in length, the mountains are covered with forests, the weeds are higher than people, and the population is sparsely populated. The guerrilla force led by Li Xianqing was reduced to 11 at that time. In addition to his father Li Haichun, his wife Chen Juying and liu Guanxian, the secretary of the security bureau, there were only 6 guerrillas left. As soon as they entered the Three Counties Ridge, the White Army followed and chased after them, and gathered the County JingWei Regiment to encircle the Three Counties Ridge and carry out a combing and grate-style search of the mountains every day. The guerrillas led by Li Xianqing had to move several hills a day to avoid enemy searches. When the food they brought was finished, they dug up wild vegetables and picked wild fruits to fill their hunger; there were not many clothes on their bodies, and they were torn, and in order to spend one cold spring night after another, everyone sat together and built a fire to keep warm. In the days of arduous struggle, Li Xianqing's communist sentiments of taking the world as his own responsibility were more concerned about the thinking and life of his comrades. Every day, he had to talk to everyone, talk about revolutionary principles, and talk about Comrade Fang Zhimin's two and a half-shot revolutionary struggle deeds, stabilize everyone's mood, and establish the belief that the revolution will win. He often said to everyone: "Revolution is the overthrow of the ruling of the exploiting classes and the establishment of workers' and peasants' power. This is an earth-shaking undertaking, and victory cannot be achieved without going through hardships and twists and turns and bloody sacrifices. Comrades who join the revolution are determined to sacrifice for the revolution, and they must not be intimidated by difficulties, but they must struggle against the enemy to the end and the revolution will surely triumph." His optimism about the triumph of the revolution deeply infected the guerrillas, who overcame day after day of hunger and the siege of the reactionaries.

In the blink of an eye, Li Xianqing and the guerrillas had been besieged by the enemy in the Three Counties Ridge for more than 60 days, unable to eat grain and salt, and the comrades were weak on all fours, with yellow muscles and thin muscles, and physical exhaustion. Some of the players were pessimistic and sighed. At this grim moment, Li Xianqing deeply realized that if he did not want to get in touch with the party organizations and the masses under the mountain, everyone would either starve to death on the mountain, or there would be a flight of the weak will. Therefore, after summoning several party members for consultation, he decided to send people down the mountain to find the organization and then think of a breakthrough. However, for more than ten days, three groups of people were sent down the mountain in a row, but they only saw anyone leaving and no one returning. Liu Guanxian and his wife were also captured by the White Army when they went down the mountain to cut the green wheat in the field to be hungry. Now there are only three li xianqing's family left on the mountain. The lover is small-footed and pregnant with Liujia, with limited mobility; his father is over the age of flower armor, who has been in prison for several months for the revolution, and his body is weak. The situation is getting more and more serious, what to do? At this time, Li Xianqing's father, Li Haichun, saw his son's anxious expression and said: "Xianqing, I am afraid that it will be difficult for the people sent down the mountain to go out, and now only I have to go." I am so old that I can easily escape the enemy's search. Don't be sad if you are caught, I will suffer all my life, for the sake of millions of poor people will no longer suffer, and the sacrifice is worth it." Li Xianqing listened to his father's words, and his mood was both excited and painful, so he had to agree to his request and repeatedly told him to be careful on the road.

Yingtan Red Memory | Li Xianqing, a pioneer of the great revolution

One afternoon in April 1935, when the sun was already in the west, Li Xianqing and his wife were sitting under the mountain tree and watching the mountain, hoping that the comrades who came down the mountain would bring good news to the mountain as soon as possible. Suddenly, in the woods ahead, there was a rustling sound, and the sound was getting closer and closer. Li Xianqing vigilantly pulled his lover to quickly turn into the grass and hide. After a while, 2 people walked up to the shade of the tree they had just sat and looked around. Li Xianqing aimed his gun at the other side while carefully observing the 2 people. It turned out that it was the third batch of Xu Baosheng and Xu Jin who had been sent down the mountain to return, and Li Xianqing came out of the grass with both happiness and vigilance. The two people heard the footsteps, saw that it was Li Xianqing and his wife, pretended to be excited to hold their husband and wife's hand, and said: "I can find you, we have been looking for a day on the mountain..." It turned out that after these two men descended the mountain, they took their guns to the White Army stronghold and surrendered themselves to betray the revolution, promising to lead the enemy to trap Comrade Li Xianqing. After everyone sat down, the traitor Xu Baosheng saw that Comrade Li Xianqing was constantly staring at them with his eyes, afraid of stopping on the mountain for a long time to show his horse's feet, and then pretended to make up a set of lies about going down the mountain to find a relationship, saying: "I should have returned to the mountain immediately to pick you up, but the leaders of the underground party organization insisted that we both rest for a few days, so today I will return to the mountain to find you." Xu Jincai was afraid that Li Xianqing would inquire about their guns, and was busy adding: "When we returned, the leaders were afraid that it would be dangerous for us to take the gun up the mountain, so they left the gun behind and came up the mountain empty-handed." Comrade Li Xianqing, because of his eagerness to go down the mountain, believed their false reports, and then discussed the time and route of going down the mountain. Li Xianqing proposed to go down the mountain at night!. The two traitors objected: "The enemy knows that our guerrillas are good at night activities, and the blockade is particularly strict at night, and during the day, the enemy thinks that we dare not move, rests in the strongholds, rarely comes out to patrol, or it is better to go down the mountain during the day." Let's go now." Comrade Li Xianqing thought that they had been down the mountain for a few days and had found out the enemy's actions, and that in recent days the number of searches by the White Army had decreased, they had no choice but to agree. Li Xianqing and his wife followed them down the winding mountain path, and because they could not eat grain and salt for dozens of days, their legs were puffy and swollen, and they were struggling. But still enduring the pain, summoning up enough courage, and walking forward with difficulty. When they walked to the Pavilion of Jinping Mountain in Sanxian Ling, the two traitors pretended to be concerned and said, "Director Li is weak, or rest here for a while before leaving" At this time, Li Xianqing really couldn't walk, watching his lover with a big belly, taking a step, stopping a step, and had to sit down in the pavilion and rest his feet. After a short rest, the two traitors had a ghost fetus in their hearts and wanted to arrest Li Xianqing, but these two guys, feeling that Li Xianqing had a husband and wife, and were afraid of Li Xianqing's good marksmanship, did not dare to act hastily, so they had a poisonous plan, pretended to be a good heart, and said to Li Xianqing's lover Chen Juying: "Sister-in-law, you stand up with a big belly and go slowly first, Director Li is not in good health, we will sit for a while, and soon we will catch up with you." However, when Chen Juying had just taken more than a hundred steps out of the pavilion, the two traitors pounced on Comrade Li Xianqing like hungry wolves, grabbed the pistol, and tied Li Xianqing up. Comrade Chen Juying heard the sound of tearing and scolding, and immediately returned to fight desperately, but was also caught. The two shameful traitors smiled triumphantly and sent Li Xianqing and his wife to the White Army Bunker to beg for a reward.

The next day, the White Army escorted Li Xianqing and his wife to Guixi County Prison. The reactionaries first entertained Comrade Li Xianqing with good food and good dishes, and used sweet words to exhort him, in an attempt to induce Li Xianqing to turn himself in and rebel. The enemy could not achieve his goal, immediately exposed his original form, and used all kinds of torture, hanging, stepping on bars, and pouring pepper water; Comrade Li Xianqing did not know how many times he passed out, but he was unyielding, did not move anything, and said firmly: "If you want to kill, you must be killed, and I must be a traitor, this is a pipe dream." The revolution will surely triumph, and you reactionaries will never have a good end. Comrade Li Xianqing was heroic and righteous when he saw that he could not get anything from him and finally brutally killed him, but his conviction that the revolution must triumph and his spirit of seeing death as a homecoming for the revolution will forever inspire our descendants to unswervingly take the socialist road and build socialism with Chinese characteristics.

About the Author

Yingtan Red Memory | Li Xianqing, a pioneer of the great revolution

Wu Haopeng, born in September 1930, a member of the Communist Party of China, served as the first director of the Party History Office of the Yujiang County CPC Committee, during his term of office, he went to various places to carry out the collection of historical materials, collected a large number of precious first-hand historical materials, wrote and published dozens of historical articles, and was once rated as an advanced worker in the collection and research of party history materials in Jiangxi Province and an advanced individual in party history work in the country.

After his retirement, he still immersed himself in the study of party history, participated in the compilation of "Yujiang Spring and Autumn", "Yujiang Revolutionary Struggle", etc., and served as the author of the first volume of the "History of Yujiang of the Communist Party of China".

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