
Global Wiring | Europe will face a tough winter Merkel's hastily warned

author:Xinhua News Agency International

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Beijing, 16 Nov (Xinhua) -- "We are facing a very difficult time." Recently, German Chancellor Angela Merkel issued a warning to all citizens. The new crown epidemic in Germany is becoming increasingly tense, and the number of new confirmed cases in a single day has exceeded 50,000.

The situation in Europe as a whole is also not optimistic. The World Health Organization's Regional Office for Europe recently warned that Europe has once again become the "epicenter" of the epidemic, and the health systems of many countries will face "high or even extremely high pressure" this winter.

"I've never been so worried"

According to data from the Robert Koch Institute, a German disease control agency, as of the 15th, the cumulative number of confirmed cases of new crown in Germany has exceeded 5.04 million, and the number of deaths is 97,715. The number of new confirmed cases per 100,000 people in 7 days reached a record high of 303.

Global Wiring | Europe will face a tough winter Merkel's hastily warned

Passengers wait on the platform of the main railway station in the German capital Berlin on November 5. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Stefan Zetz)

"Since the epidemic, I have never been so worried." Susan Johanna, president of the Marburg Union, a trade union of German physicians, said in an interview with German media that intensive care units in some parts of Germany are currently overwhelmed and may need to be transferred to other regions for treatment in the coming weeks.

"We're really too late now." Christian Karajanidis, a German intensive care physician, said the "vast majority" of COVID-19 patients in intensive care units had not been vaccinated.

According to the Robert Koch Institute, 67.5% of the population in Germany is currently vaccinated. However, a recent poll showed that more than half of those in Germany who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 said they will not be vaccinated in the near future. German media reported that some people who refused to be vaccinated even obtained fake vaccination certificates through illegal channels in order to cope with inspections.

"I ask you to get vaccinated together and convince friends and family to participate." Merkel said on the 13th. She also called on those who had been vaccinated to receive vaccination boosters. "If we come together to protect ourselves and take care of others, we can do the country a big favor this winter."

Europe is once again at the "epicenter"

In addition to Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, France and other places have also rebounded. Hans Kluge, director of WHO's Regional Office for Europe, warned that Europe is once again in the "epicenter" of the outbreak and that health systems in many countries will face "high or even extremely high pressure" this winter. Without further measures to prevent and control the epidemic, the number of COVID-19 deaths in Europe could increase by another 500,000 by February next year.

Global Wiring | Europe will face a tough winter Merkel's hastily warned

On November 5, a restaurant in Brussels, Belgium, hung up a sign that read, "Show health certificate" and restrictions. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zheng Huansong

Kluge believes that insufficient vaccination rates in some countries are responsible for the current intensification of the epidemic in Europe. Currently, there are only 8 European countries with 70% vaccination rates.

Michael Ryan, Executive Director of WHO's Health Emergencies Programme, noted that many people are overly optimistic that the current COVID-19 pandemic is coming to an end and that healthcare workers in various countries are exhausted due to long, intensive work, which is also a factor contributing to the surge in cases in Europe.

He called on European countries to adjust their response strategies to avoid the collapse of the health care system. At the same time, countries should resume anti-epidemic measures such as mask wearing and social distancing, and increase the number of COVID-19 tests.

Many countries have tightened epidemic prevention measures

In response to the new wave of the epidemic, Denmark, Sweden and other previously "fully open" countries are planning or have resumed "mandatory mask orders", new crown passes and other epidemic prevention measures.

The Netherlands began to implement a three-week restrictive measure for the prevention and control of the new crown on the 13th, restored the social distancing requirement of 1.5 meters in public places, required people to work from home as much as possible, and closed restaurants, bars, supermarkets, pet stores and pharmacies between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. the next day.

The Austrian government announced on the 14th that since the 15th, the "ban" has been implemented for those who have not been vaccinated against the new crown, requiring such people to be grounded at home and "not necessary to go out" except for basic activities such as work and shopping. The Austrian police will strengthen law enforcement inspections and impose heavy penalties on those who violate the ban.

Global Wiring | Europe will face a tough winter Merkel's hastily warned

Citizens wait for COVID-19 vaccinations in front of vaccination trucks on the streets of Vienna, Austria, on 10 November. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Guo Chen

Germany has also re-offered free rapid testing for COVID-19. Germany's "Der Spiegel" weekly reported that by Christmas, Germany will also mobilize about 12,000 soldiers to reinforce epidemic prevention and control, assist in vaccination, virus detection, circulation tracking and other work. (Text reporters: Tang Zhiqiang, Wang Kewen, Gu Ziyi, Chen Dan, Liu Qu, Xie Yuzhi, Wang Xiangjiang, Yu Tao, Li Xuejun; Video reporters: Zhang Xuan, Li Jizhi, Chen Jin; Reporters: Didrick, Eric; Editor: Wang Yujue; Editors: Jin Zheng, Ma Xiaoyan)

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