
Watch the movie "Intruder": Everything is long gone, is everything really over?

author:An Xiaoyu 0707

Time has stood still, and all that's left is to slowly get older. —— The inscription is excerpted from "The Earth Is Long"

On November 12, 2021, I walked into the cinema again to watch the movie "Intruder", written by Wang Xiaoshuai, Fang Lei, and Li Fei, directed by Wang Xiaoshuai, and starring Lü Zhong, Feng Yuanzheng, Qin Hailu, Qin Hao, etc. The work was released in China on April 30, 2015.

The fifth time I watched this work, I still couldn't help but sigh...

The story tells that when Old Deng was young, he responded to the call of the state and went to Guizhou to support construction. After returning to Beijing, he lived a dull life with his two sons. The often ringing of the telephone, the "intrusion" of "Little Red Riding Hood", broke the originally peaceful life...

The prologue reveals the "emotional tone" of the work.

Depressed streets, broken glass, the peaceful life of the elderly, the photos of their wives, the ringing of the telephone that breaks the tranquility...

Loneliness is the norm in life, and memories make the mind collapse.

In the whole work, the wisdom of the screenwriter director Wang Xiaoshuai is that he does not arrange too dense dialogue.

The historical background of the story is a "special period", and how to tell the story behind such a period in a restrained way is a "lesson" for the writer and director.

There is no dense dialogue, and what is given to the audience is the visual sense of "at this time, silence is better than sound".

There are too many shadows of life seen in the story. In terms of performance, the actors do not deliberately show their acting skills, but present them in a "lifelike" way. Behind all the inattention, there is truth.

Old Deng (played by Lu Zhong) is a kind old lady who does not want to disturb the life of her children. Keeping a picture of his deceased wife is also a kind of nostalgia. It is also a warm welcome for the "uninvited guests" who break into life.

When Old Deng found that the photos on the writing desk had been destroyed to pieces, the deep sadness in her heart was written in her eyes.

No one understood better than Old Deng what the people in the photograph meant to her.

Behind the photos there are fanghua, there are memories, there is repentance, and there is also a sense of eternal guilt.

Life itself is like a bridge, and the tangible thing is that we live day after day. What is invisible is the "bond" between us and the people around us.

All the indebtedness comes from bondage.

For more than 40 years, Old Deng lived in repentance and guilt. When she was visiting the grave, she and her wife were nagging whether to go and see them?

When revolutionary comrades-in-arms, whom they had not seen for many years, met again, they hugged and wept. The sadness that has not been released for a long time, all kinds of inexplicable emotions rush into the heart, turn into tears, and snatch out of the eyes.

The streets are covered with the sadness of late autumn, the incomplete windows meet the eyes of Old Deng, and the factory buildings that originally sounded the roar of machines and were full of memories were lonely with the passage of time.

When Old Deng decided to go to see Xufang, the people around her advised her: "Forget it, it's all over." ”

No sentence is passable, time has stopped, and all that's left is to slowly get older.

The moment she plucked up the courage to knock on the door of Xufang's house, a loud slap greeted her. She left silently, her eyes shifting from trepidation and uneasiness to guilt.

When Old Deng discovered that the boy who tore up her memories was actually Xu Fang's grandson, he suddenly realized. Little Red Riding Hood, who was accompanying her, reappeared in her field of vision.

Little Red Riding Hood is an expression of "imagery".

The "burning feeling" of watering flowers with boiling water, the "uninhibited feeling" of the tattoo on the whole back, and the "sense of attachment" of hoping to explore the truth of growth. These emotions are exactly what we have in life.

The sentence "This house is so big!" He expressed some "resentment" towards his original family, and such resentment forced him to become a "revenge society" person. When Old Deng knew that Xufang's "only" grandson was going to be arrested by the police, she said, "This time it really isn't me." Obviously, for the "debt" left by history, it is a memory that can never be erased in her heart.

The final leap of "Little Red Riding Hood" means the withering of a life, the closure of several cases, and the absence of xufang's last "hope".

Dilapidated windows, half of the window frame that was ripped off, gloomy sky, everything is long gone, is everything really over?

The open-ended ending is the thinking time left for us by director Wang Xiaoshuai...

It seems that the story is about a "special period". But everything eventually returns to life, the estrangement between mother and child, the confusion that cannot be accurately expressed by the generations of relatives, and the "reality" of the elderly, all aspects need to be faced by us alone.

Who hasn't been that broken glass? Who hasn't been that half-window that's been pulled out? Whose family of origin doesn't have problems of one kind or another? Who doesn't have a little lingering memory in their heart?

Everything that is frozen in memory will eventually pass away with the wind, just like the golden leaves of late autumn covering the years that have passed.

The romance of the movie "The Interloper" is worth recalling.

Whose interlopers are we? Who are our interlopers?

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