
Don't miss the leaders of the Beijing Stock Exchange

author:Togolese Finance

The most important next week is naturally the long-awaited launch of the Beijing Stock Exchange.

Can I play?

First of all, we must understand why we should go to the Beijing Stock Exchange and where the positioning is.

Simply put, it is to change the good companies of the new third board to a trading location.

Avoid too high a threshold that leads to good companies not being able to get liquidity.

If you get retail investors, you will get the world, and the good company of the new third board can be regarded as promising.

Then it is necessary to think about the configuration of the Beijing Stock Exchange from two ideas.

Institutional Perspective:

Simple and crude, according to the market value from high to low, basically can not be wrong.

The current front-row market caps are:

Don't miss the leaders of the Beijing Stock Exchange

The previous science and technology innovation version is also the same logic, the market value is high, even if the profitability is worse, at least the liquidity is good

The most important thing for institutions to come out and play is to get in and out.

Tickets that can't come out, no matter how good the performance, are scum.

In the future, there will be AN ETFs on the Beijing Stock Exchange, which will also give priority to the allocation of these votes and the guarantee of liquidity.

Individual Investor Perspective:

First, do a good job of risk management.

What you should deeply understand is that before the individual stocks on the Beijing Stock Exchange are listed, they can be traded.

It is not a pure new stock, and the valuation has been cashed in on the new third board.

Therefore, just listed, the risk tolerance of individual investors may not be able to control.

New stocks will fluctuate violently, don't think that you can make money as soon as you go in, you can only consider the bottom position configuration first.

After that, the three-step buy method of the institutional model is used to configure it step by step.

Second, the selection of industries is more important than the selection of individual stocks.

I read a lot of the analysis of the Beijing Stock Exchange, wrote various directions, what P/E ratio ranking, research and development ranking.

Actually, I don't think the thinking is right.

The quality of the individual is actually not very important.

Importantly, under the 30cm system, individual stocks on the Beijing Stock Exchange are easily hyped by the market as the general leader.

Just give an example, such as the plate market for photovoltaics.

Then the North Stock Exchange has a big fat meat that all institutions are staring at, and the city is CNC.

If you only know that he is Longkey's own son, it is not enough.

Don't miss the leaders of the Beijing Stock Exchange

We must also know that the general trend of photovoltaics next year is from the upstream group to the middle group.

As long as the midstream rises, the orders of equipment manufacturers will only be more and not less.

Especially next year, there will be rooftop photovoltaics, as well as two drives of the wind and photovoltaic base.

So looking for some of the core companies on the Beijing Stock Exchange is of great value for you to understand the future of plate hype.

Third: valuation repair of the Beijing Stock Exchange.

Although the new third board can theoretically be traded in advance, it is relative to the science and technology innovation board and the ChiNext board.

Valuations of many individual stocks remain low.

Especially some relatively unpopular industry stocks.

This requires careful selection, especially at the time of performance reporting.

30cm of shock stimulation, that is the adrenaline of short-term enthusiasts.

So after the rise, it is logically correct to say that the valuation is low, but those who have not done their homework in advance will certainly not be able to do it

Not to mention that after the short-term chase is covered, comfort yourself with price investment.

That would really be treated as a stock market hole.

If you do not know how to check the average valuation of the industry, you can query in the F10 of various apps.

Below the average valuation of the industry, and there is an excellent performance report, then 30cm is naturally the return that it deserves.

Finally, summarize the ideas of the Beijing Stock Exchange:

You can not play, but to understand, embrace change, and master change