
Reading Notes Modern physician Ding Fubao talked about the harm of meat

author:I was Arendt when I wrote the novel

Ding Fubao, a great modern physician, talked about the harm of meat: "Yu yu first came to Shanghai thirty years ago and read the Western medical books translated in the church, all praising meat, how to fit the body, how to replenish, persistence, and reasoning. Yu Du believed that every day for lunch and dinner, they all went to the fan restaurant to eat Western food, except for breakfast, they were all meat, if so for a year, and their bodies were getting weaker and weaker. Therefore, it was suspected that there were many animals, or not enough to strengthen the body. Wu Tingfang , a U.S. minister who returned to Shanghai , vigorously advocated vegetarian food , held a dietary hygiene meeting , and heard that vegetables are better than meat , and was sure that the old sayings of Western medical books were not trustworthy. Later, I witnessed my hometown Qin and Hunan Tan, both not full of meat, both of them were broad in heart and fat, and their heads were big and friendless. Qin Junfa died of back carbuncle, and Western medicine said that the blood was impure, which was suitable for the cultivation of the bacteria, so it died very quickly. Tan Jun, on the other hand, had high blood pressure, hardened his blood vessels, and died of cerebral hemorrhage. Yu Shi knew that he had eaten meat, and although his body was extremely fat, it was far less than the real health of vegetable eaters. The world has always attached too much importance to the nutrition of meat, and mistakenly believed that meat can make people strong, but now it is gradually understood that its fallacy. Looking at the food of modern culture, people are suffering from excessive intake of protein, the cause of which is to eat more meat, and everyone is prone to gout, rheumatism, hyperalphatic disease, arteriosclerosis and so on. When using protein foods, it is inevitable that there will be excessive salt, which is related to tuberculosis and cancer. Tuberculosis and cancer are the scourges of mankind. Therefore, the consumption of meat has become the center of discussion. Its national meat eaters, such as cancerous tumors, cancers, nephritis, nerve staggering, indigestion, fecal closure, gallstones, stroke, and high blood pressure diseases, which are extremely common. ”

Reading Notes Modern physician Ding Fubao talked about the harm of meat

[Tan Jun in the text refers to Mr. Tan Yanmin.] Loved shark fin and meat, he died of a stroke due to phlegm and was 50 years old. Mr. Chen Cunren recorded in the "Jinjin Youwei Tan Meat Food Roll" that Tan was famous for his love of shark fin soup. In addition to shark fin soup, he loves to eat meat, and each meal is not full of meat, and the amount of food is amazing. He once talked about eating shark fin soup and eating pork during the banquet, and said that his hobby of Hunan bacon became a habit, especially set up a smoking house, with countless pig legs hanging inside, and piled up pine branches for smoking.

Reading Notes Modern physician Ding Fubao talked about the harm of meat

【Tan Yanmin Calligraphy】

Reading Notes Modern physician Ding Fubao talked about the harm of meat

[Mr. Ding Fubao, a native of Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, is a modern scholar and medical scientist, knowledgeable and knowledgeable, studied in Japan, and believed in Buddhism after the age of forty. After practicing medicine in Shanghai for more than 30 years, Chicken Song began to write, practicing medicine during the day and continuing to work at night, and did not quit in the middle of summer and summer. He died of illness in Shanghai at the age of 79, and wrote many works in his life, such as the "Great Dictionary of Buddhist Studies" and so on.