
Why is the rural sweet potato flour 10 yuan a pound, sweet potato vermicelli 15-20 yuan a pound, so expensive?

author:Small farmers in the mountains

#自己家做的纯红薯粉卖五块钱一斤, vermicelli cost more than ten yuan, but the supermarket is 2.98 yuan a pound, why #

I am an authentic mountain rural person, and I began to do various farm work before I went to school, so I still know a lot about the countryside. One of the topics I want to talk about today is why the sweet potato flour made by rural people themselves sells for four or five yuan a pound, and the sweet potato vermicelli (vermicelli) sells for more than ten yuan a catty (in my hometown sweet potato flour is at least 10 yuan a pound, sweet potato fans are at least 15 yuan a pound), while the sweet potato flour in the shopping mall, supermarket and vegetable market is only two or three yuan a pound?

Why is the rural sweet potato flour 10 yuan a pound, sweet potato vermicelli 15-20 yuan a pound, so expensive?

Sweet potato vermicelli (vermicelli) sold in supermarkets

When it comes to the price of sweet potato flour and sweet potato vermicelli, we have to understand how sweet potato flour and sweet potato vermicelli are made.

The production principle of sweet potato flour is actually very simple, but for rural people to make sweet potato flour by hand, it is not simple. The first thing is to clean the harvested sweet potatoes, each sweet potato must be brushed with a shoe brush to brush the mud on it clean, there can be no sand, so the step of cleaning sweet potatoes is particularly time-consuming and physical.

Why is the rural sweet potato flour 10 yuan a pound, sweet potato vermicelli 15-20 yuan a pound, so expensive?

Hand-wash sweet potatoes

Clean sweet potatoes need to be broken, generally speaking, you need to use a crusher, because the manual use of stone grinders is too slow, so you must use the machine, the ground sweet potatoes will be rinsed next, that is, use a coarse cloth to filter the starch in the crushed sweet potatoes, rinse with water over and over again, and rinse the starch inside the sweet potatoes.

Why is the rural sweet potato flour 10 yuan a pound, sweet potato vermicelli 15-20 yuan a pound, so expensive?

Rinsed water containing starch to be precipitated, generally one to two nights or so time can be precipitated, at this time the wastewater is poured, the bottom of the container is a whole piece of sweet potato starch, this is called wet starch, but also need to scoop them up into a round or rectangular dustpan to dry, dried sweet potato flour is the finished product, this time can be sold.

Why is the rural sweet potato flour 10 yuan a pound, sweet potato vermicelli 15-20 yuan a pound, so expensive?
Why is the rural sweet potato flour 10 yuan a pound, sweet potato vermicelli 15-20 yuan a pound, so expensive?

The raw materials used in the production of sweet potato vermicelli are sweet potato flour and a little alum, why add alum? It is to make fans more resilient, in layman's terms, to be chewy (a little alum and a small amount of food will not actually cause much harm to the human body).

Why is the rural sweet potato flour 10 yuan a pound, sweet potato vermicelli 15-20 yuan a pound, so expensive?

In our mountainous rural people generally have to wait until the time of ice, because when it freezes, the fans will quickly solidify, and the production of fans is generally two pots, mixed into a paste of sweet potato powder in a specific tool, manual beating, it will produce slender fans, the fans are first boiled in a pot of boiling water and then into the cool water pot to cool, you can take it out and put it outdoors to use the cold weather to solidify it.

Why is the rural sweet potato flour 10 yuan a pound, sweet potato vermicelli 15-20 yuan a pound, so expensive?

After solidification, the fans can be bundled, and after bundling, they can be dried and sold.

This is the specific process of rural people hand-making sweet potato flour and sweet potato vermicelli.

It may seem like these processes are not so complicated, but they involve a lot of labor costs. Sweet potatoes themselves are indeed not valuable, wholesale then a pound of sweet potatoes may be a few cents, supermarkets may buy it may be about 2-3 yuan, if measured according to the wholesale price, the cost of a pound of sweet potato flour should be how much?

Why is the rural sweet potato flour 10 yuan a pound, sweet potato vermicelli 15-20 yuan a pound, so expensive?

Generally speaking, the flour rate of sweet potatoes is about 20% - 30%, according to 20% to calculate it, a pound of sweet potato flour needs at least 5 pounds of sweet potatoes, wholesale sweet potatoes according to 5 cents a pound of it, the cost of its raw materials is 2.5 yuan, this is not counting other costs, you say that the sweet potato flour sold in the supermarket is 2.98 yuan a pound, can it be realized? I don't want to say more here, I just want to say that for rural people, if you make 30 pounds of sweet potato flour at one time, the labor cost may be 300 yuan, so our rural people will never sell sweet potato flour at a low price, less than 10 yuan, basically do not want to sell, although they can sell money, but it is equivalent to selling cheaply, it is not worth it, after all, they do not live on that little money.

Why is the rural sweet potato flour 10 yuan a pound, sweet potato vermicelli 15-20 yuan a pound, so expensive?

Sweet potato vermicelli (sweet potato vermicelli) also sells for at least 15 yuan a catty, and the price is still rising in these years, why? Because there are fewer and fewer rural people making fans by hand, the supply is in short supply (basically rural people who return to their hometowns buy and eat by themselves).

In fact, the rural people handmade sweet potato flour or sweet potato noodles, the reason why it is expensive, that is because the amount of doing is small, the labor cost is high, so if it is evenly shared, the price of these sweet potato powder and sweet potato noodles is very high, if it is a large-scale mechanized afterlife processing, the price will definitely fall, but I want to say that if the price of an agricultural product is low, there is no profit margin (about 20% of the profit), so why does such agricultural products exist?

Why is the rural sweet potato flour 10 yuan a pound, sweet potato vermicelli 15-20 yuan a pound, so expensive?

Finally, I would like to talk about one of my experiences, I once bought a fan on a grocery shopping platform, a pound of sweet potato fans is only 3.5 yuan, I bought it back and ate it once and threw it away, do you know why I threw it? Because such a fan when you put it in the pot and burn, you can obviously feel a strange smell, as a rural person, I have eaten the authentic sweet potato vermicelli in the countryside, naturally I know that such a taste is not right, so I just threw it away, fortunately, it did not cost much.

So since then, I have seen those low-priced surprising sweet potato powders, sweet potato fans I am no longer impressed, the principle of one penny for one penny is still common. Industrialization, mechanized production and processing of agricultural products can indeed greatly reduce the price of agricultural products, but agricultural products that are as low as a certain extent have to make people suspicious.