
Three thousand pampered Yang Yuhuan

author:Where the heart of brahma rains

The Tang Dynasty was a prosperous dynasty in Chinese history, and it may also be that the imperial palace of the Tang Dynasty produced a lot of women to participate in politics and power, so in my opinion, this dynasty is not only prosperous, but more importantly, the status of women in this dynasty is really very high.

Three thousand pampered Yang Yuhuan

Director Chen Kaige's "The Legend of the Demon Cat" is full of exotic Yang Guifei

Since the Tang Dynasty (705), the political situation has been volatile. From the time Wu Zetian ascended the throne, Empress Wei of Emperor Zhongzong and her daughter Princess Anle and Princess Taiping, the daughter of Empress Wu, all interfered in the affairs of the dynasty, and even Shangguan Wan'er colluded with Wu Sansi to premeditate the throne. The court ministers were divided into several factions and successive coups d'état occurred. It was not until July of the second year of The First Heaven (713), when Emperor Xuanzong of Tang eliminated the political enemy Taiping Princess clique and expelled a large number of Wu, Wei, and the rest of the party. Emperor Xuanzong of Tang made great efforts to govern and opened the period of "rule of kaiyuan". In the twenty-eighth year of the new century (740), the world was rich, politically stable, strong in national strength, and social and economic prosperity.

The prosperity of this period has promoted the development of cultural undertakings. The famous poets Gao Shi, Cen Shan, wang Wei, especially Li Bai and Du Fu, all lived in this era. Other arts such as music, painting, sculpture, and shuozuo have also made remarkable achievements.

In the kaiyuan era, the Li Tang Dynasty reached its peak; During the Subsequent Tianbao Years, it fell sharply from the top. As a sign of this historical turn, there are two things that have been noticed by historians, namely, the dictatorship of adulterers and the monopoly of noble concubines.

The adulterous minister Li Linfu, sinister but not revealing, is accustomed to flattering people with sweet words and secret words, but behind his back he is plotting to kill people, so he is known as the "sword of honey belly". Li Linfu monopolized the government, rejected dissidents, used cool officials as swords and axes, and mutilated hundreds of upright courtiers, and the crown prince was also afraid of it.

But Emperor Xuanzong did not recognize his adultery, but thought he could. He said to the eunuch Gao Lishi one day: "Now that the sea is too peaceful, I want to live in peace and do nothing, so I entrust the state to Lin Fu, what do you think?"

Colliers was astonished and said, "How can the authority of the world be easily given to people?"

Xuanzong was a little unhappy to hear this. Colliers quickly apologized, saying that he was damned for nonsense. Gao Lishi was originally Xuanzong's confidant, and Xuanzong used to obey his words. Emperor Xuanzong had no intention of government affairs because he had obtained Yang Yuhuan and was addicted to beauty.

In 736, the year Li Linfu began to monopolize power, Emperor Xuanzong's beloved Concubine Wu Hui died, depressed, and none of the beauties of the harem were favored. At this time, he heard that Princess Yang Yuhuan of Shou was in a rich and beautiful posture and was unique in the world, so the eunuch took her to serve wine. Princess Shou is intelligent by nature, proficient in music, and especially good at singing and dancing. Xuanzong showed her the "Neon Dress Feather Song" he had written, Yang Yuhuan knew it at first glance, and sang and danced, like a fairy Linfan, the dance posture was unparalleled, Xuanzong suddenly fell in love at first sight, such as getting a treasure, and seeking wine for joy.

Below, to enjoy a few screenshots of Lin Fangbing's performance of Yang Guifei, she gained 20 pounds at that time in order to perform well.

Three thousand pampered Yang Yuhuan
Three thousand pampered Yang Yuhuan
Three thousand pampered Yang Yuhuan
Three thousand pampered Yang Yuhuan
Three thousand pampered Yang Yuhuan

How, isn't it very Tang style? Why did the plump beauty feel very good before, now they are thin and beautiful, a little fat, a little wrinkle is not OK, now this film and television environment only I feel perverted?

Back to the main topic, Emperor Xuanzong snatched his daughter-in-law away and married a girl with the surname of Wei as a concubine for his son as a sign of comfort. Bai Juyi vividly described the grace she received at the beginning in "Long Hate Song":

There is no idle service for the feast,

Spring from the spring tour to the night of the night.

Harem beauties three thousand people.

Three thousand pampered in one.

The spring night is long, still bitter and short, the sun is on the three poles, and the bed is in love. This emperor who had built a diligent government building in the Xingqing Palace to encourage himself never wanted to go to the early dynasty again. Knowing this background, it is not difficult to understand why Xuanzong was willing to entrust the government to the adulterous minister, and even the advice of his confidants could not be heeded.

Emperor Xuanzong regarded the noble concubine as his heart and liver and crowned her as a noble concubine. Her family was rewarded and loved beyond compare.

One year in the late autumn, the Qianye White Lotus of the Tailiu Pool in the Daming Palace actually had several branches alone in the cold autumn scenery, white and crystalline, like jade. It was anecdote in Beijing. Emperor Xuanzong and his noble concubines also came to the pool to watch. Left and right praised the beauty of the white lotus, admired. Emperor Xuanzong loved this white lotus, and even more loved the noble concubine, so he pointed to the noble concubine and said, "Although the lotus is beautiful, it has no form and no god, how can it be compared to the flower of my interpretation?" The phrase "flower" has become an idiom for later generations to praise beauty.

Yang Guifei grew up in the southern country and liked to eat fresh lychees. Lychees are easy to defeat, and the color and taste change after four or five days away from the branches. In order to quickly pay tribute to the fresh Li School, the Number Of Ganli Tribute Road from Lingnan to Chang'an was opened, and there was no post station along the speed, and there were fast horses, and the lychees were transported to Chang'an, and the color and taste remained unchanged. Lingnan non-commissioned officers were therefore promoted to the third rank. The whole country is vying for treasures.

The three sisters of the noble concubines, the eldest sister was crowned Lady Korea, the second sister was named Lady Guoguo, and the third sister was named Lady Qin Guo. His brother Yang Tian was given the title of Sipin High-ranking Official: Yang Pin married a princess and was given the title of Donkey Horse: Yang Guozhongguan to the Prime Minister, leading more than forty positions, and his power was overwhelming. The Yang clan is favored, the momentum is prominent, and there are sometimes folk songs:

"Don't be sad when you give birth to a man, don't like a woman, and look at women as lintels."

The lintel refers to the horizontal wood above the door frame, which is extended to mean "portal", that is, now the girl can also shine the portal.

In the first month of the first year of Tianbao (742), Emperor Xuanzong appointed An Lushan as the emissary of Jiedushi, sowing the bane of the "Anshi Rebellion" and marking the end of the Kaiyuan dynasty.

An Lushan was a miscellaneous hu of Yingzhou (营州, in present-day Chaoyang, Liaoning), and was originally brave and warlike, and made many military achievements.

In his later years, Xuanzong became increasingly faint, favoring noble concubines and indulging in wine. In order to be able to specialize in entertainment, he handed over palace affairs to Gao Lishi, handed over political affairs to Li Linfu, and obeyed Li Linfu's words.

In the tenth year of Tianbao (751), An Lushan also led the Hedong Festival Envoy, with 183,000 troops, more than the Central Janissaries (120,000) and more than one-third of the national town soldiers (451,000). One person also leads three towns, has military and political affairs, finances, can administer, reward and punish self-exclusively, increasingly authoritarian, prominent, strong strength, and gradually breeds political ambitions to take the Tang Dynasty and replace it.

An Lushan is treacherous and cunning, good at guessing other people's thoughts, but pretending to be very straight. Emperor Xuanzong loved him foolishly and set up a banquet at the Qinzheng Palace. During the banquet, An Lushan made fun of it and personally danced a huxuan dance, which provoked Xuanzong to applaud. After the banquet, Emperor Xuanzong left An Lushan alone to follow him into the palace, and called him Lu'er one by one. An Lushan took advantage of the situation to walk up to Yang Guifei, knelt down and prayed: "Erchen wishes mother concubine Chitose!"

Yang Guozhong constantly collected evidence of An Lushan's rebellion, causing An Lushan to plot an army in advance. Tongguan was lost, and there was panic inside and outside the capital. Emperor Xuanzong temporarily took refuge in Shuzhong.

Emperor Xuanzong and his party ate and stayed at the wind, endured hunger, and traveled all the way west. On June 14, the party went to Ma Songpo (in present-day XingpingXi, Shaanxi) to rest. At this time, the generals were all holding a fire in their stomachs, and Chen Xuanli believed that this disaster was caused by Yang Guozhong, and if he wanted to kill him, he would ask the crown prince Li Heng and did not dare to make the decision. Just so happened that more than twenty Tibetan emissaries stopped Yang Guozhong's horse's head and asked him for food. Some of the sergeants suddenly shouted, "Yang Guozhong and Hu Yu conspired against each other!" An arrow shot at Yang Guozhong, but it didn't hit. When Yang Guozhong saw that something was wrong, he hurriedly slapped his horse and fled, and the soldiers chased after him and killed him.

Emperor Xuanzong heard the noise outside the station and said that Yang Guozhong was plotting rebellion. Chen Xuanli said: "Yang Guozhong plotted rebellion, and it is not appropriate for the noble concubine to stay any longer, so please ask Your Majesty to cut off grace and straighten out the law." When Emperor Xuanzong heard this, he retreated into the inn, leaned on his staff and bowed his head, and wept darkly. Jing Zhaosi recorded Wei Chen's reminder to Xuanzong: "The anger of the people is difficult to offend, and the safety is in an instant, may Your Majesty make a decision as soon as possible!" Say it, kowtow more than that. Emperor Xuanzong said, "Noble Concubine lives in the Deep Palace, how can she know that Yang Guozhong is plotting rebellion?" Gao Lishi advised from the side: "The noble concubines are indeed innocent, but the generals have killed Yang Guozhong, and the noble concubines are still around His Majesty, so how can they be at ease?" Therefore, Emperor Xuanzong ordered Gao Lishi to take the noble concubine into the Buddhist hall and strangle her to death. Seeing that Yang Guifei was really dead, the generals reorganized their ranks and prepared to leave.

Yang Guifei is a well-known beauty in my country. Her legendary life has triggered the raw flowers and magic pens of many troublesome inkers, who have either filled in the words or written and written.

The Japanese article "Stories From China" says that Yang Guifei was not hanged in Ma Songyi, but was conspired by Chen Xuanli and Gao Lishi to escape from the tiger's mouth instead of the method, and then crossed east to Japan, and died in the eastern neighboring country. Now there are still people who call themselves the descendants of Yang Guifei.

However, some people believe that Yang Guifei did not die in Ma Songyi, but eventually became a female Taoist priest. It is believed that Yang Guifei did not die in Ma Songpo, and it is likely that she used the strategy of dropping the bag. Because Xuanzong returned to the dynasty, he reburied the noble concubine, but "in the mud under the slope of Ma Song, there was no place where Yu Yan died", and the corpse of the noble concubine was not found. Later, he sent a fangshi to look for it, "The poor and the blue fell to the Yellow Spring, and the two vast places were not seen." Bai Juyi's "Long Song of Hate" here implies that Yang Guifei is still in the human world, and the so-called "noble concubine living in the sea immortal mountain" is nothing more than a piece of music. According to Bai Juyi's "Long Hate Song", Yang Guifei was exiled to the Female Taoist Temple. The Tang Dynasty female Taoist temple is the prostitute brothel, which is really "this hatred has no end" for Xuanzong!

Three thousand pampered Yang Yuhuan

Neon feather dance

Three thousand pampered Yang Yuhuan

Due to incomplete historical records, among the four beauties of China, in addition to Wang Zhaojun's explicit suicide, the causes of death of Xi Shi, Yang Yuhuan, and Marten Cicada are all disputed. But the ending of the four people is basically a tragedy. Probably only tragedy will make future generations unforgettable, sigh!