
Video 丨 Rave Reviews! Anhua black tea epic drama "The Tea Ceremony under the Heavens" audition

author:Red Net
Video 丨 Rave Reviews! Anhua black tea epic drama "The Tea Ceremony under the Heavens" audition

Stills from "The Tea Ceremony under the Sky".

Video 丨 Rave Reviews! Anhua black tea epic drama "The Tea Ceremony under the Heavens" audition

Anhua tea garden landscape.

Red Net Moment Yiyang, November 12 (Reporter Liu Li Photography Xu Wei Xie Liang) At 20:28 on November 12, "The Tea Ceremony under the Heavens" was first publicly auditioned at the Hunan Anhua Tianxia Black Tea Grand Theatre. The curtain opened, the sound of horse bells crisp, the horse gang with Anhua black tea from Anhua step by step out of the tea horse ancient road, the story that happened thousands of years ago vividly presented in front of the audience, the history of the development of Anhua black tea culture told.

For thousands of years, countless tea merchants and horse gangs have walked on the ancient tea horse road, spreading Chinese tea culture to exotic countries in Fanbang, leaving countless stories that can be sung and wept. "The Tea Ceremony under the Heavens" tells the story of the Ancient Tea Horse Road. The "Tea Ceremony under the Heavens" theme tea culture tourism performance is an epic drama of Chinese tea culture. It integrates the depth and ingenuity of the top-level creative team in the national cultural and artistic circles, with "Wanli Tea Road" as the creative core; with innovative choreography, the original ecological song and dance that shows the black tea production process and the essence of Meishan culture that is deeply excavated, integrating high-tech means such as stage sound, light, 3D imaging, and multi-level mechanical stage, and presents a 90-minute theme performance in a chapter style. This performance is the intangible cultural heritage of Anhua black tea - Qianye tea stepping process in the form of theme culture and art, and it is also the first black tea theme tea cultural tourism performance in China.

Video 丨 Rave Reviews! Anhua black tea epic drama "The Tea Ceremony under the Heavens" audition

Dragon boat races.

The whole drama uses the narrative of six acts of "Strange Fate", "Departure from Hometown", "Dangerous Road", "Saiwai", "Exotic Country" and "Tianxia", which vividly shows the spiritual temperament of Hunan people who "dare to be the first in the world" and the deep "feelings of home and country" and romantic "love stories" of people in this land.

At the performance site, the audience enjoyed the repertoire immersively, and also felt the contribution made by the ancestors to promote the development of Anhua black tea. "The 'young master' took the horse gang to carry Anhua black tea to the world, and finally walked out of an ancient tea horse road, seeing this story, I deeply felt that the development of Anhua black tea is not easy until now." Ms. Wang was attracted by the story told by "The Tea Ceremony under heaven", "I was very impressed by the scene of going to Mongolia in Mabang, the stage effect was very good, and the visual impact was also great. ”

The play specially invited Mei Shuaiyuan, the founder of China's landscape live-action performances, the director of large-scale performances such as Hunan Zhangjiajie's "Tianmen Fox Immortal - New Liu Hai Cutting Trees", Guangxi Guilin's "Impression Liu Sanjie", Jiangxi's "Jinggangshan" red performance, and Shandong Taishan's "Feng Zen Ceremony" as the general director.

Video 丨 Rave Reviews! Anhua black tea epic drama "The Tea Ceremony under the Heavens" audition

Make a tea of ten thousand two.

According to the characteristics of the space of the super-large theater, the director team extended the limited space with the "international standard" stage creativity, thus providing a broad stage space for multi-regional performances. In addition, through the comprehensive application of many innovative stage technologies such as multimedia weather simulation system and composite mechanical devices, the three-dimensional viewing experience of space, time and weather is constructed, and the performance will give the audience a huge visual collision and spiritual shock.

"The whole stage design is very good, the costumes, stage effects, props are constantly changing, which is shocking. I am very proud to have such a repertoire in Anhua, and the director team is very good! I hope that friends from all over the country will come to Anhua to watch this performance. As the first audience of "The Tea Ceremony under heaven", Ms. Li was deeply shocked, "I am a native of Anhua and have a certain understanding of this history. The repertoire revolves around the historical evolution of Anhua black tea, which is a good publicity for Anhua black tea culture. ”

Video 丨 Rave Reviews! Anhua black tea epic drama "The Tea Ceremony under the Heavens" audition

The caravan bid farewell to relatives and friends and embarked on the journey.

Video 丨 Rave Reviews! Anhua black tea epic drama "The Tea Ceremony under the Heavens" audition

The caravan returned to its hometown.

As the source of China's black tea, the ancient tea horse road and the source of wanli tea road, in recent years, the county party committee and the county government have vigorously developed the black tea characteristic industry based on resource endowments, and at the same time, they have also taken the construction of "smooth, touristy, beautiful, and rich new Anhua" as the main strategic development goal, focusing on excavating the black tea cultural resources that have been inherited for thousands of years, and at the same time accelerating the in-depth integration and development of tea, tourism, culture, sports and health industries. "The Tea Ceremony of the World" came into being in such a context of the times, and will be permanently settled in the Hunan Anhua Tianxia Black Tea Grand Theater.

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