
The Yongzheng Emperor was a standard "labor model" + "otaku"


The Yongzheng Emperor Yin Chan (December 1678 – October 1735) was the fourth son of the Kangxi Emperor Xuanye and the third emperor after the Qing Dynasty entered the Guanguan. In November 1722, Kangxi died, and Yin Chan, with the help of Long Keduo and others, inherited the unification and changed to Yuan Yongzheng the following year.

After ascending the throne, Yongzheng is completely worthy of being called a "model worker" and a "first otaku of the Qing Dynasty" who does not like to patrol and play

The Yongzheng Emperor Shi Zaiyong was worried day and night and diligent in political affairs; and he himself once said that he would "be diligent before the world"——

And look at the data: according to statistics, he reigned for thirteen years, and the batch of red words reached more than 10 million words (it is said that the posterity collected 360 volumes of the folds he had approved); we only calculated with 10 million words, he wrote an average of more than 2100 words a day in thirteen years, at that time, he wrote big characters with a brush, and Before Zhu Batch, he had to read the folds and think about it! According to history, during his thirteen years on the throne, he basically began to deal with political affairs at five o'clock in the morning every day, left work at seven or eight o'clock in the evening (rested after nine o'clock), and often worked thirteen or four hours a day! This kind of diligent and dedicated spirit, "playing with life" work, not to mention rare in feudal emperors, is not rare now, including some 996 industries, and even more than that?! Most of the "996" work an average of 11 hours a day, excluding eating and going to the toilet; while Yongzheng works an average of 13 hours a day. The "996" people rested one day a week and at least fifty days a year; yongzheng rested for more than ten days a year unless he was seriously ill or an important holiday. This can be called a model worker who is really hard-working and standard, right?! (And absolutely national, or even global).

The Yongzheng Emperor was a standard "labor model" + "otaku"

Due to the busy government affairs, coupled with the adverse effects of the pre-succession, the "Nine Concubines", the instability of the political situation in the early succession, and the old age and physical decline in the later period, the Yongzheng Emperor Yin Chan reigned for thirteen years, and even stayed in the imperial palace most of the time, without going out to inspect or play; on this basis, he can be called the first "otaku" of the Qing Dynasty. And his father, the Kangxi Emperor Xuanye, and his son, the Qianlong Emperor Hongli, were not "one-way people" at all compared to him! ~~

According to historical records, during his 61-year reign, Kangxi went out on tour 40 times, went to Shengjing in the northeast 3 times, and went to Xi'an, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Wutaishan nearly 10 times. During his 60-year reign, Qianlong went on 52 tours outside of Shandong, 5 times to Shandong, 4 times to Shengjing in the northeast, and to Tianjin, Henan, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and WutaiShan (at least more than 10 times).

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