
The best ingredient for foodies --- Zhoushan pike crab

author:Lime VLOG

Pike crab presumably everyone loves to eat, every year in October, is the golden age of eating crab, fat and delicious pike crab no one does not love, then today I will share with you the best of the pike crab ----- Zhoushan pike crab.

Zhoushan specialty pike crab: There are many types of crabs in Zhoushan fishery, and the most abundant resources and the highest yield are the three-wart pike crab. The pike crab is covered with a hard carapace, the back is dark green, and its shape resembles a woven shuttle, hence the name. Crabs caught after the ninth month of the lunar calendar are called "cream crabs", which are full of physique, the best quality, rich in nutrition, and are accompanied by wine and delicacies. Pike crab is mainly steamed, but it can also be made of crab paste, crab stocks or crab sauce by adding salt according to the traditional local processing method, or washing the crab with cream and putting it into the salt brine to make a "choking crab", which has a different flavor.

Today, I will share with you the 6 ways to eat pike crabs, and see what you can learn! The fifth type is recommended by Zhoushan locals! You'll have to give it a try!

Type 1: Steamed pike crab

The best ingredient for foodies --- Zhoushan pike crab

Steamed eating method is the most common way to eat seafood in Zhejiang, only steaming can eat the original taste of seafood, which is also the simplest way to eat pike crab.

Wash the bought pike crab and steam it directly. However, steaming pike crab is also a trick, do not use hot water on the pot when steaming, if the hot water on the pot, the barracuda crab's feet will fall out, be sure to put cold water on the pot, steam after the fire comes up for about 10 minutes can turn off the heat!

After it is slightly cool, you can eat it, chop it into small pieces, dip it in a little soy sauce or use shredded green onions, soy sauce, and white vinegar to make a sauce.

Type 2: Salty crab / Red cream crab

This is the freshest way to eat pike crab, in the choice of pike crab must choose more yellow, large, and fresh pike crab to do! The crabs that are quickly frozen when caught are more yellow and yellow, and the salty choking crabs are the most delicious.

The best ingredient for foodies --- Zhoushan pike crab

Required ingredients

4 crabs with red paste, 400 grams of salt, 2 spoons of high white wine, peppercorns to taste, 1500 ml of water.

Production steps

1: Find a clean container and put 1500 ml of boiling water or mineral water in it. Pour the salt into the water and stir constantly to allow the salt to melt. After the salt melts in the water, add the peppercorns and pour in 2 tablespoons of high liquor. Liquor is best put away, because the better the liquor, the more fragrant the salty crab flavor, and it is best to be a high-grade liquor brewed from pure grain! Definitely better than the salted crab you bought, the salted crab you bought is made of ordinary liquor.

2: After washing the pike crab, wipe the moisture off with a kitchen towel. Be sure to control the moisture, but the best thing to do is to wipe the crab clean with a paper towel or the like, do not wash it with water, and then put the navel up into the solution and let the salt water soak the crab body.

3: The last step is to refrigerate in the refrigerator, after 8 to 12 hours, put the pickled pike crab in the bag, and freeze it in the refrigerator for a few more hours. After freezing, you can eat it, first wash the surface of the barracuda crab with water, you can chop them into small pieces and plate them. Why freeze all the crabs? Because it's so good to cut! The cut out pike crab is more complete and beautiful. If you can't eat so much at once, just keep the rest frozen in the refrigerator!

However, this way of eating is not suitable for eating in the summer. You can save the method and wait until the winter to do it. After winter, the pike crab is the most suitable for salted gun crab!

Type 3: Sautéed rice cake with pike crab

This is the favorite way to eat in Ningbo, Zhejiang, Zhoushan.

The best ingredient for foodies --- Zhoushan pike crab

1 pike crab and 2 rice cakes.

1) Cut the pike crab into small pieces, add some dry starch and fry in a pan. After frying, put aside, slice the rice cake and set aside.

2) Put some oil in the pan, heat the oil and add the green onion to stir-fry, then put the sautéed pike crab in the pan and stir-fry. After the aroma is stir-fried, then put the cut rice cake into it and fry, then add the right amount of water, stir-fry a little and then add salt to taste, this delicious pike crab fried rice cake is ready!

Type 4: Pike crab spicy cabbage stir-fried rice cake

The frying method is similar to the above steps, except when frying

The best ingredient for foodies --- Zhoushan pike crab

Add some spicy cabbage. This way of eating is the most popular way to eat in the northeast, the taste is also very special, if you like it, you can try it.

Type 5: Grilled pike crab

The best ingredient for foodies --- Zhoushan pike crab

Grilled pike crab is a very popular method of Zhoushan locals, which is recommended to me by a Friend of Zhoushan! It was really awesome to try!

Fresh crabs do not need to be shelled, wash and burn directly, put the whole crab shells down in an iron pot, no water is put in the pot, cover the pot and directly bake on a low heat for about 10 minutes. Remember, be sure to use a small fire! If you don't have any experience in roasting for the first time, you can put a cabbage leaf or two under the crab!

Take it out and eat it immediately after cooking, don't stew it in the pot, this way of eating is super fresh, and the meat quality is also very tight!

Type 6: Pike crab in shallot oil

The best ingredient for foodies --- Zhoushan pike crab

Put, steamed fish soy sauce 2 spoons, a little salt, 1 spoonful of vinegar, 2 to 3 slices of ginger, 1 spoonful of old wine

1: Wash the pike crab and remove the inedible parts, then chop into small pieces, place them into shapes, put some old wine to soak, and put some ginger slices on the surface. Then put it in a pot and steam it, bring it on for 10 minutes!

2: Remove the crab lid, mix the steamed fish soy sauce vinegar and salt evenly, pour on top of the barracuda crab, sprinkle some green onions on the surface of the crab, and then drizzle with some hot oil, cover the crab shell and decorate it, you can eat!

The above is the 6 ways to eat pike crab, foodies are now a good time to taste pike crab Oh, collect these ways to eat it, there is always one you like!

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