
As the old saying goes, "Hitting is scolding is love", between husband and wife, how to quarrel without hurting feelings?

author:Brother Tai borrowed a light

  1. Use "I sentence" to express your opinion

  American sociologist and interpersonal expert Jane Yag stressed that it is best to express opinions in the first person when arguing, such as "I think you hurt me", "I think you mean", etc., emphasizing that this is just your personal feelings.

  2. Speak directly

Sneering and scolding, it is difficult for the other party to understand where you are dissatisfied and what you want to do. To resolve a dispute, it's best to get to the point and articulate your thoughts.

3. Do not slander the other party

  Verbal abuse and slander by name is the most unwise form of quarrel, which only cruelly leaves a lasting wound in the other person's heart and complicates simple problems.

  4, do not drop things or move fists and feet

  No matter how angry you are, waving punches, spitting, smashing things and other behaviors must be absolutely prohibited when quarreling, and any non-verbal action will only make others have a worse and worse impression of you.

  5, do not distinguish between right and wrong

  When arguing, remember to remind yourself that differences of opinion are not a matter of who is right and who is wrong, but just disagreements. With this in mind, it will be much easier to resolve disputes.

  6, do not make a fuss about everyone

  Making noise and shouting to let the people around you watch will only embarrass both sides and lead to a deterioration of the relationship. Even if the sword is really tense, find a "hidden" place.

7, do not talk about privacy

  Even if the argument is fierce, avoid talking about the other person's privacy or some personal issues. Violating this will only betray and sacrifice the trust of others, and make you lose a lot because of small.

   8. Give the other person a chance to speak

  The ringer must also be tied to the ringer, give the other party the opportunity to explain and theorize, and listen patiently, in order to find the real reason for the disagreement between the two sides, step by step to untie the happy knot.

  9. Leave some buffer time for each other

  Arguing is ultimately about solving the problem, not being quick to talk about. Give each other a little time to think and respond to each other's opinions and opinions, and further arguments are meaningful.

Quarrels between husband and wife are the most normal things, almost no couples have a lifetime without mixing mouths, but most of the husband and wife quarrels are bedside quarrels and bedsides, sometimes the mouth between husband and wife will be regarded as showing love in the eyes of others, there is an old saying: hitting is pain, scolding is love. But sometimes two people quarrel will also hurt feelings, because when angry, the words spoken by the quarrel are not thought out by the brain, what is said, but the words that are said are like the water that is spilled out, and it will be easy to hurt each other, so how can we not hurt feelings in the quarrel?

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