
Mystery novel | talk about Keigo Higashino, whom I read

author:Teacher Cici said CC

People who like to read novels probably can't get around the name "Keigo Higashino".

From many years ago, I began to watch Keigo Higashino's "Relief Grocery Store", and until now, I can also be regarded as his old East fan.

Mystery novel | talk about Keigo Higashino, whom I read

I remember reading his first few books, and I was particularly emotional: the original speculative fiction can also be written like this, there is no special modus operandi, there is no murderer who desperately wants to escape, in fact, there is no such tortuous motive, but it will be trapped in it for a long time after reading it, and cannot extricate itself.

Let's talk about a few of my favorite works of Uncle Dong:

The novel is very warm, very touching, and quite healing.

Mystery novel | talk about Keigo Higashino, whom I read

There is a humble grocery store next to a secluded street, but it is also a magical grocery store, just write down the annoyances and throw them into the roller shutter door and get answers in the milk carton behind the store the next day. The book connects several unrelated stories through this small grocery store, and the people in the story are troubled and meet this grocery store at the fork in life, and life is different.

The book is still very famous in China, because China has remade the film, and it is still good.

For this book, Keigo Higashino himself once said, .

The second book I read was "The Cross of Nothingness", and after reading it, my heart could not be calm for a long time. A crime novel that raises profound social questions and a discussion of the contemporary judicial system, in which he issues a soul-torturing question about whether the death penalty should be abolished in modern society.

Mystery novel | talk about Keigo Higashino, whom I read

The case of this book is relatively simple, focusing on how to measure the criminal law of the criminal after the case occurs, and how to let the victim's family heal the pain and continue to live.

And this also subtly hints at the author's point of view: "When the murderer can feel the feelings of the victim's family and feel empathy, he can repent more sincerely and positively." And mere superficial punishments and apologies are useless. ”

Only a true sense of sin and atonement for one's sins is a true cross, otherwise even the death penalty is meaningless.

"The Dedication of Suspect X" created a unique miracle in the history of Japanese speculative fiction, including the 134th Naoki Award, the 6th Benge Mystery Novel Award, and the first place in the list of japan's three major mystery novels of the year.

Mystery novel | talk about Keigo Higashino, whom I read

Normal general speculative fiction, is the victim died, the murderer desperately proved that he was not present, and finally the police came to solve the case, but the reasoning of this novel, at the beginning of the person died, and who killed, how the killing process, all of them were exposed in great detail, and then, the protagonist appeared, the investigation was carried out, and the ending was unexpected.

The story is about a once-in-a-century mathematical genius, Shi Shen, whose only pleasure every day is to go to a fixed bento shop to buy lunch, just to see yasuko, a neighbor who works in a bento shop. Yasuko and her daughter are dependent on each other and kill their ex-husband who came to pester. The stone god offered to take care of the aftermath. Shi Shen set up an unbelievable bureau, so that the police can only knock on the periphery, and can not be related to the case at all.

What impressed me was the duel between two mathematical geniuses, one with meticulous logical thinking, and the other with meticulous logical thinking.

Mystery novel | talk about Keigo Higashino, whom I read

Out of love for this book, I have watched both the Japanese version of the movie of the same name and the Chinese movie, and they are both well made and worth watching.

This is Keigo Higashino's recognized uncrowned king!

Mystery novel | talk about Keigo Higashino, whom I read

A little girl who has suffered misery since childhood, a little boy who is equally miserable, may only hope that all they want is to hold hands and stand under the sun, warm. However, this is a luxury that they can never reach, and the lives of Yukiho and Ryoji are destined to be miserable.

The story follows the story of a male corpse found in an abandoned building in Osaka in 1973, and in the following 19 years, the suspect's daughter Yukiho and the victim's son Ryoji Kirihara embark on a very different life path, one into high society, the other wandering at the bottom.

Mystery novel | talk about Keigo Higashino, whom I read

He killed his father for her, and she killed his mother for him. In order to avoid the statute of limitations, pretending not to know each other for nineteen years, constantly committing crimes and protecting each other. In 19 years, only one old policeman has been tracking down and gradually spelling out the amazing truth.

The book says". ”

This book also has a Japanese version of the same name movie and Japanese drama, I especially like it, so sweet.

Mystery novel | talk about Keigo Higashino, whom I read

I like Keigo Higashino because he let me know that speculative fiction can be written like this; I like Keigo Higashino because he let me know that there can be so deep social thinking behind some of the phenomena that seem ordinary every day; I like Keigo Higashino because he shows us the darkest side of human nature, and at the same time, after seeing the darkness, he tells us how to be gentle with the world.

Uncle Dong is a prolific writer, of course, there are some works that dare not be complimented, but it does not prevent me from still admiring him, because there are already so many excellent works for us to worship.

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