
Two types of students can register! Tsinghua opened the second batch of Yau Chengtong Mathematical Science Leadership Talent Training Program

author:Thoughtful client

Yau Chengtong's Mathematical Science Leadership Talent Training Program is designed and trained from all over the world to recruit students with outstanding mathematical potential and expertise at the secondary school stage, from undergraduate continuous training to doctoral students, and is committed to cultivating a group of leading talents with a solid mathematical foundation in China and can lead the development of basic mathematics and related applications in China and even the world.

The program conducted its inaugural enrollment in 2021. The program enrolls no more than 100 students per year, enrolled in the Mathematics and Applied Mathematics major of Tsinghua University (eight-year system), relying on tsinghua University's Truth Seeking College for training, using the "3+2+3" training model, from undergraduate continuous training to doctoral students. During the "3+2+3" stage of study, you cannot transfer to other majors.

The Yau Chengtong Mathematical Science Leadership Talent Training Program mainly enrolls students in the first and second grades of high school, and especially outstanding junior high school third grade and high school third grade students can also apply.

This batch is open to students selected for the National Training Team for mathematics and physics olympiads and students who have won the prize in the Mathematics Competition for Girls' Secondary School Students.

The first Yau Chengtong Girls' Mathematics Competition for Girls' Secondary School Students ended at the end of last month, with a total of more than 140 students participating in the written test, 35 shortlisted for the interview stage, and finally 25 people were selected for the gold, silver, bronze and excellent awards.

Among them, Sun Linling of Shanghai Experimental Middle School and Zhang Heyun of Shibei Junior High School won the winner's award, so they are also qualified to apply for the Yau Chengtong Mathematical Science Leadership Talent Training Program.

Two types of students can register! Tsinghua opened the second batch of Yau Chengtong Mathematical Science Leadership Talent Training Program

■ Winners of the first Yau Chengtong Girls' Mathematics Competition for Girls' Secondary School Students

According to the schedule, before the end of January 2022, the results of the shortlisted identification will be assessed and announced, and the shortlisted recognition certificate will be sent. From March to June 2022, students who have been shortlisted for recognition will enter the school to receive preparatory training, and then go through the admission procedures after passing the inspection.

Source: Thoughtful

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