
Introduction to Shakespeare

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Have you ever heard of the name "Shakespeare"?

Introduction to Shakespeare

His name was William Shakespeare (1564-1616) and he was a famous dramatist and poet of the 16th-century English Renaissance. Merchant family. At the age of 14, he stopped school due to his father's bankruptcy and went to work outside the country 8 years later. He has worked as a chore, actor, and screenwriter in the theater. He returned to his hometown at the age of 49 and died shortly after.

Introduction to Shakespeare

He wrote a total of 37 plays, two long poems, and 154 sonnets. Historical dramas include "Henry IV", "Henry VI", "Richard III", etc.; comedies include "Twelfth Night", "A Midsummer Night's Dream", "The Merchant of Venice", "Nothing to Worry About", etc.; tragedies include "Hamlet", "Othello", "King Lear", "Mac Pace", "Romeo and Juliet" and so on. They all reveal their social significance in a variety of sharp contradictions and conflicts. For example, the drama "Hamlet", through the storyline of the blood of the prince who avenges his father and the people around him, shows that the author opposes the feudal tyrant and the feudal system from a humanitarian point of view, and at the same time exposes the hypocrisy and egoism of the emerging bourgeoisie. In a word, from the contradictory struggle between the characters and society, "reflects the social contradictions of the period when the British feudal system disintegrated and capitalism arose"

Because Shakespeare reads a lot of books, goes deep into life, contacts all kinds of characters in society, and studies their various relationships and contradictions with society, the characters in the script are vivid and have distinct personalities.

Because Shakespeare achieved unparalleled achievements in creation, people honored him as "Shakespeare". The name "Shakespeare" and his works will live forever!

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