
Experts suggest: combine the output of rural "leftover men" with urban "leftover women", media comments: Don't mess with the Mandarin Duck Spectrum

author:Shangguan News

Recently, some media published an article "New Year's Return to The Hometown Survey: Some Rural Wives Want 1 Million To Marry Daughters-in-law", an expert interviewed in the article, Wu Xiuming, said that there are many "leftover women" in cities and more "leftover men" in rural areas, and it is necessary to promote the two-way flow of urban and rural population, and suggested that rural "leftover men" be trained in skills and "exported" to industries and regions where women are concentrated.

Once this view was published, it caused heated discussion among netizens, and many netizens believed that solving the problem of "leftover men and leftover women" could not statically pursue a balance in quantity. Some media commented that some experts have proposed the combination of rural "leftover men" and urban "leftover women", which is an unrealistic consideration, or it is better not to mess with the "Mandarin Duck Spectrum".

Experts suggest that the export of rural "leftover men" to the city is controversial

According to previous media reports, Wu Xiuming, deputy secretary-general of the Shanxi Think Tank Development Association, said in an interview, "In the long run, narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas and the regional gap is the cure for the root cause." Wu Xiuming said that there are many "leftover women" in cities and many "leftover men" in rural areas, and it is necessary to vigorously develop the rural industrial economy in connection with the work of rural revitalization, promote the increase of peasants' income, narrow the gap between urban and rural areas, and promote the two-way flow of urban and rural population, so that young women in cities will not regard the countryside as a fearful way.

In an interview, Wu Xiuming also suggested that in this process, local governments can also take appropriate measures to solve some gender "structural" problems as much as possible, such as training rural "leftover men" in skills, "exporting" to industries and regions where women are concentrated, and also taking the lead in organizing cross-regional "Queqiao meetings".

According to the cover news, on February 16, the reporter interviewed Lu Dewen, a researcher at the China Rural Governance Research Center of Wuhan University, who believed that the problem of "leftover men and leftover women" had little to do with the difference between urban and rural areas, and could not be simply matched to solve the problem.

Lu Dewen believes that there are two problems behind the leftover men and women, and the nature of their remaining is different, so a simple match is "taken for granted." ”

Lu Dewen analyzed that the problem of sky-high dowry in rural areas is not entirely caused by the imbalance of gender ratio, there are very complex social factors, the most critical of which is that the traditional marriage circle in rural areas has been broken. "The traditional marriage circle is a society of acquaintances, the information is more symmetrical, and the dowry and dowry are more stable. But now that the match has been broken, the internal constraint mechanism has been lost, so it is basically a result of the great changes in the entire marriage market. Ludvin said.

Lu Dewen said that there are many "leftover women" in the city, which is also a manifestation of the change in the concept of marriage, and urban women do not regard this marriage as the only choice, and it is also possible not to marry. "So this expert's talk about guiding urban 'leftover women' to go to the countryside is a bit too much imagination, and he has little to do with urban and rural areas." Ludvin said.

According to public information, Wu Xiuming is a member of the Shanxi Writers Association, the former deputy editor-in-chief of The Sanjin Metropolis Newspaper, the deputy secretary-general of the Shanxi Think Tank Development Association, and the vice president of the Shanxi Provincial Children's Public Welfare Promotion Association.

After graduating from Shanxi University in 1989, Wu Xiuming has been engaged in journalism and has written more than 6 million words of various news and literary works. His research interests include financial news, branding and capital markets, and he has presided over the planning of the "Shanxi Brand Disaster" series, the "Entrepreneur Interview" series, and the "Ali Charity Daily Positive Energy" series. He has participated in the planning of economic development and revitalization projects in many counties in Shanxi, and promoted local investment promotion and project landing.

Media comments: Rural "leftover men" combined with urban "leftover women", don't mess with the Mandarin duck spectrum

For this controversial issue, some media commented that the rural "leftover men" combined with the urban "leftover women", don't mess with the Mandarin duck spectrum.

In recent years, rural "leftover men" have attracted much attention as a typical social phenomenon. In 2016, China Youth Daily wrote in an in-depth series of reports on the phenomenon of leftover men in rural China, "Due to the urban-rural divide, this round of 'marriage squeeze' has been more crowded into remote and poor areas, and tens of millions of rural leftover men are becoming a serious social problem." As of now, China's single adult population exceeds 240 million people, more than 58 million people choose to live alone, and the single population includes both "leftover men" and "leftover women".

At present, there is no unified definition of the concept of "leftover man" and "leftover woman", but there is a more consistent cognition on the Internet, which makes unmarried women over the age of 27 become "leftover women" and unmarried men over 30 years old become "leftover men". They either live a life of celibacy voluntarily or passively, which has an impact on traditional social and family structures, aggravating the cost of social life and generating a waste of social resources. It is precisely for such considerations that experts attach importance to the problem of rural "leftover men" and put forward corresponding suggestions, there is no doubt that this starting point is good, but if only the efforts of the rural economy, can not really solve the problem. In particular, some experts have proposed the combination of rural "leftover men" and urban "leftover women", which is an unrealistic consideration, or it is better not to mess with the "Mandarin Duck Spectrum".

The reason why "leftover men" appear in rural areas is a variety of influencing factors, and it cannot be simply believed that narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas can solve the problem of "leftover men". On the surface, the reason why rural men cannot find a suitable marriage partner is related to the high dowry in rural areas, and the bride price that needs to be prepared for marriage has become a stumbling block on the road to marriage. However, if you carefully explore the logic behind the high dowry of rural "leftover men", you will find that this is not due to the influence of rural bride price customs, but essentially the result of the surplus of male and male competition in rural areas, which is what we often refer to as "inner volume" now.

The reason why there are "leftover women" in the city is much simpler, on the one hand, it is based on the result of personal choice, because the women in the city are strong in ability, have a variety of options, and can enjoy a high-quality single life under the premise of self-sufficiency. On the other hand, women in the city do not meet the right marriage partner. "Leftover women" are mostly in the middle and upper classes of society, have a high level of education, social status and economic income, under the improvement of social status and the awakening of self-awareness, most of them maintain an attitude of reluctance to "settle" towards marriage.

According to the suggestions of experts, through the development of the rural industrial economy, narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas, so that urban young women do not regard the countryside as a fearful road, it is not feasible. According to the theory of mate selection gradient, in the marriage field, men's mate selection preferences are "down" to find, willing to choose women who are lower than themselves in terms of income, education, height and other aspects, while women are the opposite. The three views of rural "leftover men" and urban "leftover women" are different, not to mention whether urban "leftover women" accept rural "leftover men", many rural "leftover men" are difficult to understand the consumption concept of urban "leftover women", which will directly lead to contradictions and is not conducive to family harmony.

Column Editor-in-Chief: Zhang Wu Text Editor: Yang Rong Title Image Source: Visual China Image Editor: Shao Jing

Source: Author: Daily Economic News

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