
Wang Honghai, a peasant writer in Wei County, Hebei Province; Literature, Where Are You On The Road? 》

author:Kyosei Bunken

Literature, where do you go?

Text/Wang Honghai

Recently, on the Internet, I learned that there is a senior female writer in Shanghai who has written countless works in her lifetime, but few people know about it. Books are published at their own expense, and they can't sell much, and their lives are in trouble. Living in a basement somewhere in Shanghai, she was melancholy. There seems to be some mental disorder. In the bustling part of Shanghai, I started a very funny live broadcast, and I laughed all the time. Holi is fancy and foreign. This action is incredible. Within a few days, millions of fans and doubled their value. This, she says, is real life. And literature is worthless in this world.

What is wrong with the world, and how can our literature be so bad in real life?

Is it the greed of human nature, or the smell of copper that occupies the cultural position.

A few decades ago, a good article, or a good book, once asked, many people rushed to buy, read carefully, how respected the literati were.

Today, with the development of communication devices, despite the abundance of literary platforms, despite the endless awards. But who are the people who really win the prize? It is the number of clicks that meet the standard, and the interpersonal relationship is mastered. The controllers of the platform are nothing more than to achieve their economic goals.

Therefore, the poets went on the spot, there were poems of saliva, there were also old dry bodies, and there were also poems that did not let the ears be filthed, and they won awards by virtue of their connections, by swiping tickets, and they were proud and honored, known as the masters of shengshi literature. They wore the wedding dresses of countless literary lovers, flaunting everywhere, and their brocade clothes fluttered.

And the real author, the pen cultivation is continuous, the Chinese chapters are even more than a piece of wiping tablecloth, abandoned by one side. Write hard for half a lifetime, not worth the shouting of Internet celebrities. In order to make a living, they must not run to the market, displace, and eventually be poor. Chen Zhongzhong is like this, Lu Yao is like this, and so are many poor writers. For the sake of their original intentions, for the sake of their conscience, for the sake of the cultural inheritance of the nation, their spirit can be expressed!

It is no wonder that today's materialistic desires are rampant, and there are a few people who can let go of impetuosity, calm down, read a good poem, and taste a good article. On the contrary, for some, stimulating, eroding, playful things, they can't let go, they raise their arms and shout, send roses in their hands, and return to the king.

Wake up, the people of the country, a country, once gradually abandon the things of her nation, the things of national culture and tradition. It means going backwards. Good literature, although not worth the money and material in your heart, it is the soul of a nation and the spiritual pillar of a nation. It is the beauty of a society. It needs to be passed down by many writers. Only a country and people with a beautiful soul in their hearts and peace and goodness can have an indestructible will and the confidence and ability to build a strong motherland.

Friends, when you are a parent, if you have free time, hold your mobile phone, look down and play fast, chase drama, and shop. When laughing at the screen, did you think about what our next generation is doing? Are they also playing with the same thing as you? As the saying goes: "The Son is not filial, but the Father is guilty." Your actions are an example for children. Similarly, if you also fall in love with books, children will be well affected from an early age, which is the best backup lesson for their lives.

I'm not saying let everyone become literature lovers. It is to let us and our next generation understand that our traditional culture cannot be thrown away, reading a good article, tasting a few good poems, will appreciate the profound roots of my Chinese culture, to purify your soul, to understand right and wrong, to know gratitude, to be a society of gratitude.

I hope that our country will attach importance to real literature, clean up the literary world, purify the cultural sky, let the real literary writers see a bright future, and inherit Chinese culture and carry forward the vastness.

This point of view, only represents the author's point of view, if there is a person who agrees, praises, different views, Bo Jun a smile...

Wang Honghai, a peasant writer in Wei County, Hebei Province; Literature, Where Are You On The Road? 》

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