
A person who loves face does not mean that he has face; if he loves face too much, he will have even less face

author:Chen Ping's Chinese character chicken soup

There is a line in the TV series "The First Half of My Life": "Face is the most difficult thing for people to put down, and it is also the most useless thing." And the author of the Three Precepts Master also said, "In the face of the day, what is the face?" "But in life, who is not a chaotic and ignorant baby, a mentally handicapped fool, who does not love face?" Face is the face of man, human dignity, and attaching importance to face is a manifestation of a person's unwillingness to be mediocre. But caring too much about face often backfires and loses face.

It is ridiculous and pitiful to compare with others because of vanity!

A person who loves face does not mean that he has face; if he loves face too much, he will have even less face

With the improvement of people's living standards, the grade of people's food, clothing, housing and transportation has also improved. At the same time, the wind of comparison is also becoming more and more prevalent. In real life, some people are obviously ordinary wage earners, and they are riding motorcycles and squeezing buses in and out, but when they see relatives and friends buying cars and changing cars, they are ashamed of not having a car. So I would rather pay off my car loan than buy a car, even if the car is idle at home all day.

There are also some women who care too much about their own image and always want to show their bright side in front of outsiders, so they spend a lot of money to package themselves. They feel that their extraordinary appearance can not only attract attention, but also make the women around them envious. They think that they have invisibly raised their value by dressing up gracefully and luxuriously, in fact, in order to satisfy her vanity and enhance some sense of superiority. So they disregarded the economic conditions at home, bought expensive bags, wore gold and silver jewelry, wore designer clothes, and used brand cosmetics. As a result, due to the inability to make ends meet, he later had to cut back on food and clothing, tighten his pants and belt to live a life, and even more so, he was heavily indebted.

This kind of woman is like Madame Rosewald in "The Necklace" written by the famous French writer Maupassant. Mrs. Rosewald, due to her excessive vanity, borrowed a diamond necklace from her girlfriend in order to make a splash at a banquet. When she appeared at the banquet wearing a necklace, it aroused the admiration and flattery of the audience, which greatly satisfied her vanity. Unfortunately, on the way home, the necklace was lost.

A person who loves face does not mean that he has face; if he loves face too much, he will have even less face

In order to compensate for the gold necklace, which was worth thirty-six thousand francs, she was heavily indebted. Later, it took her ten years of hard days to pay off her debts. Ironically, her girlfriend told her the lost necklace was fake. Mrs. Rosewald's use of borrowed "expensive" jewelry to gain favor is undoubtedly a ridiculous act of "punching a swollen face and making a fat person". But for this meaningless face, he made himself highly indebted, and he was reduced from a "noble lady" to a poor person, and he was even more ignorant and pitiful!

I once read a saying, "It is good to love face, but it is a stupid thing to only love face." "For the sake of face to compete with each other, to buy things beyond their own economic ability, in the end can only be to tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall, so that life is getting more and more difficult, this is indeed foolish."

Because of self-esteem and high extremism, such a face is lamentable and pathetic!

There are some macho men in life, who like to "play the score" in the family, have conflicts with their lovers, know that they are wrong, and in order to maintain the face of the "seven-foot boy", they are like cooked ducks - hard mouths, and as a result, they hurt each other, lost their loved ones, and regretted it themselves. This is what we often call "death to face the guilt of life."

There are still some people in life, obviously under the low eaves, but for their worthless face and "eggs and stones touch", the result of the collision "head broken blood flow", fell into a defeat. There are more people who love face too much, and when they are frustrated and frustrated, they feel that they have no face to see people and go to extremes, which is really a typical "face is not dead".

A person who loves face does not mean that he has face; if he loves face too much, he will have even less face

For example, in history, Xiang Yu, the king of Western Chu, killed himself on the Wu River because he was too concerned about face and felt that he had no face to see His father and elder jiangdong. Although the Southern Song Dynasty poet Li Qingzhao used "born as a master, death is also a ghost male." Still thinking about Xiang Yu, he refused to cross Jiangdong. To praise Xiang Yuning's heroism as a jade fragment and not for Waquan, but many people felt that Du Mu's views were more reasonable.

Du Mu wrote in the "Title Wujiang Pavilion": "The victorious and defeated soldiers are unexpected, and the shame and shame of the bao are boys." Jiangdong's sons are multi-talented, and their comeback is unknown. This poem is actually a criticism of Xiang Yu for being too face-conscious and lacking in perseverance, and deeply regretting his self-destructive behavior.

In fact, Xiang Yu's death did not maintain his heroic dignity, on the contrary, it would only make people feel that he was very sad, because "becoming a king and losing Kou" has already marked people's face. Self-abandonment, and even self-harm and suicide will not only not win back face, but will only make the downcast more vulnerable. Therefore, the more you care about face, the less face you have.

Just as the fairy tale writer Zheng Yuanjie said in the book "Pipilu and the 419 Deadly Sins": "The results of wanting face are mostly faceless."

A person who loves face does not mean that he has face; if he loves face too much, he will have even less face

There are still some fledgling young people in life who come out to find jobs, who are highly educated, so high and far away, and refuse to "be low". As a result, there are walls everywhere in the workplace, and "heroes" have always been useless. As a result, he spent half his life, not only failed to achieve fame, but also became more discouraged.

This reminds me of Li Ka-shing's classic quote about "face": when you put down your face and make money, it means that you have understood things. When you use money to earn back face, it shows that you have succeeded. When you can make money with face, it means that you are already a character. When you are still there drinking and bragging, pretending to understand nothing, and only loving the so-called face, it means that your life is like this...

Face, let many people desperately grasp, but people often can not understand: face can not be caught, but rely on their own efforts to earn. The more you love face and grab face, the result is often more faceless.

When you have achieved greater achievements and reached higher heights with your own efforts, face will naturally come. Especially young people, who want too much face, often fail in marriage and have a successful career, because you have no qualifications or capital to support your so-called "face".

Even if he is born with a golden spoon, he may not be able to stand tall in people's hearts because of his life and background. Because a person's face is not decorated by anything external, but a kind of other people's satisfaction and admiration for you.

Anyone who is remarkable or prominent must start with humility. If you want too much face now, you will definitely not live a decent life in the future. Now Ken leans down and bows his head, and he will become a decent person in the future.

(This article is my original article published in the early years of "Taste of Zunyi", as evidenced by the screenshot below)

A person who loves face does not mean that he has face; if he loves face too much, he will have even less face

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