
At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the five ministers went to Europe and the United States to investigate constitutionalism, and were attacked by anti-Qing revolutionaries, and people condemned them one after another

author:Pigtails say history

In the anti-Qing movement in the early days of the Xinhai Revolution, assassination was a very special way of fighting, and many patriots who supported assassination believed that only in this way could they awaken the numb people and inspire the people, because assassination had the deterrent effect of killing a hundred people, and it was possible to drive the Qing government out of the guanxi, even if the assassins themselves sacrificed, it would not affect the fighting spirit of the like-minded revolutionaries, but would motivate them to go to the successive regions to promote the process of revolution.

After the Sino-Japanese War and the Russo-Japanese War, people saw the great changes in Japan after the Meiji Restoration, and believed that if they wanted to change the backward situation of the Qing government, they also needed to establish a constitution. Therefore, under the impetus of many officials and constitutionalists, Yuan Shikai, Zhang Zhidong, and other important ministers of the Qing court jointly wrote a letter requesting the implementation of the constitution, and at the same time sending officials abroad to investigate the constitutionalism of other countries.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the five ministers went to Europe and the United States to investigate constitutionalism, and were attacked by anti-Qing revolutionaries, and people condemned them one after another

The five ministers of the late Qing Dynasty were in Birmingham

In July 1905, the Qing court ordered the identification of the "five ministers" who went abroad to investigate, namely the 37-year-old Zhenguo Gong Zaize, the 44-year-old Shangbu Right Cheng Shaoying, the 44-year-old Governor of Fujian and Zhejiang Ruifang, the 50-year-old Patrol Police Department Shangshu Xu Shichang, and the 52-year-old Hubu Attendant Dai Hongci.

Examining constitutionalism itself was indeed a major turning point for the faltering Qing government, and if successful, it might have become as rapidly as powerful japan after the Meiji Restoration. But for those revolutionaries who are determined to "save the qing government and survive", this is nothing more than the futile work of the Qing government in order to save its own image, and the only way to achieve true democracy and freedom is to overthrow the Qing government and establish a new world.

Born in the fourth year of Guangxu (1878), Wu Fan, a native of Tongcheng, Anhui Province, was one of the representatives of assassination, and during his studies at the Baoding Higher School, he came into contact with revolutionary youth such as Jin Weinong, read a large number of progressive books and periodicals, and then joined the Northern Assassination Regiment with the help of Yang Dusheng.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the five ministers went to Europe and the United States to investigate constitutionalism, and were attacked by anti-Qing revolutionaries, and people condemned them one after another

Wu Fan

In 1904, tie liang, the minister of Chincha, went south and used the excuse of inspecting the military finances of various provinces to wantonly amass wealth and arouse public indignation, so Wang Han, Hu Ying, and other revolutionaries took advantage of Tie Liang's train to arrive at Zhangde Station and assassinated him, but because Wang Han shot several times without hitting the target, the assassination failed.

Wu Fan has always regarded Tie Liang as the target of assassination, but after the assassination, Tie Liang returned to Beijing to live in simplicity, the security is very tight, Wu Fan has no way to start, when he heard the news that the "five ministers" went abroad to investigate the constitutional government, he thought that "preparing for the constitution" was just a deception of the Qing government, so he changed the assassination target to the "five ministers".

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the five ministers went to Europe and the United States to investigate constitutionalism, and were attacked by anti-Qing revolutionaries, and people condemned them one after another

Zhengyangmen Railway Station at the end of the Qing Dynasty

On the morning of September 24, 1905, at the Zhengyangmen Railway Station in Beijing, the gongs and drums were noisy, the flags were displayed, the main tasks of the military, business, and political circles were all present, the students of each academy uniformly dressed and welcomed in line, the patrol police and fire brigade were also waiting in strict formation, and even several foreign ministers stationed in Beijing gathered here to send a delegation of the "five ministers" to Europe and the United States to inspect constitutional government.

At this time, Wu Fan was carrying a homemade bomb, and also came to the scene, he was originally a student in the welcome team, wearing a uniform student uniform, he could not get on the train, so he bought a set of clothes for the Qingli servants in a hurry, disguised and then took advantage of the chaos to mix with the fourth carriage of the special train sent by the five ministers. There are five carriages in total, and the third carriage in the middle is the float of the five ministers.

When Wu Fan wanted to mix from the fourth carriage into the third carriage again, he was stopped by the guards, Wu Fan's southern accent aroused the suspicion of the guards, and then several guards came, Wu Fan saw this situation, tried to rush into the three carriages, detonated the bomb on his body and died with the five ministers, but just reached the junction of the three or four carriages, the train suddenly started, the huge vibration of the body suddenly started the bomb's firing pin, and the roof of the carriage suddenly blossomed.

Wu Fan was blown to the ground and killed on the spot, while among the five ministers, except for Shao Ying, who was seriously injured, the other four were all unharmed, and more than 10 people were injured and 2 people died.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the five ministers went to Europe and the United States to investigate constitutionalism, and were attacked by anti-Qing revolutionaries, and people condemned them one after another

Martyr Wu Yu sacrificed

The officers and soldiers found that the assassin's face was covered in blood after his death, and it was impossible to identify, so they left his body on hold for several days, but still unclaimed, and finally took a photo of it and sent it to the provinces for investigation before confirming that this person was Wu Fan, a student directly under the higher school.

Wu Fan has always believed that the establishment of a new government is more important than the constitution, so he is very hostile to the constitution, which resonates with Xu Xilin, who assassinated Enming two years later, xu Xilin said in his confession: "The Manchus have abused our Han nationality for nearly 300 years, and judging by its superficial constitution, it is only to imprison the hearts and minds of the people in the world, to implement centralized power, and to inflate the authoritarian power." ”

After the Attack on Wu Fan, public opinion generally condemned Wu Fan and agreed with the constitution. What the revolutionaries of the assassination group did not expect was that they tried to stop the bomb of political reform, but unexpectedly made the people side with the Qing government again, and a rare harmonious situation of the whole people supporting the constitution appeared...

However, under the influence of Wu Fan, there were many assassinations in the following years: in 1906, ruifang, the governor of Liangjiang, and Li Zhun, the admiral of Guangdong, were assassinated, in 1907, The Inspector enming of Anhui, in 1908, Yu Dahong, the co-commander, was assassinated, and in 1910, Wang Zhaoming assassinated the regent, etc., which to a large extent promoted the early arrival of the Xinhai Revolution.

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