
Exclusive: Li Hongbo, general manager of Hubei Telecom, has taken a back seat to the second line and has led the company to create many brilliant achievements

author:Operator Finance

Operator Finance Wu Bihui/Wen

Informed sources exclusively revealed to the operator financial network that among the general managers of China Telecom Provincial Companies, another senior leader with deep qualifications has retreated to the second line, that is, Li Hongbo, general manager of Hubei Telecom, who has served for seven or eight years, and he has served as the general manager of two provincial companies and made great contributions to the company's performance.

Exclusive: Li Hongbo, general manager of Hubei Telecom, has taken a back seat to the second line and has led the company to create many brilliant achievements

In 2013, it began to take over Hubei Telecom in the middle and high-level adjustment of the group

According to the data, Li Hongbo began to take over the position of general manager of Hubei Telecom in 2013, when Gao Tongqing, the former general manager of Jiangsu Telecom, was competing for promotion to deputy general manager of China Telecom Group, which involved a number of important provincial and municipal companies.

At that time, in addition to Li Hongbo, the former general manager of Shanxi Telecom, who was transferred to the general manager of Hubei Telecom, Xiao Jinxue, former general manager of the Innovation Business Division of China Telecom Group Corporation, took over as general manager of Jiangsu Telecom, Zhang Weihua, former general manager of Shanghai Telecom, became secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Telecom, and Ma Yimin, former general manager of Hubei Telecom, took over as general manager of Shanghai Telecom.

Speaking of Li Hongbo, he should currently be one of the few "veterans" among the top leaders of China Telecom Provincial Corporation, graduated from the School of Economics and Management of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in his early years, and then took up the position of general manager of Shanxi Telecom around 2009, leading the rapid development of Shanxi Telecom business for four years. At that time, Li Hongbo's down-to-earth style of judging the hour and sizing up the situation opened up a blue ocean of government and enterprise business for Shanxi Telecom.

After taking over Hubei Telecom, he achieved brilliant performance

Later, after being transferred to the general manager of Hubei Telecom in 2013, he vigorously promoted the construction of informatization projects in three major areas, such as smart government, smart people's livelihood, and smart industry, and said in an interview that "operators need to accelerate the pace of transformation." He believes that "opportunities and risks coexist in the future, if we can seize the time to achieve transformation and become a real telecom service provider, operators will remain competitive in the future, otherwise they will become "pipelines" in the era of mobile Internet." And this view is also correct now, which shows that he has a forward-looking vision of development.

During his tenure, the company has repeatedly achieved excellent results, at least in recent years, Hubei Telecom's performance has repeatedly ranked high. For example, in 2019, Hubei Telecom ranked among the top five provincial companies with net profit increments, and was highly recognized by the leaders of the group. During the epidemic last year, Hubei Telecom, as the most affected province, also ensured that the company's revenue was basically the same as last year; and in the first half of last year, it not only ranked high in comprehensive performance, but also ranked among the best in the development of various businesses at the market mouth, and the channel work in the first half of this year was also recognized by the group not long ago.

These achievements all occurred during Li Hongbo's tenure, which shows that he has strong leadership.

This retreat to the second line is precisely because Li Hongbo has reached the age of retirement, but he does not know who will take over Hubei Telecom, a company with great potential in the future.

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