
Yuan Shu's "pagoda body" tea poem, cleverly conceived and beautiful, expounds the essence of the "tea ceremony"


Wen Duan Honggang

"Pagoda poetry", also known as "pagoda poetry", belongs to a kind of miscellaneous poetry, which is mainly based on chants and words, and is named because of the width and upper tip of the form, such as the towering pagoda.

Pagoda poems usually begin with a word as the first sentence, and the beginning of the word is both the title of the poem and the rhyme of the poem. The second sentence uses two words, the third sentence is three words, the fourth sentence is four words, arranged in turn, until the seventh sentence ends with seven words, a total of 28 words, so the pagoda poem is also called "one word to seven character poem", referred to as "one seven-body poem".

Common pagoda poems are rhyming sentence by sentence, and some pagoda poems will be stacked with two sentences to rhyme once, no matter which form, its characteristics are neat and tidy, close to the theme, the form is lively, the rhythm is bright, it is catchy to read, and the structural beauty of the poem is vividly reflected and endlessly evocative.

Yuan Shu's "pagoda body" tea poem, cleverly conceived and beautiful, expounds the essence of the "tea ceremony"

Tea set and tea

China is a country of poetry, and in the history of thousands of years, tens of thousands of works of poetry in various genres have been handed down. Pagoda body poetry was very popular among the ancient literati and scholars, and many literati would write some pagoda poems to reflect their interest and character when they were inspired.

China is also the hometown of tea, as early as the "Three Emperors and Five Emperors Period", Shennong Yandi inadvertently discovered tea. The story of Emperor Yan's discovery of tea is recorded in the "Shennong Food Classic", which says: Tea tea is served for a long time, which is powerful and pleasant.

The book records that Emperor Yan was tired and thirsty one day when he was tasting herbs in the wild, and sat under a tea tree next to him, ready to make a fire and drink water. When the water in the pot was about to boil, suddenly a gust of wind blew in, rolling a few tea tree leaves into the pot, and a burst of fragrance quickly drifted out of the pot. Emperor Yan scooped up the water to taste, and immediately felt refreshed and full of freshness. Since then, Chinese have learned to drink tea and have formed habits for thousands of years.

Yuan Shu's "pagoda body" tea poem, cleverly conceived and beautiful, expounds the essence of the "tea ceremony"

Tea garden

Around the time of the Qin and Han Dynasties, the Chinese ancestors began to cultivate tea, and later gradually produced a colorful tea culture. Drinking tea can calm the mind, in the process of drinking tea, through the tip of the tongue, taste buds and tea contact, can let people get a beautiful spiritual enjoyment.

Therefore, for the literati who like to "slow life", drinking tea is the best way of life.

When tea leaves and literati meet, they are destined to produce timeless and beautiful tea poems. According to statistics, in China's classical literature, there are more than 2,000 poems of chanting tea and poems related to tea.

In the history of Chinese literature, Tao Yuanming, Li Bai, Du Fu, Bai Juyi, Du Mu, Su Shi, Lu You and other poetry giants have written many tea poems, if you want to say that the most famous "pagoda body" tea poem in the history of Chinese literature is undoubtedly the "Tea" written by the great Tang Dynasty poet Yuan Shu (779-831), the full poem is as follows:

Yuan Shu's "pagoda body" tea poem, cleverly conceived and beautiful, expounds the essence of the "tea ceremony"

Pagoda poetry tea


Fragrant leaves, young buds.

Mu Shike, love the monks.

Milled white jade, woven red yarn.

The bells are yellow and the bowls are turned dusty.

After the night, he invited Mingyue to accompany him, and before the morning, he was destined to face Chaoxia.

Talking about the tirelessness of ancient and modern people, it will be impossible to boast after getting drunk.

Yuan Shu's "pagoda body" tea poem, cleverly conceived and beautiful, expounds the essence of the "tea ceremony"

Bai Juyi, Bai Xingjian brothers and Yuan Shu

Yuan Shu was a great poet of equal fame between the Middle Tang Dynasty and Bai Juyi (772-846), and the two were in the same department and the first in 806, because they admired each other and formed a great friendship. Later, the two jointly launched the "Xinlefu Movement", advocating that poetry should "make up for current politics and vent human feelings", making outstanding contributions to the innovation of Chinese and Tang poetry.

According to the Chronicle of Tang Poetry, "Tea" was composed by Yuan Shu at the age of 50 (the third year of Emperor Wenzong of Tang, spring 829), when Bai Juyi was leaving the capital Chang'an to take up a post in Luoyang, and 9 friends who remained in the capital, including Yuan Shu, Li Sheng, and Zhang Yuan, set up a banquet at the Xinghua Pond Pavilion in Chang'an to send Bai Juyi off. During the banquet, the wine was in full swing, and everyone discussed and wrote a pagoda poem to commemorate the gathering.

Yuan Shu's "pagoda body" tea poem, cleverly conceived and beautiful, expounds the essence of the "tea ceremony"

Bai Juyi and Yuan Shu

In the end, Yuan Shu wrote this masterpiece, leaving a tea poem that has been passed down through the ages to literary history.

The first sentence begins with the single word "tea", straight to the point, pointing out the theme of the poem, and also indicating that the poem rhymes with "hair and flowers".

The second sentence, "fragrant leaves, young buds", is straightforward, revealing that tea leaves have a mellow taste and beautiful form.

The third sentence, "Mu Shi Ke, Love the Monk", is a flip-flop sentence that shows that tea is favored by poets and monks, who love it because it is elegant, and monks like it because it is unworldly. The implication is that tea and Zen are connected, and that people who can drink tea are actually participating in the Zen path of enlightenment during the process of drinking tea.

The fourth sentence, "Milling white jade, weaving red yarn", turned the topic around, focusing on the rules that should be followed when boiling tea and making tea. Because the ancients drank cake tea or tuan tea, they had to use many tools to prepare the tea leaves before boiling the tea. For people who are very particular about drinking tea, tea mills should be made of white jade when grinding tea, and tea sieves made of red yarn should be used when filtering tea leaves. Love tea like a lover, only by carefully caring for the tea leaves and brewing tea with gorgeous tea sets can we brew the best taste.

Yuan Shu's "pagoda body" tea poem, cleverly conceived and beautiful, expounds the essence of the "tea ceremony"


The fifth sentence, "The bell is yellow and the bowl is turned dusty", describes the characteristics of the tea. The tea set is filled with orange and yellow bright tea, and you can enjoy good tea by carefully filtering out the floating foam on the tea water with a tool.

The sixth sentence , "Invite the bright moon after night, and the morning before the life of the morning to the morning" with a kind of Zen meaning, using two kinds of tea drinking scenes and moods to convey the essence of the tea ceremony to people, indicating that the time and place of drinking tea are not limited, and you can do whatever you want, as long as you are careful, everywhere is a scenery. Late at night, you can brew a pot of tea and drink with the bright moon, feel the purity of the bright moon, life has clouds and sunshine, and with a clear mentality like the bright moon, life may be close to consummation. In the early morning, you can also brew a pot of tea and smile at the morning glow, life is like the morning glow, although it is short, but you must use an open-minded attitude to see, all you see is beautiful.

The seventh sentence "Talk about the tirelessness of ancient and modern people, will be drunk after the praise" has a summative effect, indicating that drinking tea is a good habit, people throughout the ages have maintained this good habit, drinking tea can not only eliminate tiredness, but also alleviate drunkenness, beneficial to the body and mind, is a rare good product in the world.

Yuan Shu's "pagoda body" tea poem, cleverly conceived and beautiful, expounds the essence of the "tea ceremony"


The poem is easy to understand, showing people the benefits of tea, while also hinting at the tea ceremony.

What is the tea ceremony?

The tea ceremony is a kind of mentality, a kind of tea as a medium, to cultivate self-cultivation, to cultivate the mentality of self-peace and calmness, not to be profane and not humble.

The tea ceremony is a realm, a realm of using tea as a companion to cultivate the "unity of heaven and man".

The tea ceremony is a kind of faith, a belief that uses tea as a way to chase the truth, goodness and beauty of the world.

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