
Easy to use, richer tuna salad bread

author:Queen's RV kitchen

This time, I recommend a sweet croissant soft bread wrapped in tuna filling and corn salad, which is very satisfying to bite down! A lovely bread perfect for breakfast (*^__^*)


Milk 145g

Yeast 3g

High gluten flour 200g

Sugar 10g

Salt 3g

Butter 15g

1 egg

Tuna (filling oil can be soaked in water)

Diced corn

Salad dressing

Easy to use, richer tuna salad bread

Pour 150g of milk in a clean container

Easy to use, richer tuna salad bread

Add 3 g of yeast and stir well

Easy to use, richer tuna salad bread

Pour flour, sugar, salt into a basin and mix well

Easy to use, richer tuna salad bread

Pour the milk yeast liquid into the flour and mix well

Easy to use, richer tuna salad bread

Knead into dough

Easy to use, richer tuna salad bread

The softened butter is kneaded into the dough and kneaded until there is no shine, allowing you to pull out a stronger transparent film

Easy to use, richer tuna salad bread

The kneaded dough is smoothed and covered with plastic wrap and allowed to sit at room temperature for 30-40 minutes, the dough is 2 times the size

Easy to use, richer tuna salad bread

Weigh the dough into eight equal portions

Easy to use, richer tuna salad bread

Roll the dough into eight small circles, cover with plastic wrap and let rise for another 20 minutes

Easy to use, richer tuna salad bread

Take a loose dough, roll out into a circle, and cut out the shape with a roller knife (be careful, don't cut to the end, just cut in half)

Easy to use, richer tuna salad bread

Place corn kernels, salad dressing, tuna on top

Easy to use, richer tuna salad bread

Roll from the bottom up, and seal the mouth at both ends to avoid the filling leaking out

Easy to use, richer tuna salad bread

Gently whipping out a horn shape (n(*≧▽≦*)n) place the dough at a temperature of 36% humidity for final fermentation, and send it to twice the size (you can also put it directly into the oven, fill a basin with warm water, and turn on the fermentation mode)

Easy to use, richer tuna salad bread

Brush the surface of the bread with egg mixture evenly, preheat the oven, up and down at 190 degrees for 20 minutes, and the surface is golden

Easy to use, richer tuna salad bread

Fragrant tuna salad bread is finished (the filling inside can also be changed to your favorite ha)

Bread with tuna and salad added should be eaten within 1-2 days

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