
Don Quixote: an idealist's lament, the hymn of those who have faith in later generations

author:Goose raising

"Man is human because he has faith."

——— Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) Notes of Anton Chekov

Don Quixote: an idealist's lament, the hymn of those who have faith in later generations

Don Quixote (1606-1615) is Cervantes' most outstanding work. The Russian critic Belinsky said: "In all literary works in Europe, the seriousness and the antics, the tragedy and the comedy, the trivialities and vulgarities of life are so intertwined with greatness and beauty... Such an example can only be found in Cervantes's Don Quixote. ”

The author, Miguel Tai Cervantes Saavidra (1547-1616), spent his life as a crippled sergeant and a scrawled man of letters. There are many experiences of the author himself in the book. Without the bravery of the author himself, such a brave text could not be written!

Although this novel enjoys a great reputation, the author did not get the benefits, is still a poor literati, and did not win a position in the elegant literary world before his death. Just like the situation of the protagonist in the text, it reflects each other.

Don Quixote: an idealist's lament, the hymn of those who have faith in later generations

Don Quixote, a whimsical Spanish gentleman, appointed himself a knight, riding a thin horse with a squire, Sancho. Pansha, who has traveled almost the world since the seventeenth century.

After a series of adventures, at the end of the book, the previous Don Quixote suffered many misfortunes - trampled by cattle and pigs, casually entertained by men, women and children in the Duke's Palace, defeated in a duel with the White Moon Knight, and so on... No matter how noble and unspeakable the ideal chivalry may be, Don Quixote, in this succession of irresistible and inexorable destruction of fate, finally revealed his physical and mental fatigue and hesitation about the ideal of chivalry, and began to stagnate.

Don Quixote: an idealist's lament, the hymn of those who have faith in later generations

Although I thought about starting a shepherd life again, I was depressed and depressed in the end. Before dying, he suddenly realized that he should not believe in illusory chivalric novels and believe in absurd chivalry.

Don Quixote is brave, clever, and affectionate; he hoes the strong and the weak, helps the righteous, helps the widow, and causes the young girl to die and live for him; his only favorite person is the world-class beauty Dürsinia Thier Toposso.

He took risks along the way, made fools along the way, and threaded needles all the way, affecting the lives of others.

Although he lost at the hands of others, he defeated himself! Sancho finally has money in his hands! Although he was whipped, he was a very decent knight. For a sheep who loves his wife and children deeply, bringing money back, this is a big deal! The money earned by losing strength did not hurt anyone.

Don Quixote's 3 travels, although he did not achieve anything, but the courage, firmness, integrity, and knowledgeable and knowledgeable he showed in the process not only affected his attendant Sancho, changed Sancho's life, but also deeply infected the reader.

Don Quixote: an idealist's lament, the hymn of those who have faith in later generations

For hundreds of years, Don Quixote's ideas have influenced the whole world, and the brilliance of humanity has reflected the path forward of future generations, and the campus of Peking University still stands a statue of Don Quixote and his entourage.

In the context of the era of the need to return green mountains and green waters to the people, Li Mingpan, the founder of Hubei Qianyi Agriculture, also started the adventure of natural farming like Don Quixote. In order to grow safe grain, 12 years ago, he went from being alone on the shore of Longgan Lake, insisting on no pesticides, no chemical fertilizers, no herbicides, and now has a college student agricultural team and 11 planting bases in 6 provinces. Footprints all over the motherland, but in the whole country, it is still a very small minority that adheres to natural farming.

Don Quixote: an idealist's lament, the hymn of those who have faith in later generations

With the belief of respecting heaven and loving people, he provided reassuring food for a small number of people who were related, and firmly believed that animals eating what was left were human.

From the initial doubts of most people, to now have hundreds of thousands of consumers, and a large number of hardcore fans, with the affirmative support of provincial leaders and the reports of CCTV, all the way hard and hard. In addition to providing grain, it also provides deep-processing additive-free products, and gradually improves the health and leisure base and cultural tourism projects. The process was difficult, but he opened up the territory with a conviction. In ecological agriculture, being alive is a success!

The humble agriculture he led was like a clear spring, and everywhere he went, the environment was beautiful, the ecology was gradually restored, and the farmland where fireflies and frogs could be seen was slowly becoming more. I believe that with the concept of green environmental protection deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, more and more people will follow!

Don Quixote: an idealist's lament, the hymn of those who have faith in later generations

To paraphrase Apple's 1995 advertising slogan, it pays tribute to those who changed the world:

Hats off to the crazy guys, they're maverick, they're unruly, they're mischievous, they don't fit in, they see things differently, they don't like to conform to the rules, they don't want to settle for the status quo.

You can praise them, refer to them, oppose them, question them, praise or denigrate them, but you cannot ignore them. Because they changed things. They invent, they imagine, they heal, they explore, they create, they inspire, they move humanity forward.

Perhaps, they must be crazy. Can you stare at the white paper and see a beautiful painting? Can you sit still and compose beautiful songs? Can you gaze at Mars and think of the magical space wheel? We create great opportunities for these guys. Maybe they're crazy in the eyes of others, but they're geniuses in our eyes.

Because only those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world can really change the world.

@ Raising Geese: Raise a small goose, let it grow up slowly, and lay golden eggs for you. Follow me and share the stories of the goose breeding!

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