
Qianlong went down to Jiangnan six times, where did he live each time?

author:Brain hole aliens

As the fourth emperor of the Qing Dynasty after entering the customs, Qianlong was actually very lucky. When he took over the throne, the Qing Dynasty already had a rich foundation laid by Shunzhi, Kangxi and Yongzheng. Qianlong not only did not have to go through fierce competition to inherit the throne like his father.

He took over an empire whose national strength was rising and whose officials were relatively clear. Moreover, Qianlong reigned for a long time. He stayed on the throne for a full sixty years before handing over the emperor to Jiaqing and becoming emperor himself for more than three years.

Qianlong went down to Jiangnan six times, where did he live each time?

In the past, in the history of China, it is indeed rare for an emperor to reign for such a long time and live such a long life. The abundant national treasury and the ultra-long standby time allow Qianlong to have frequent opportunities to visit Jiangnan. According to the existing records, Qianlong made a total of six cruises to Jiangnan. This is also the meaning of Qianlong following the example of his grandfather Kangxi. Kangxi also made six trips down to Jiangnan. However, the process of Qianlong descending the Jiangnan River will be more luxurious and prosperous.

Because Kangxi went to Jiangnan, mainly to control water. Qianlong went down to Jiangnan, of course, also had this purpose. He himself once said that when inspecting Jiangnan, he should pay attention to river workers. Because the canal is related to the north-south water transport and other issues, the weight is extremely heavy.

Qianlong went down to Jiangnan six times, where did he live each time?

However, Qianlong went to Jiangnan, in addition to patrolling, but also more mixed with the nature of play. Therefore, after arriving in Jiangnan, where to go, where to live, and what to do are all special arrangements.

Although Qianlong first went to Jiangnan, he himself was because of the request of the people in the Jiangna area, following the example of his grandfather Kangxi, to visit the people's sentiments in Jiangnan and investigate the sufferings of the people. By the way, take the empress dowager to play and let yourself do filial piety. However, judging from the whole gameplay, it is clear that this is not the case.

Qianlong went down to Jiangnan six times, where did he live each time?

Every time the Qianlong Emperor descended to Jiangnan, he chose to be in the spring. At this time, the climate began to rise, the north was thawed, and the south was warmer. Along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal to the south, the scenery on both sides of the river gradually unfolds, and you can see the changes brought about by the region.

Spring is the most pleasant time in Jiangnan. Every time you go to Jiangnan, Yangzhou City is a must-visit city for Qianlong's southern tour. The ancients said: "Wrapped around 100,000 yuan, riding a crane down to Yangzhou." "It is precisely the status of Yangzhou City in the minds of people at that time.

Qianlong went down to Jiangnan six times, where did he live each time?

Since the opening of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, Yangzhou, as a coastal city, has become increasingly developed in commerce and trade. Yangzhou's landscape culture, during the Qing Dynasty, was also second to none. In addition to Yangzhou, Suzhou and Hangzhou are also cities frequented by Qianlong.

The gardens of Suzhou and the landscapes of Hangzhou have their own unique charm and rare scenery in the world. Qianlong's route to the south each time was different, reaching as far as Shaoxing, Zhejiang. In addition to playing, Qianlong also went to the Ming Tomb to worship.

Qianlong went down to Jiangnan six times, where did he live each time?

After the game, Qianlong would write poetry inscriptions. Objectively speaking, Qianlong wrote many poems, but most of them were average. It's just that Qianlong doesn't change Yaxing. Playing and writing poetry is important, and accommodation arrangements are equally important. For officials in the Jiangnan region, this was a good opportunity to give the emperor a pat on the back.

After all, the city of Beijing is also far away, and the traffic is not convenient, so the emperor cannot come often. For Qianlong, if he really wanted to emulate Kangxi, he should reject the flattery and flattery of local officials. When Kangxi was touring the south, although he built a palace, he basically lived in the house of the minister, and even once spent it on a boat.

Qianlong went down to Jiangnan six times, where did he live each time?

During Qianlong's southern tour, although on the surface he explicitly ordered local officials not to engage in a pompous and extravagant style. In fact, during the first southern tour, Qianlong sent a prince to do some work in advance. It would have been nothing.

However, for those local officials who built palaces everywhere for Qianlong, the imperial court not only did not punish them, but gave them more rewards. It was tantamount to encouraging them and continuing to curry favor with the emperor.

Qianlong went down to Jiangnan six times, where did he live each time?

The pomp and circumstance along the road and the construction of palaces all mean that the construction of civil engineering is carried out, the people are recruited, and the people have to work hard. Qianlong's palace will naturally not be so bad. In the place where Qianlong lived in the south, except for the Tawan Palace on the banks of the Three Forks River, which was built during the Kangxi Period, most of the rest were newly built during the Qianlong period.

Moreover, the Tawan Palace was also repaired before Qianlong moved in. Those newly built palaces are also extremely luxurious. For example, the Qianlong Palace in Xuzhou was built in the 22nd year of Qianlong, and the entire palace, regardless of its scale, materials and materials, is incomparable to that of the rich and powerful.

Qianlong went down to Jiangnan six times, where did he live each time?

Qianlong also lived in tianning temple palace, Jiaoshan palace and other places. That is to say, when Qianlong went down to Jiangnan, he lived more in the palace built for him by local officials. The choice of these palaces is also very exquisite. The site of construction must be convenient for Qianlong to visit other locations in Jiangnan. The scenery around the palace must not be bad.

Such as Jiaoshan Palace, this place is located in the only island in the Yangtze River surrounded by water on all sides, and the scenery is good. Qianlong went up Jiaoshan Mountain eight times, leaving a large number of pen and ink inscriptions. With such generous hospitality, it is no wonder that Qianlong praised Jiangnan so much, saying: "Jiangnan is famous in the world, sincerely pro-tuo An public opinion, jumping in the mountains and rivers, and the richness of the people's goods." ”

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