
When the child does not want to read, show him these 3 stories: the stories of three teenagers who do not want to read

author:Famous teachers talk about learning methods

In the program "I am an orator", the contestant Luo Tian once made this statement about the college entrance examination:

In this life, the starting point itself is not equal.

When the child does not want to read, show him these 3 stories: the stories of three teenagers who do not want to read

You can't choose where to spend your childhood. However, after passing an exam, you can choose where your 18- and 20-year-old life will begin. The college entrance examination, for many people, is not only the end of a journey, but also the starting point of a human life cycle.

For many ordinary people in the world, studying and taking the college entrance examination may be one of the few opportunities in our lives not to look at our faces, not to look at our fathers, not to look at power, not to look at money.

Tell three stories.

The first story takes place in 2006, when a rural girl named Jiang Duoduo, who became a news figure of the year.

When the child does not want to read, show him these 3 stories: the stories of three teenagers who do not want to read

The reason is that she deliberately violated the rules during the college entrance examination, not only answering the questions with a blue two-color pen, but also writing the pen name "Heartbreak Flying Devil" outside the sealing line; and in the blank space of the college entrance examination paper, she wrote a long article totaling more than 8,000 words to criticize the test-taking education of that year and express her dissatisfaction with the college entrance examination.

Her intention was to be sentenced to zero points in each subject, so as to attract the attention of the relevant education departments and society. But curious and utilitarian people are more concerned about why such a girl from a low-level family should deliberately become a loser in this unexpected way.

In the end, although Jiang Duoduo became a celebrity with a score of 114 in the college entrance examination, her parents left her with a silent back.

On the day of filling in the volunteer, Jiang Duoduo once secretly went out to work with 200 yuan, and the money was quickly spent, but the work was not settled. She worked as a dishwasher and went into factories, but every job didn't last long. Some companies, after learning about her story, even directly said that they would not hire her.

The girl who knew the cruelty of reality was once desperate enough to want to commit suicide, and finally understood the sigh and helplessness of her parents.

When the child does not want to read, show him these 3 stories: the stories of three teenagers who do not want to read

In 2008, a man named Xu Mengnan in Anhui Province followed Jiang Duoduo's example and also paid attention to it with 0 points.

He wrote his message on the answer sheet: "My name is Xu Mengnan, my test number is xxxx, I am Mengcheng No. 2..."

Deliberately handing in the white paper, taking the zero score, he successfully fell off the list. Then, for the next ten years, he went to various factories, assembling advertising boxes, manufacturing manhole covers, and packaging bathroom products; after tasting the hardships of life, Xu Mengnan soon realized that he was wrong.

Around 2012, he founded a website called "College Entrance Examination 0-Point Students", and repeatedly pulled up banners on the college entrance examination hall to exhort candidates to cherish the opportunity of the college entrance examination and not to emulate those zero-score candidates. Don't be quick to cause a lifetime of hatred.

When the child does not want to read, show him these 3 stories: the stories of three teenagers who do not want to read

In a later interview with the media, Xu Mengnan said that if someone had persuaded himself at that time, he would not have scored zero.

In 2018, ten years after Xu Mengnan took the college entrance examination for the first time, he finally plucked up the courage to enter the college entrance examination hall again. After 9 years of wandering outside, Xu Mengnan, who was 28 years old at the time, had just become a father; some people said that he was still reading books at such an old age, and Xu Mengnan's response was that he wanted to go to college so that he could change to a better job.

Dropping out of school, working, getting married, having children, divorcing, studying, ten years have passed, and life has repeatedly returned to the original point.

When the child does not want to read, show him these 3 stories: the stories of three teenagers who do not want to read

From 2006 to 10 years, there were a few candidates every year who tried to fight against the college entrance examination system with zero points.

Perhaps, because their own grades are not excellent, a score of zero may also be a well-known means.

But whether it is Jiang Duoduo in 2006 or Chen Shengzhang in 2007, to Xu Mengnan and Ji Jian in 2008, after experiencing a short period of pursuit by the media, once the heat drops, people go to tea and cool, leaving them - in the end, all of them are chicken feathers in one place, and lifelong regrets.

When the child does not want to read, show him these 3 stories: the stories of three teenagers who do not want to read

In the 2010 college entrance examination, a candidate named Zhang Jiao only wrote 16 words on each test paper: "Broken kettle sinks, does not break and does not stand, breaks and then stands, and does not live or die", and became the "zero points" of Shaanxi Province that year.

But what many people don't know is that before going to high school, this poor teenager was actually a first-class student.

However, after being admitted to a key middle school, due to the gradual backwardness of his grades, he began to have a strong rebellious psychology towards study and examinations. At the instigation of another classmate who was also frustrated in studying, he finally planned this farce of zero points in the college entrance examination.

Zhang Jiao claimed that he was learning from Bill Gates.

After becoming a storm figure in the eyes of media people, he also made remarks on the Internet that anyone who did not come to him for investment would be exempted from talking! He wants to achieve the goal of earning 10 million yuan in 10 years and become the richest man in China.

And now, 10 years later, where is Zhang Jiao at this time?

Someone checked it, because he did not learn any techniques, he finally embarked on the road of crime in order to make money, and now he has become a prisoner of the order.

When the child does not want to read, show him these 3 stories: the stories of three teenagers who do not want to read

Bai Yansong once said: "Without the college entrance examination, have you been able to spell the second generation of the rich?" ”

Participating in the college entrance examination may not necessarily change your destiny, but it is also a rare opportunity that many of us ordinary people can grasp and make a leap to the upper class and change our lives through our own efforts.

Those who have changed their fate through the college entrance examination, as well as those who regret giving up the college entrance examination, are telling us. —— Even today, the college entrance examination is still worth believing.

What is the use of learning? Just look at how many graduates Huawei recruits from 985 Universities every year

This video made countless children's blood boil after watching it, and they immediately told parents to study hard. Teacher Laichuan in the video, mentioned the relevant learning methods, click "Learn More" to learn about it.

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