
Why is the revolutionary Che Guevara so highly regarded around the world?

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Why is the revolutionary Che Guevara so highly regarded around the world?

Che Guevara has acquired countless sacred auras throughout the world and is admired by many young people, "longing to travel the world on a motorcycle like Che Guevara, eager to fill as much idealism as possible, longing for his soul to be like a blank piece of paper, and then looking for the direction of life".

Why is the revolutionary Che Guevara so highly regarded around the world?

This is Che Guevara's most famous portrait, taken in 1960 by the famous photographer Alberto Corda, and is said to be one of the most reproduced heads in human history, appearing not only in various public places such as murals, parades, concerts, etc., but also in stamps, clothing, cups, key chains, belts and other daily necessities.

A man who has made revolution his life's work, who eventually appears in all fields in undifferentiated form in human society and is fanatically worshipped, has to be said to be an interesting thing. In the history of mankind, no one can be accepted and admired by the mainstream culture as Che Guevara, and admired by the non-mainstream culture, which also shows his difference from another perspective.

Why is the revolutionary Che Guevara so highly regarded around the world?

Che Guevara proved to all those who loved and hated him with the evaluation of him by later generations that the value of a man comes from his spirit, has nothing to do with class positions, has nothing to do with the nation, and has nothing to do with life or death.

So what is che Guevara so highly regarded for?

He was an Argentine-born Marxist revolutionary and Cuban guerrilla leader. In 1959, Guevara participated in the Castro-led July 26 Movement in Cuba, which overthrew the pro-American Batista dictatorship. After holding a number of key positions in Cuba's new government, Guevara left Cuba in 1965 to continue instigating communist revolutions in other countries.

Why is the revolutionary Che Guevara so highly regarded around the world?

Che Guevara ushered in the end of his life in the midst of hunger and cold

First the Congo, then Bolivia. In Bolivia, he was arrested during a military operation planned by the United States Central Intelligence Agency and killed by Bolivian troops on October 9, 1967. After his death, he became a hero in the Communist Revolutionary Movement in the Third World and a symbol of left-wing movements in the West. In the short course of the legendary revolutionary's life, his fame was not prominent in another revolutionary kingdom, China, but in today's China, Che's name has been spread by millions of people.

Of China's tens of thousands of Geevara admirers, few may read cuban President Fidel Castro's long commemorative essay, and few will be interested in Che's governing philosophy and guerrilla warfare strategy, as well as the dramatic inner changes during his time in Zaire in Africa, which are too specific, too trivial, too secular, too unguarevara.

Many people revere cut, yes, but they revere the cut as a symbol, not the one that is alive.

Why is the revolutionary Che Guevara so highly regarded around the world?


With the "Red May", "anti-war" and "collapsed generation", in the West, the ideological trend of individual liberation and rebellion against authority and order swept through the 1970s, daring to resist hegemony, monopoly, capital and authority, and having the Puritan characteristics of not loving power, and "would rather stand and die than live on his knees", Guevara quickly became an idol and hero in the minds of this generation of Western youth who were full of rebellious and anti-authority ideas and pursued individual freedom, and he repeatedly challenged the behavior of powerful military machines with meager strength. In the eyes of these young people, they are full of romantic temperament.

So the revolutionary Che Guevara first became an idol, symbol and hero among them, his head was held aloft among the anti-globalization demonstrations, printed on anti-war slogans and flags, even environmentalists would regard Che Guevara as his protector, his name was often sung by rock musicians, his image was printed on everything from cigar cigarette cases to T-shirts, protecting more people, Che Guevara soon became a global symbol,

Why is the revolutionary Che Guevara so highly regarded around the world?

He symbolizes rebellion, freedom, anti-authoritarianism, non-conformity, and perhaps some of the actions launched in the name of Che are actually exactly what Che opposes, and perhaps only the poor in the villages and slums of South America really know what Che says and thinks, but it does not matter: Che Guevara is just a symbol. The real popularity in China, but with the singing and dancing of rock bands and cultural shirts, with MTV, movies and Western pop culture, as a fashion, and rapidly localized.

Why is the revolutionary Che Guevara so highly regarded around the world?

If in the West, the symbol of cutting appears more on the streets, in China, he often stays on the ceiling of his bedroom or sound room, or on the wallpaper of his personal computer; If in the West, Che is more of a group symbol, in China, he is revered and collected by countless individuals.

Unlike the Western Guevara adherents, who are mostly from the laborers and the marginal classes, in China, Che is often the topic of "elites", white-collar workers, small intellectuals, etc., but is usually not well known to ordinary workers (the real Che, it is precisely the enemy of the former, the friend of the latter), they are fond of The incorruptibility, the idealism of Che, they are familiar with the anecdotes of Che in the presidency of the Cuban Bank to scare away corrupt officials, and they praise Che's positive anti-Americanism, but they may not dare to understand the Puritan life of Che. It is even more difficult to emulate his turbulent career of riding a motorcycle to visit latin American folk diseases. Some of them even pay attention to and pursue just because Che's shape is cool, or others are talking about Che, but they don't understand that this handsome, middle-class Argentine mingles with the poor and almost always uses the most slang and common popular language in his speeches.

For most Chinese admirers, Che Guevara is just a fad, a symbol, not an idea.

Why is the revolutionary Che Guevara so highly regarded around the world?

Che Guevara

The same symbol, the Western world's Cut and China's are quite different, the former is more rebellious and the latter is closer to the perfect idealist, which is related to the quality of the symbol: wherever it is, everything is regarded as a rebellion against the dissatisfaction of people's hearts, the difference of dissatisfaction, and naturally also produces Che Che Guevara as a symbol:

China's fans don't have much pain about globalization, and in other countries, radical youth don't take much interest in the story of its transformation of privatization.

The hero era has long gone away from us, in this era of consumption first, the operation of shopping malls and arenas has become the mainstream of social idols, but any era, any person in any society, more or less have the existence of heroic shadows in their minds.

In today's China, in the absence of heroes, heroic symbols such as Che Guevara are also more popular, more likely to be used as people's spiritual sustenance, and such as aged wine, lasting.

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