
The wisdom of survival: The more powerful the woman, the more rebellious, and the rebellious woman has three unique advantages

author:Tang Ruoxinxue
The wisdom of survival: The more powerful the woman, the more rebellious, and the rebellious woman has three unique advantages


Tang Ruoxin learns original works, and those who violate them will be investigated

Balzac said, "A man who can think is really a man of boundless power."

A person's thoughts determine the height of his life. A woman with an independent mind can show more advantages in dealing with problems!

The wisdom of survival: The more powerful the woman, the more rebellious, and the rebellious woman has three unique advantages

Not being a rabble, blind following will make us lose ourselves.

Successful women who have broken through the cocoon and are reborn have one thing in common: enjoy loneliness. They are good at using their time to improve themselves, rather than spending time on so-called girlfriend afternoon tea parties.

For most successful people, success is lonely! The process of getting better is all lonely, even though it is long and difficult.

The more a person knows what he wants, the easier it is to find the motivation for life, and the less he will follow the crowd. Rebellious girls will not take public life as their standard, but know how to pursue their inner dreams and achieve their goals down-to-earth.

Truly powerful women will treat their lives with their hearts, and they will also treat their own work and career with their hearts, because they deeply understand that work and career are the carrier of their lives.

The wisdom of survival: The more powerful the woman, the more rebellious, and the rebellious woman has three unique advantages

How you treat your work and career determines your growth direction and future, they put all their time and energy on their careers, skimming away the interference of the outside world, rejecting all temptations, women for men, want to focus on the work is more difficult, which requires strong willpower. People who can often persevere are not far from success!

Xiao Sui (pseudonym) is a graduate of Niben, compared to the more advantageous fresh graduates, her opportunity to enter this large company internship is not easy to come by. She had to gain a foothold in the company, neither a good resume nor a sophisticated understanding of people, so she had to work overtime during her internship to submit plans. Before graduation, I agreed to a weekly party with my roommates and never went, and I was not allowed to complain from nine to five.

Fortunately, a month's effort has left her behind by the personnel manager, in the words of the manager: her thinking is very innovative, she can always think of different places, and she spends more time than others are willing to work hard.

A month without dinner, no drama or entertainment, the inertia of contemporary youth has never been reflected in her. The harder you work, the luckier you get! When she gives up following her companions, it is her first step towards success!

For more articles on self-growth and self-improvement, you can follow my column, from the mentality, thinking, habits, relationships, cognition and other dimensions to help you rebuild your inner strong self in a complex jungle world.

The wisdom of survival: The more powerful the woman, the more rebellious, and the rebellious woman has three unique advantages

Women are all sensual creatures, and their attachment to feelings is far beyond their careers. Most of the women who can run their families and jobs at the same time know what they want, have a game of chess in their hearts, and walk steadily at every step.

The reality of life is what we have created, and the truly powerful woman deeply understands that human thought and practice are one and the same.

If you understand that the most important thing in life is to ask yourself what you want, whether it is a relationship or a career, we will be determined and at ease in our hearts.

Some people are only promised in their feelings, caught in it, and do not know what they want, in fact, life is a system, feelings and life are one.

The wisdom of survival: The more powerful the woman, the more rebellious, and the rebellious woman has three unique advantages

If we understand that life is a system, you may understand that the goal comes first, and marriage and feelings are part of the larger system of our lives.

Learning to integrate our life experiences with goals, often we become wiser. We can meet our own like-minded people on the road of life and walk down with each other. Some women will give up their lives for others, and powerful women never do such things.

On the contrary, at any stage, they are full of vitality and dare to pursue what they want. They are strong inside, and they know better what they need, so that they will not lose in front of life, but bravely live out the system of their lives.

The wisdom of survival: The more powerful the woman, the more rebellious, and the rebellious woman has three unique advantages

For women, we must learn to protect ourselves and be responsible for ourselves. Being responsible for yourself is the most important principle in life, and this is also the beginning of women becoming strong.

In life, I often find that those housewives who are disheveled and entrust themselves to their husbands' families are not good at dressing themselves, are cold-eyed by their in-laws, are angry with their husbands, take care of the family's living and cleaning, and live worse than nannies, nannies and salaries.

Most of them can do nothing in the face of foreign enemies in their feelings, they forget to love themselves, they are the protagonists of life, and the most responsible is for themselves.

You're not an appendage to any one person, and you don't want you to tail after him all day.

Xiaomei (pseudonym) is a housewife who is usually responsible for all the big and small things in the family. The husband went to work, and her day's work also began, cooking and cleaning, washing and doing, picking up and dropping off the children to and from school, and making dinner before the husband came home, putting hot water to take a bath, and even standing next to her to help rub her back when she took a bath.

The wisdom of survival: The more powerful the woman, the more rebellious, and the rebellious woman has three unique advantages

The husband was tired of seeing her follow him every day and asked East and West, and couldn't help but say: "Don't you have your own things to do?" Xiaomei was stunned, she had always thought that all she had to do was take care of this family and take care of him, and in the end she would still be annoyed. Later, Xiaomei went to find a job, and when she was free, she also got together with her friends, no longer hiding at home all day, and the family affairs were shared by the husband and wife, and now she was much happier.

Excessive love is too heavy, don't turn love for him into pressure. Divide half of yourself, and being responsible for yourself is also responsible for the other half. The more a person knows how to be responsible for himself, the more he can manage himself, and only by being responsible for himself can he create the life he wants.

Try to change your mind, be a rebellious woman, pursue yourself, know what you want, be responsible for yourself, and be the best version of yourself!

Today's topic: Do you think that powerful women are rebellious, welcome to discuss and communicate.

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