
Gaotai: "Unlucky Egg" Wei Xuerang's road out of poverty

author:Gaotai County Rong Media Center

Wei Xuerang is a registered card household in Yongjin Village, Nanhua Town, Gaotai County, and he is also a well-known "unlucky egg" who did not do anything in the past. In the past few years of poverty alleviation, Wei Xuerang has used his spirit of not accepting defeat to strive to develop the industry and get rid of poverty and take off the hat to live a good life.

Gaotai: "Unlucky Egg" Wei Xuerang's road out of poverty

When the reporter saw Wei Xuerang, he was feeding the sheep. Wei Xuerang's first development of the industry was to raise sheep, and the first "bad luck" was also because of sheep.

Gaotai: "Unlucky Egg" Wei Xuerang's road out of poverty
Gaotai: "Unlucky Egg" Wei Xuerang's road out of poverty

Wei Xuerang: "When the price of sheep was high, I caught more than fifty sheep and raised them for more than a year, and the price fell down, and the price dropped by five or six hundred, so that it did not survive, and finally sold, losing about six to eighty thousand." ”

When buying, the average sheep is more than 1,000 yuan, and the money to buy sheep is a poverty alleviation loan, how to repay this loan? Wei Xuerang could only think of other ways. After selling the sheep, he set his sights on tomato cultivation.

Gaotai: "Unlucky Egg" Wei Xuerang's road out of poverty
Gaotai: "Unlucky Egg" Wei Xuerang's road out of poverty

Wei Xuerang: "In 2017, I planted 30 acres of tomatoes, and my income is also OK." ”

30 acres of commercial tomatoes, that year earned more than 40,000 yuan, Wei Xuerang seems to see hope. In 2019, just as he was about to expand his area of cultivation, the sales of tomatoes had problems again.

Although after many blows, Wei Xuerang, who had accumulated rich planting experience, did not hurry to change to the cultivation of gourds, and the income of that year was not bad. This year, Wei Xuerang found a new tomato acquisition channel and expanded the scale of tomato cultivation.

Gaotai: "Unlucky Egg" Wei Xuerang's road out of poverty

Wei Xuerang: "This year, I planted seeds (tomatoes), which is better in terms of income than other crops such as gourds. ”

The meaning of life is not to go the right way at the beginning, but to be young has the capital of trial and error. The 37-year-old Wei Xuerang relied on the strength of not accepting defeat, and finally let those "unlucky" experiences become stepping stones on his way out of poverty.

Gaotai: "Unlucky Egg" Wei Xuerang's road out of poverty

Wei Xuerang: "We young people, whether we develop planting or breeding, learn from our failures, make more attempts, and stick to it and eventually make our lives better." ”

(Reporters: Lei Jingtao, Guo Kun)

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