
The reformer Luther talked about education

author:Active family education

Luther, full name Martin Luther, was a religious reformer who influenced the entire European process. He believed that the universities and monasteries left over from the Middle Ages could not get anything other than turn people into "donkeys and stupid pigs". This, coupled with the "shameful evil" that exists in these places, leads to the "heart-wrenching destruction" of young people in them. That being the case, it would be better for young people not to enter these schools and to keep them in a state of ignorance than to be physically and mentally devastated. The way out, then, is either to "destroy" these corrupt and devastating schools or to transform them into "christ's schools."

Luther believed that education consisted of two responsibilities, one was to cultivate the specialized talents needed by both the monastic and secular circles, and the other was to carry out general education for the people. He believed that among the specialized talents needed in both the monastic and secular circles were theologians, jurists and medical scientists. This was based on the social needs of the time. First of all, Luther attached great importance to the training of jurists, on the grounds that the German regime was based on "the laws of the Roman Empire", and in order to consolidate state power, it was necessary to uphold the law, and to maintain the law required knowledge and wisdom. In secular regimes, it is the knowledgeable jurists and other scholars who uphold the law and use this to maintain the proper functioning of secular regimes.

The reformer Luther talked about education

Another responsibility of education is to improve the culture and morality of the people. For the sake of the happiness of the country and the people, those in power should not be stingy with money, but should be willing to spend money on education. Therefore, in a letter to the mayor and the members of the parliament, Luther called on them to take responsibility for the education of young people. The happiness and glory of the city are all in their hands, and they have the responsibility to govern the city well. They should do their best to work day and night for this purpose. If it is believed that the happiness of the people's lives has nothing to do with oneself, then such a person is not worthy to rule the people, he is only worthy to rule the pigs and dogs. The princes and ministers knew only how to eat, drink and have fun, and they spied in the cellar kitchen all day. Therefore, the responsibility for running a good education naturally falls on the mayor and the city councilor.

Luther's claim had a great influence on the countries of Post-Reformation Europe. Since then, the simultaneous education of the church and the state power institutions has gradually become a European tradition for hundreds of years, and this tradition has continued to this day, but the secular institutions have gradually become dominant in running schools, and the church has changed from the previous dominance to the increasingly prominent state domination today.

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