
The most complete knowledge of folic acid, after reading the new understanding of folic acid, after reading it is collected

author:Cute mother teaches to bring a baby

In view of the fact that the fans have a strong learning momentum for the knowledge of folic acid before, today I will focus on the detailed knowledge of folic acid.

First of all, we have to know what folic acid is!

Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin that is not present in nature and is not biologically active, but is a precursor to the biologically active folate (folate). Folate is widely present in nature, including in animals and plants, and is rich in liver, kidney, green leafy vegetables, potatoes, wheat bran, etc. Folic acid delivers a carbon group (methyl or formyl) to deoxyuridylate, which turns it into deoxythymidine, which in turn synthesizes DNA.

The most complete knowledge of folic acid, after reading the new understanding of folic acid, after reading it is collected

Clinical manifestations of folate deficiency:

The main manifestations of folate deficiency are: anemia, others such as glossitis, tongue pain, tongue papillary atrophy, smooth tongue surface, angular cheilitis and loss of appetite. Oral administration of folic acid in the first trimester of pregnancy and the first trimester of pregnancy prevents fetal neural tube malformations. Folic acid is the most abundant in fresh vegetables, and the content in liver, kidney and yeast is also more, while the content in meat and milk is less. The clinical presentation of folate deficiency is similar to that of vitamin B12 deficiency, but folic acid deficiency does not present with neurologic signs and symptoms.

The most complete knowledge of folic acid, after reading the new understanding of folic acid, after reading it is collected

Why should pregnant women take the right amount of folic acid?

If after pregnancy, the expectant mother does not consume enough folic acid in time, then the first crisis that may be faced is anemia. The task of conceiving new life is a challenge for women's hematopoietic function. Lack of folic acid, the body is unable to make red blood cells normally, and symptoms of anemia may occur naturally. In addition, folic acid also has a certain role in preventing neural tube defects in newborn babies, and insisting on taking it on time every day can reduce the likelihood of this deformity by 50% to 70%. For other birth defects such as major body surface deformities and rabbit lips, insisting on taking them can also play a certain preventive effect.

The most complete knowledge of folic acid, after reading the new understanding of folic acid, after reading it is collected

When is the best time to start eating folic acid?

It is recommended to start 3 months before conception, in general, the dose taken before pregnancy is about 400 μg / day, but each person's specific situation is different, if you can not make an accurate decision on this, it is recommended that you go to the hospital for detailed consultation of women who intend to become pregnant.

In terms of 24 hours a day, the best time to take folic acid is in the early morning, half an hour or an hour after breakfast, and the body's absorption efficiency of folic acid is relatively high.

According to the conclusions of some researchers, if women take folic acid drugs before pregnancy, so that the level of folic acid in the body reaches a degree more suitable for fetal development, it can reduce the probability of development defects in the baby, and can also reduce the possibility of breast cancer in drinking women to a certain extent, so women who are trying to conceive must not ignore this important matter, at least 3 months in advance to start taking folic acid is better.

The most complete knowledge of folic acid, after reading the new understanding of folic acid, after reading it is collected

When to stop eating folic acid?

In the first three months of pregnancy, the third trimester of pregnancy can not be supplemented with additional folic acid, through diet, eat more green vegetables and the like can supplement folic acid.

The most complete knowledge of folic acid, after reading the new understanding of folic acid, after reading it is collected

So which vegetables are rich in folic acid values?


The most complete knowledge of folic acid, after reading the new understanding of folic acid, after reading it is collected

The above foods with high folic acid content can not replace folic acid supplements, but can only be used as an adjunct to folic acid supplementation!

Which brands of folic acid are good?

I will not list this to you one by one, so as not to have........ Suspicion (you know),

The most complete knowledge of folic acid, after reading the new understanding of folic acid, after reading it is collected

Finally, hopefully this knowledge will give you a new understanding of folic acid!

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