
As soon as I let go of my work, it flew to the sea of people - rock to report to the musician Luo Bing

author:Civil and military casual talks

My first impression of Mr. Luo Bing came from the compass band, from the fact that he wrote so many popular songs such as "Water Town in Dreams" and "Your Tenderness I Never Understand"! In recent years, I have the impression that Luo Bing has appeared more as a singer, in fact, he has many identities! This article is especially grateful to Wang Junlie of Beijing Qilin Shengteng Culture. Thank you to Mr. Luo Bing for sending hello to rock newspaper.

1 The last album "Bard" was released at the end of 2017, you also released a single in 2018, and now you have released the album "The Return of The Synodic", which shows that your desire to create is still very strong, tell the story of the preparation and production of the new album.

Creating has always been my instinct. I was recording emotions and motivations at all times, and with a more holistic idea, I organized them into songs, arranged harmonies, and considered the structure and singing style.

"The Return of Synodic" took a year and a half from planning to completion. Basically, for a year, I was deliberating, picking, and sticking to my original intention of making this album: to express a sense of middle-aged and calm maturity, while having some subtle overall concept album nature.

Every song is done very hard. This is the common problem of my ascending virgins: perfectionism. I have two friends, old guns in the circle, more powerful than me, the first day to record and the next day to delete the re-recording, so one has been doing it for twenty years and has not released his own album; one is running in his direction.

I didn't go overboard. Some songs are very smooth, such as "Growing Up Together", entering the shed many times, and finally choosing the version that was almost sung for the first time. Some songs are very competitive, such as "The Return of Synodic", once not, twice, always a little worse, the third, fourth, fifth... The seventh time, it finally became.

I would like to thank Beijing Good Listening Recording Studio for giving me great support, so that I can always use a more ideal state to hand over a relatively satisfactory answer sheet.

As soon as I let go of my work, it flew to the sea of people - rock to report to the musician Luo Bing
As soon as I let go of my work, it flew to the sea of people - rock to report to the musician Luo Bing
As soon as I let go of my work, it flew to the sea of people - rock to report to the musician Luo Bing

2The style of this album is very diverse, and your song name is still very personal.

Diverse styles have always been my label. Among the musicians I admire, Bob Dylan is like this, and so is Sting. Although commercially speaking, people who do this line of work want to put an accurate label on it to facilitate the popularity, I still feel that neither myself nor my listeners should limit my music to a certain style. For all things are the Word. Style and technique are only tools, and the most important purpose is to express the inner idea with various elements.

As for the song title, it's because I don't want to be the same as anyone else. This is also the consistent point I've made when I talk to a lot of people: if you want to write something, the most important thing is to write about your personality, in short, to be different. If it's the same as others, what's the point of you writing it?

As soon as I let go of my work, it flew to the sea of people - rock to report to the musician Luo Bing

Teacher Luo Bing and Wang Junlie

3Do you like your favorite song on this album?

Each capital loves it, because these ten songs were selected from more than thirty works. "G1317" poured out love with homecoming, "GrowIng Up Together" sharpened parent-child love with years, "Little Sorrow" laughed at the midlife crisis with a joke, "Written a Wrong Song" solemnly ridiculed reality, "Are You a Friend" showed solid loneliness with rapid change, "Like Someone" alienated deep feelings with excitement, "Lonely Jimo" urged to go with gentle rest, "Pastoral" expressed the vastness of the heart with a simple and simple way, and "Water Drops" paid tribute to "Three-Body Problem" with the captain, while revealing the final destination.

As for which songs the audience will like and which ones they like, it is not up to me to decide. My work, as soon as I let go, it flies to the sea of people, and in a way, it doesn't belong to me.

As soon as I let go of my work, it flew to the sea of people - rock to report to the musician Luo Bing
As soon as I let go of my work, it flew to the sea of people - rock to report to the musician Luo Bing

4Do the album title "The Return of the Synodic" have any special meaning?

"The Return of The Synodic" echoed my first album, "Bard in the Sky". New moon, moon, full moon, moon deficiency. This is a literal translation.

The lyrics of this song come from a Peking University sister. One year, at the Peking University Unnamed Poetry Festival, she heard my singing and sent me a poem, hoping that I would compose a song, and she sang at the graduation ceremony. The poems are beautiful. I wrote the song in three days. The sister sang very movingly. Later, this song also became my must-sing track.

The original meaning of this song comes from some parting, some love. At the beginning of the first hearing, it was a simple love song. My Peking University brother, however, translates the name into English as DIVINING FOR THE LUNAR SEAL. - The full moon is sealed, and the moments of light that the singer once had have been sealed. The singer continues to chant under the inspiration of the oracle, stubbornly to the void, and also to the friends of the nothingness. This nothingness is a kind of power, no matter how small the crowd, no matter how unknown, his calm sound waves still spread towards the wilderness in front of him. He knew that one day, these beautiful ripples could stir up beings hidden in the air and traveling in parallel space, just as he had been in the past few years, although the body had been forgotten, the soul was always returning. This is the portrayal of my life over the years. So, I chose it as the title of this album.

As soon as I let go of my work, it flew to the sea of people - rock to report to the musician Luo Bing

5How does this album feel different from previous works?

In my music career, the works I have written for others are either pops such as "Dream Water Town" and "Your Tenderness I Never Understand", or rock and roll such as "Choose Strong". However, I came to the fore from behind the scenes, and my favorite thing to do was the style of indie folk and folk rock.

The biggest difference, in the past, became famous works, mostly lyrics, which also made many people think that I was just a simple lyricist. But my own two albums, twenty songs, nineteen of which were composed by myself, some of which were also involved in the arrangement, and the masterpiece "Chao Phraya River" I also participated in guitar recording. I am constantly expanding my skills in the field of music, and I am also expressing my inner growth and cultivation progress more authentically and freely.

As soon as I let go of my work, it flew to the sea of people - rock to report to the musician Luo Bing

6Will there be a tour after the release of this album?

At the beginning, the Beijing launch ceremony on February 22, 2020, as well as the southwest and northeast tours in March and april, the preparation for the northwest and southeast in May6, and later to Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other places that have never been toured before. However, in the face of this huge epidemic, the plan must have all been ruined. I pay attention to various situations on the Internet every day, praying that God will bless China and bring peace as soon as possible.

As soon as I let go of my work, it flew to the sea of people - rock to report to the musician Luo Bing
As soon as I let go of my work, it flew to the sea of people - rock to report to the musician Luo Bing

7What have you been up to lately besides this album?

Lots of projects.

In terms of music, in addition to practicing the piano and practicing every day to prepare for possible performances at any time, we are also already planning a third album. The third will be different from the first and second, and may be more direct and violent.

In literature, I have been writing my magical tome intermittently, the nine-part "Beyond the Sky". Although it is not easy to publish such a book at this stage, I still try to make it a super IP and improve it in every way.

In terms of fine arts, I started learning to paint in March 2018 and quickly received many accolades and invitations online. Last year I painted the cover of each issue of Prose Poetry World magazine, last year this year I opened a poetry column for Traveler magazine entitled "Picturesque", this year I gave some friends new calligraphy covers and illustrations, and the new album "The Return of The Synodic" also began to pre-sell my original prints and hand-drawn original paintings. At the famous Today Art Museum in Beijing, a curator is curating my first solo exhibition.

8What do you think about the development of Chinese rock music over the years?

Frankly, there are fewer people who actively listen. Most of them are heard at music festivals or other co-stage performances, as well as in other people's retweets.

Some are very good, some are not good evaluation.

In these years, the audiovisual environment, learning conditions, overall quality, and living standards have all improved a lot compared with our time. However, some other factors are worse than we were then. This question cannot be deeply investigated. Let's put it this way, everyone has a young age. Youth is the best rock era. Let's cherish it.

As soon as I let go of my work, it flew to the sea of people - rock to report to the musician Luo Bing
As soon as I let go of my work, it flew to the sea of people - rock to report to the musician Luo Bing

9 What songs do you usually listen to yourself?

Mainly foreign, supplemented by old songs. The style is mostly rock, world and indie. Every night before going to bed, I relax and brush the vibrato fast hand, and I also like the pop songs on it. Each era has its own imprint. Knowing a little more, there's no harm.

10 You seem to have a lot of identities, what would you do if you didn't make music? (Personally, I feel that you are a person who will always stick to your ideals)

I've really done a lot of industries. But in my heart, I was always a bard. I can't stop music, because in the world, music is the most ethereal form of art. And the mission I set for myself is to use all the art forms I can master - writing, music, art, film and television... to express the poetry of the heart.

As soon as I let go of my work, it flew to the sea of people - rock to report to the musician Luo Bing

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