
Taihe Music supports Luo Bing's "bard": blooming warmth in the cold winter

author:Xinhuanet client
Taihe Music supports Luo Bing's "bard": blooming warmth in the cold winter

On a winter day in Beijing in November, a group of people gathering in the candy live may be the oldest, most educated, but also the most enthusiastic and poetic group in the city. They are students from Peking University, and they are a group of people who love music, poetry, dreams and far away.

On this night, they came to commemorate the past years, to look back, but also to chant. They gathered offstage, looking up, and responding to the "talents" of Peking University, luo Bing, a bard who had influenced mainland pop music for many years, and his friends, and sang the melody that belonged to youth. In this fast-paced era, he is doing an idealistic thing - opening a poetic, slow-flowing "bard" night dedicated to Peking University.

Mention the name "Luo Bing", perhaps only thirty or forty years old people are familiar with it, but if you mention "Your Tenderness I Never Understand", "Dream Water Town", and "Back" that made Huang Qishan shock the whole audience when I am a singer, I think people who have a certain understanding of mainland music will know one or two, and they will be surprised to find that these good works that have touched a generation or generations are all from the hands of this low-key "poet" Luo Bing. Flipping through Luo Bing's resume, you can easily be shocked by his "qualifications", he can be said to be the golden 20 years of popular music in the past, one of the top two talents of mainland music authors, who has created interludes and music for more than 30 film and television works, won hundreds of top ten golden melody awards, and five masterpieces won the CCTV Spring Festival Gala... And Mao Amin, Na Ying, Yang Yuying, Tian Zhen, Han Hong, Jiang Shan, behind these well-known names, there are Luo Bing, dedicated to his career, quite representative masterpieces.

At that time, he was called "Luo Half" by music critics, because in his heyday, almost half of the top 10 pop songs on the charts were marked with Luo Bing's lyrics. Luo Bing's works, grown up and circulated in that "era of innocence", do not have the influence of the current impetuous and pluralistic atmosphere, most of them are melodic, full of tension, and more importantly, the lyrics are like poetry, which can withstand scrutiny and repeated pondering. Such poetry makes his works have enduring classical power, and to this day, "Dream Water Town" and "Your Tenderness I Never Understand" are still covered on many occasions and circulated.

Taihe Music supports Luo Bing's "bard": blooming warmth in the cold winter

On the scene on November 5, it is not at all obvious that Luo Bing is nearly half a hundred people, each familiar old song has been re-adapted into a passionate band arrangement, at the same time, the big screen is also equipped with exquisite video materials, coupled with the enthusiasm of the old students below, it can be said that its on-site heat is no less than the Live Show of all kinds of small fresh meat. Perhaps because of age and experience, these old songs have been re-sung, sometimes singing to make people think, sometimes singing to make people sad. In short, it is not a fast-moving consumer product of this era, but a spiritual food that takes a period of time to digest precipitation and repeatedly ponder.

At the scene, Luo Bing's "old classmates" stressed that Luo Bing is a poet, and the poetry and arrogance bred in the white-clad Peking University campus are the foundation of this "cloud tour", but also because of such poetry and arrogance, such talent and taciturny, in such an era, authors like Luo Bing, and many good works, it is easy to be submerged in countless marketing number pushes, countless gossip tearing headlines.

In this era of madness is greater than reason, capital is greater than poetry, what is valuable is that there is such a slightly gentle, full of literary night, speaking of this, it is also necessary to mention the supporters behind this Live performance, Taihe Music's "Baidu Musician" - it is this sensitive and responsible platform, found that many independent musicians and small and medium-sized label musicians similar to Luo Bing' situation, although they have continuous content creation and production capacity, but suffer from small team operation, can not cover the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain So with the help of their own energy, to help such musicians stand on a bigger stage.

From the "Volume T List" of 120 million to original singers, to the "Baidu Musicians" that help original musicians stand on the big stage, what is valuable is that Taihe Music Group, as a large platform with capital strength, does not blindly chase the benefits of fast-moving consumption, but uses capital to truly inject energy into the industry, and creators to inject energy, join the possibility, and truly pay money and strength to promote the benign development of China's music industry.

Luo Bing's "bard" night is just the beginning, and I hope that in the future, such a diverse music night will blossom and bear fruit more and more. I hope to see taihe and Baidu musicians who are more and more committed to original music and committed to the core of the industry can help more musicians stand on the stage, help more good music grow and grow, and be heard by more philharmonic ears. Under the guidance of the platform with ambition and industrial responsibility, such hopes should not be difficult to achieve.

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