
Chongqing's 87-year-old grandfather disappeared for 26 hours, hundreds of people searched, 30 meters down the mountain to find him...

The mountains are good, the water is good, the air is good, and such a place is not rare in Chongqing District. In recent years, more and more elderly citizens will choose to come to the land surrounded by mountains and rivers for vacation, recuperation and life. However, how can an elderly person be found in such a place? Recently, in Nanchuan Linyuan Farm, a story of "one person has difficulties and a hundred people rescued" was staged.

Chongqing's 87-year-old grandfather disappeared for 26 hours, hundreds of people searched, 30 meters down the mountain to find him...

Grandma Hu recalled this experience with palpitations

Grandpa Octogenaise was gone

Things should start from 2017, Linyuan Farm is located in Nanping Yunwu Village Group 9, Nanchuan District, where local resident Zhang Changping built a six-storey building with more than 100 rooms, and undertook the farm in the form of rent and sale.

This place is adjacent to the mountains and rivers, all year round cloud, fresh air, citizens come here to eat farm vegetables, drink mountain spring water, everyone word of mouth, rush to come here. So far, Zhang Changping has sold more than 100 sets of single room supporting facilities, and the farm is still quite prosperous.

Time to the beginning of July this year, the former Chongqing machine tool factory retired employee, 87-year-old Chen Dongtao and 83-year-old partner Hu Dawen also came to Linyuan Farm for a vacation, most of the residents living here are over 50 years old, daily everyone swings the dragon gate array, play mahjong, dance the dam dance, drink some wine, and the little life is very happy.

Chongqing's 87-year-old grandfather disappeared for 26 hours, hundreds of people searched, 30 meters down the mountain to find him...

Residents play mahjong and swing the dragon gate array on a daily basis at the farm

At about 2 p.m. on July 14, Grandma Hu felt a little sleepy, so she was ready to take a nap in the room, Grandpa Chen told Grandma Hu that she went downstairs to see everyone play mahjong, but she didn't expect that this would not return...

"He is old and his brain is not very clear, plus his legs and feet are inconvenient, from this year, I am basically inseparable from him..." Grandma Hu said, at more than 3 p.m., she came downstairs to find Grandpa Chen but there was no shadow, some people said that Grandpa Chen came to see mahjong for a while, and it was estimated that he went for a walk.

Grandma Hu searched for more than 1 hour according to the trajectory of the daily walk between the two of them, but she never found it, which made her feel more and more unreliable: "There is a section of the road out of the farm that is a barren mountain road, he said many times he wanted to go to see, but I felt unsafe and did not let it go." I suspect he just went this way..."

After Mother-in-law Hu calculated, she began to search for the second time, but even though she shouted loudly and walked sweaty, she still did not find Grandpa Chen. This made Grandma Hu completely panicked, and when she returned to the farm, she found Qu Chun, who also lived here, for help...

Chongqing's 87-year-old grandfather disappeared for 26 hours, hundreds of people searched, 30 meters down the mountain to find him...

Group photo of some rescuers at the farm

Hundreds of people participated in the rescue

"The old man is a very playful person, with a tough body and a good appetite, and he has to blow bottles all the time, in fact, everyone controls the amount for him, and only lets him drink a few dollars of wine." Anyone familiar with it knew that his brain was no longer very bright. When everyone knew the situation, the old man had been lost for nearly 2 hours, and the situation was very tense! Qu Chun introduced that he was a good friend of Chen Hong, the eldest son of Grandpa Chen, and Grandpa Chen was gone, and he had an unshirkable responsibility.

On the one hand, Qu Chun informed Chen Hong, the owner of the farm, Zhang Changping and the staff, on the other hand, he and the residents of the farm were relatively familiar, and also summoned everyone to find someone together, so you passed on me, I passed on you, and the surrounding residents were mobilized to find Grandpa Chen, and there were hundreds of people in the eye. At the same time, everyone also dialed 110 and 119 for help.

As the saying goes, many people are powerful. But on special occasions, this may not be the case. It should be noted that there are two other farms around Linyuan Farm. Everyone originally wanted to find clues through surveillance video, but Linyuan Farm did not monitor, another farm stay monitoring was broken, and the remaining farm had monitoring, but there was no trace of Grandpa Chen in the video.

At this time, everyone looked for Grandpa Chen's route and had different opinions: on the rural road into Linyuan Farm, the left side was a hillside, and there was a cement wall less than one meter high. Some people wondered if Grandpa Chen accidentally fell down while sitting on the cement wall to rest, but because the woods were blocked, the line of sight could not see to the bottom of the mountain.

This speculation was denied by Grandma Hu, who said: "When we take this road, I want to sit on it and rest, and I have to be yelled at by him that it is not safe, and he will certainly not do it!" "But Grandma Hu's affirmation is actually not enough, after all, Grandpa Chen is sometimes delirious, which is not easy to say...

Where did Grandpa Chen go? Did you fall to the bottom of the mountain? What is his physical condition? Is it dangerous? No one can answer these questions!

A little time passed, it was more than 11 o'clock in the evening, the night in the mountains, dark and lonely, "Daddy, Chen Dongtao, Grandpa Chen, Old Master..." Everyone carried machetes, flashlights, and wooden sticks all the way in the mountains, and all kinds of calls to Grandpa Chen sounded, but the only response to everyone was each other's echoes.

The second daughter, Chen Juan, said that the family rushed to the farm at 7:05 p.m. that night, and as of 2:00 a.m. on July 15, she did not know how many times she had shouted "Daddy", and the tears were flowing and dry, dry and flowing. While physically and mentally exhausted, she did not dare to think about the bad, and could only silently expect and wait for rescue.

Chongqing's 87-year-old grandfather disappeared for 26 hours, hundreds of people searched, 30 meters down the mountain to find him...

The section where Grandpa Chen fell to the bottom of the mountain was scattered with fallen leaves, which was easy to slip

Multi-party linkage to find the elderly

At 6:00 a.m. on July 15, it was just dawn and the rescuers came!

Nanchuan District fire officers and soldiers came to the scene, they tied ropes around their waists, and began a carpet search for the location where Grandpa Chen might have fallen, and the woods, grass, and rocks were all the places they were looking for. At the same time, the volunteer rescue team, the local police station, and the unnamed Zhang trainer also came to the scene with the police dog Bei Bei. After seeing Bei Bei sniffing at Grandpa Chen's shoes and socks, Zhang Trainer patted Bei Bei's body, and it rushed out to the mountains and forests...

Chongqing's 87-year-old grandfather disappeared for 26 hours, hundreds of people searched, 30 meters down the mountain to find him...

Babe was sniffing Grandpa Chen's shoes and socks

At 4 p.m., Babe came to the bottom of a mountain, a place that is not usually reached by people, and is at least 30 meters high from the passable place. Along with Bei Bei's roar, Zhang Trainer firmly told everyone that Grandpa Chen had found it!

"Do you have to live?" The third son, Chen Hong, shouted loudly. "Alive, sober!" Instructor Zhang responded.

The firefighters went out again, they tied Grandpa Chen on his back, confirmed that it was firm, and then slowly took Grandpa Chen to a safe place through the rope, and then sent him to the hospital. At this point, after 26 hours, everyone finally confirmed that Grandpa Chen's life was not in danger, and the crowd cheered and applauded, which was both a blessing for Grandpa Chen and a thumbs up for every rescuer.

Chongqing's 87-year-old grandfather disappeared for 26 hours, hundreds of people searched, 30 meters down the mountain to find him...

Fire officers and men are carrying out rescue

A fractured right leg is lucky

At about 8 p.m. on July 16, the reporter came to the Southern Suburbs Hospital of Banan District and met Grandpa Chen and his family, at this time, Grandpa Chen was chatting with his third son Chen Gong intermittently, and as for the incident, he could not recall it, and he did not even know that his "leg was broken".

Grandpa Chen: "I haven't seen you for a long time, I like you." ”

Chen Gong shook Grandpa Chen's hand and said, "Dad, I have always been with you..."

According to the doctor, Grandpa Chen was diagnosed with a fracture of his right calf accompanied by some skin trauma, and further hospitalization was needed as to whether the internal organs were lost, and the recovery time required at least 3 months. "Grandpa Chen's body is relatively good, it is estimated that there is a tree buffer during the fall, and the elderly encounter this situation, such an injury is very lucky!" The doctor said so.

Reminder >>>

The scenery is good

Security measures can not be less

On July 17, the upstream news Chongqing Evening News slow news reporter came to Linyuan Farm, and the owner of the farm, Zhang Changping, Zhai Chun, and other residents living here accompanied the reporter to re-walk the line where Grandpa Chen fell. Although there are traces of people walking on this mountain road, the rocks along the way are mixed with fallen leaves and mud, and it is not easy to walk.

The path that Grandpa Chen fell was only half a meter wide, full of fallen leaves, and it was quite soft to step on, although the reporter had the heart to be defensive, but he accidentally stepped on it, and Zhang Changping quickly came over to support the reporter. At this point, we started to walk back to the farm.

Chongqing's 87-year-old grandfather disappeared for 26 hours, hundreds of people searched, 30 meters down the mountain to find him...

Zhang Changping pointed out the spot where Grandpa Chen fell to the ground

Along the way, the residents lamented that this road is really difficult to walk, if it were not for the purpose of finding Grandpa Chen, everyone would certainly not go there. On the night of looking for Grandpa Chen, in fact, several people accidentally fell down in the mountains. Through this incident, everyone also put the safety issues that were ignored in the past on the agenda, and the reporter and the farm owner Zhang Changping also had the following dialogue.

Reporter: Everyone thinks that if the farm has installed surveillance, it will bring great help to find Grandpa Chen, why don't we?

Zhang Changping: Last year, the monitoring system was prepared for security, and the monitoring system was more than 8,000 yuan, and there was no security when the funds were tight. After this incident, this year will definitely be safe!

Reporter: What enlightenment did Grandpa Chen have for you in terms of safety issues?

Zhang Changping: When everyone came, we all told us that the road was not easy to walk, and there was a certain danger. But I can't get a fence either... (At this time, some residents suggested that Zhang Changping should set up a notice board on the dangerous route and raise the earthen wall at the entrance where there was a safety hazard, zhang Changping hesitated for a while, but still nodded in agreement.) )

Reporter: Suppose Grandpa Chen had an accident, what do you do as a manager?

Zhang Changping: I don't have any sub-culture, I signed a contract with them before.

He provided the reporter with a standard contract signed between the farm and the consumer, one of which roughly wrote: The diseases and accidental casualties of the occupants are borne by the occupants. If the occupants are minors and the elderly who need nursing care, the relatives shall bear the responsibility of guardianship and nursing. So, is this contract valid?

Lawyer >>>

Disclaimer form contract is invalid

Chen Jiankang, a lawyer at Chongqing Zhihe Zhi law firm, believes that even if Lin yuan farm and consumers sign a standard contract and try to exempt themselves from liability, the contract cannot override the law and should be an invalid contract.

He also said that according to the Provisions of the Tort Liability Law, business operators have safety reminders and protection obligations for consumers, and if they do not fulfill the relevant reminders and protections, consumers should bear certain liabilities for compensation if they are accidentally injured.

Chongqing Evening News Slow News Breaking Email: [email protected]


Upstream News Chongqing Evening News Slow News Reporter Wen Han / Wen, Picture

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