
2021 China B Chong A Group Qingdao Manatee 1-0 Dongguan, Hebei Kung Fu 1-0 Xiamen

author:A small fish that eats bear paws

The 11th round of the China B Rush Group A competition was held at 2 p.m. on November 10. Qingdao Manatee beat Dongguan Guanlian 1-0 with Sun Xu's world wave. Continue to lead the second place by 6 points, the third place by 7 points and the fourth place by 8 points.

2021 China B Chong A Group Qingdao Manatee 1-0 Dongguan, Hebei Kung Fu 1-0 Xiamen

Hebei Kung Fu defeated Xiamen with Shi Jun's 90-minute goal. The points reach 20 points. 6 points less than Manatee.

With 3 rounds left in the league, the next round of Manatee's victory over Xiamen will be successful in the first two rounds of the first round.

The remaining three branches of Hebei, Guangxi, and Qingchun Island all have the opportunity to directly rush the armor. But both Hebei and Guangxi will face Qingdao Manatees. The remaining three rounds of Youth Island are more relaxed. Played against Shanghai, Dongguan and Xiamen respectively. If you don't drop the chain, manatee will fight Guangxi and Hebei again. Then manatees and youth islands will join hands to punch the armor.

Looking forward to the manatee and youth island hand in hand to rush the armor.

2021 China B Chong A Group Qingdao Manatee 1-0 Dongguan, Hebei Kung Fu 1-0 Xiamen
2021 China B Chong A Group Qingdao Manatee 1-0 Dongguan, Hebei Kung Fu 1-0 Xiamen