
I asked whether Lingnan should be good, but I said: This peace of mind is my hometown" Is it a dialogue between Su Shi and whom?

author:Pure heart like dust

"If you ask If Lingnan should be good, you will say: This peace of mind is my hometown" is from Su Shi's "Dingfeng Wave • South China Sea Return to Wang Dingguo Waiter Yu Niang". The full word is as follows:

Often envious of the world's Jade Lang, Heaven should beg and point crispy lady. As far as the song is sung, the wind rises, and the snow flies and the sea becomes cool.

Wanli returned to the older and fewer, smiling, laughing with the fragrance of lingmei. I asked whether Lingnan should be good, but I said: This peace of mind is my hometown.

"I asked whether Lingnan should be good, but I said, this peace of mind is my hometown" is the dialogue between Su Shi and Rou Nu. Rou Nu was Wang Gong's concubine, and Wang Gong was Su Shi's close friend. At that time, Wang Gong was relegated to Pennsylvania, which was located in the remote land of Lingnan, because he was implicated in the "Wutai Poetry Case", and only Rou Nu accompanied him.

Rou Nu was originally the daughter of a large family in Luoyang City, but later became a singer in the family road and was treated as a concubine by Wang Gongna, who treated her very well and did not let her suffer.

When Wang Gong fell into distress, she resolutely accompanied him. In the sixth year of the Northern Song Dynasty (1083), Wang Gong returned, and during the wine banquet, Su Shi met the suffering couple. Su Shi saw Rou Nu at first sight and thought that she was more and more beautiful, and the five years of humid heat and wind and frost in Lingnan not only did not have the appearance of a haggard Rou Nu, but made her more feminine and beautiful.

"Often envious of the world's Jade Lang, Tianying Beg and Point Crisp Lady" depicts the beauty of Rou Nu for the reader, handsome in appearance, beautiful and moving. "Self-made song spreads the teeth, the wind rises, and the snow flies and the sea becomes cool." The meaning of this sentence is that Rou Nu can compose her own songs, and the clear and pleasant song is sung from her mouth, which makes people feel like the wind and snow flying, making the hot place into a cool place, and making Su Shi's bitter and irritable heart become quiet and comfortable. This sentence praises Rou Nu's superb singing skills and also praises her beautiful heart.

"The Return of Thousands of Miles is Getting Fewer and Fewer Years" writes about Rou Nu's open-mindedness about the hard life in Lingnan, and after returning, he is radiant and more youthful. The word "smile" is written about the pride of the difficult years revealed by Rou Nu in the joy of his return. "When you laugh, you still have a plum fragrance", praising Jono's strong will to overcome difficulties, and paving the way for her answer below.

Life in Lingnan is obviously very hard, so why can Rou Nu still maintain her beautiful face and idyllic smile? So Su Shi asked Rou Nu, life in Lingnan must be very hard, right? Rou Nu smiled and said lightly, "This peace of mind is my hometown." After Hearing this, Su Shi was greatly moved and made this word to praise Rou Nu.

Bai Juyi once wrote in "Leaving the City for the First Time", "I was born without a hometown, and my peace of mind is the place to return", and in "Planting Peach and Apricot", Bai Juyi also has "No matter the cape and the end of the world, the peace of mind is home" and so on. Su Shi's words, inspired by Bai Shi, but also clearly bear the imprint of what happened to Wang Gong and Rou Nu, and the personality characteristics of the lyricists are completely Su Dongpo-style warnings.

This poem concisely and eloquently portrays the beauty of Rou Nu's appearance and heart unity, and expresses the author's broad and broad heart in the face of political adversity by singing the praises of Rou Nu's valuable character of being at ease in the face of adversity.

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