
Northern Qi Shao Emperor - Gao Heng

author:Keep walking
Northern Qi Shao Emperor - Gao Heng

Gao Heng (570--577) was the son of The Northern Qi Emperor Gao Wei, the mother empress Mu Weili, and the last emperor of Northern Qi during the Northern and Southern Dynasties. At that time, Northern Zhou was constantly attacking the decaying Northern Qi, and the Qi army was repeatedly defeated. Gao Wei Ben Zen was located in his son Gao Heng, changing the yuan to "Chengguang". Only 24 days after Gao Heng ascended the throne, Northern Qi Jingshi (in present-day Hebei) fell, and Gao Heng and more than 10 other people fled on horseback to the Chen Dynasty in the south.

Northern Qi Shao Emperor - Gao Heng

Gao Heng saw that the Northern Zhou army was in hot pursuit, and he did not dare to wear this yellow robe. He then issued a document ceding the throne to Gao Xiang, the King of Rencheng, who was stationed in Yingzhou (present-day Hejian, Hebei Province). Gao Heng claimed to be the Heavenly King of The Great Qi Shouguo, and Gao Wei was called the Supreme Emperor of Great Qi. Gao Wei's father and son sent the attendant Hu Lu Xiaoqing to give Gao Xiang the Zen text and the seal.

Northern Qi Shao Emperor - Gao Heng

However, Huo Luxiaoqing did not give it to Gao Yong, but to Yuwen Yong, the emperor of northern Zhou, as a capital to sell himself to. Gao Anaqiu, a close confidant who had followed Gao Wei for many years, joined forces with Northern Zhou Li, causing Gao Heng and Gao Wei and dozens of people in his party to be captured by Northern Zhou, and Northern Qi was destroyed. In October of the sixth year of Jiande (577), Gao Wei, Gao Heng and others were killed by Yuwen Yong.

Northern Qi Shao Emperor - Gao Heng

Gao Heng was born less than 100 days after his birth in the capital of Yi (邺都, in present-day Linzhangyi Town, Hebei) and was made crown prince. In October of the seventh year of Wuping (576), Emperor Yuwen Yong of northern Zhou personally led an army of 100,000 troops, divided into three routes, and attacked Northern Qi in a large scale. At that time, Northern Qi was already corrupt and incompetent, so that Northern Qi's border defense center, Jinzhou (present-day Linfen, Shanxi), was captured by Northern Zhou within two days.

Northern Qi Shao Emperor - Gao Heng

The Northern Zhou army drove straight into the hinterland of Northern Qi like a flood beast, and the crown prince Gao Heng followed Gao Weicang to the east. In order to shirk the responsibility of Northern Qi's fall of the country, Gao Wei hurriedly gave his son Gao Heng the throne on the first day of the first lunar month of the following year (577), and Gao Heng took the throne at the age of eight, changing the yuan to the first year of Chengguang, amnesty for the world, honoring the empress dowager as the empress dowager, Gao Wei as the emperor of Taishang, and later as empress dowager.

Northern Qi Shao Emperor - Gao Heng

When Gao Heng ascended the throne, Huangmen Shilang Yan Zhitui, Zhongshu Shilang Xue Daoheng, and Shizhong Chen Dexin advised Gao Wei to rush to the outside of the river to recruit troops, and then make plans, and if he could not succeed, he would turn to Southern Chen. Gao Wei followed their advice. Empress Dowager Tai and Empress Taishang first rushed from Yecheng to Jeju. The Northern Zhou army gradually approached. Gao Heng fled east from Yecheng. Within a few days, Gao Wei led more than a hundred attendants to flee east and cross the river into Jeju.

Northern Qi Shao Emperor - Gao Heng

Gao Heng was also located in Gao Xiang,the Great Chancellor and the King of Rencheng,Gao Huang (高湝), with Gao Wei as the Supreme Emperor and Gao Heng as the Heavenly King of shouguo. The empress dowager was left in Jeju, and Gao Ana was sent to stay behind. Gao Wei and the empress dowager fled to Qingzhou with Gao Heng, and when Gao Ana saw that Northern Qi was gone, he colluded with the Northern Zhou army and agreed with Northern Zhou to capture them alive.

Northern Qi Shao Emperor - Gao Heng

Subsequently, Gao Wei and Gao Heng and their entourage were captured by the Northern Zhou army and sent to Yicheng, where Emperor Wu of The Northern Zhou received them as guests and had them escorted to Chang'an. Northern Zhou enfeoffed gaowei as the Duke of Wen. In October of the sixth year of Jiande (577), someone framed Gao Wei and Yizhou Assassin Shi Mutiba and others for rebellion, and dozens of other people, including Gao Heng and Gao Yanzong, were all given death. In the last year of the elephant, Yang Xiuzhi, Chen Dexin and others initiated the grand chancellor Sui Gong and requested the burial of Gao Heng and others, and after obtaining the approval of the Sui Gong, they were buried in the Hongdu River in the northern plains of Chang'an.

Northern Qi Shao Emperor - Gao Heng